Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Tutorial: FMI Beginner's tutorial Part 1
Monday, 09/Oct/2023:
1:30pm - 2:30pm

Session Chair: Christian Bertsch
Session Chair: Claudio Gomes
Location: Room Helium

Session Abstract

The first part consists of a presentation of the motivation, history, the FMI project, the basic technical idea, the different FMI versions, limitations and the current state of tool support. In the second part, hands-on exercises are given to gain first experience with creating, checking, coupling and simulating FMUs in different open source and commercial tools. This second part can also viewed as a demonstration where the exercises are done by the presenters, if the software tools are not available. At the end an outlook is given on further material: other resources such as tutorial modules for mote advanced usage of FMI.

Presenters in this session: Cinzia Bernardeschi, Christian Bertsch, Cláudio Gomes, Torsten Sommer, Maurizio Palmieri

For the agenda, the presentations and material + installation-instructions for the hands-on-part see <

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