Contact and Legal Notice


Event Details

The 15th International Modelica Conference

October 9-11, 2023 | Aachen, Germany



The following organizer is responsible for the contents of this ConfTool installation:


Organizer of the Conference:
RWTH Aachen University
E.ON Energy Research Center
Mathieustraße 10
52074 Aachen / Germany
EU VAT ID: DE-121689807

Registration and Payment Service:
RWTH International Academy gGmbH
Campus-Boulevard 30
52074 Aachen / Germany

Tax No.: 20159023987
EU VAT ID: DE-209849580

Contact Address:

Homepage URL:


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Contact and Legal Notice · Contact Address:
Privacy Statement · Conference: Modelica Conference 2023
Conference Software: ConfTool Pro 2.8.103+CC
© 2001–2024 by Dr. H. Weinreich, Hamburg, Germany