Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Session 2-B: Symbolic algorithms and numerical methods for model transformation and simulation 1
Tuesday, 10/Oct/2023:
1:45pm - 3:00pm

Session Chair: Benoît Caillaud
Location: Room Silver

Session Topics:
Symbolic algorithms and numerical methods for model transformation and simulation

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Pseudo Array Causalization

Karim Abdelhak1, Francesco Casella2, Bernhard Bachmann1

1University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Germany; 2Politecnico di Milano

In the current state-of-the-art modeling tools for simulation, it is common to describe system behavior symbolically using mixed continuous and discrete differential-algebraic equations, so called hybrid DAEs. To correctly resolve higher index problems, hybrid systems and to efficiently use ODE solvers, a matching and sorting problem has to be solved, commonly referred to as causalization. Typically multidimensional equations and variables are scalarized, which leads to excessive build time and generated code size in the case of large systems.

An algorithm will be presented, that preserves array structures as much as possible while still solving the problem of causalization in scalar fashion. Test results carried out in the OpenModelica tool show a reduction in build time of one/two orders of magnitude and of a factor two/three in the simulation run time for models of the ScalableTestSuite library.

Abdelhak-Pseudo Array Causalization-155_a.pdf

Understanding and Improving Model Performance at Small Mass Flow Rates in Fluid System Models

Robert Flesch, Annika Kuhlmann, Johannes Brunnemann, Eiden Jörg

XRG Simulation GmbH, Germany

This paper provides a detailed analysis of the reasons behind the poor simulation performance observed when mass flow rates become very small, commonly referred to as zero mass flow issues. By using simple example models, we effectively demonstrate the underlying causes of these simulation performance issues. We highlight various contributing factors that play a significant role in exacerbating the problem.

Furthermore, we propose and examine countermeasures to mitigate these challenges. These countermeasures include modifications to the model itself, utilization of available settings in simulation tools, and adjustments to the solver. By implementing and evaluating these countermeasures, we illustrate their impact on improving simulation performance in scenarios involving low mass flow rates.

Flesch-Understanding and Improving Model Performance at Small Mass Flow Rates-161_a.pdf

Hybrid data driven/thermal simulation model for comfort assessment

Romain Barbedienne1, Sara Yasmine Ouerk1, Mouadh Yagoubi1, Hassan Bouia2, Aurélie Kaemmerlen2, Benoit Charrier2

1IRT-SystemX, France; 2EDF, France

Machine learning models improve the speed and quality of physical models. However, they require a large amount of data, which is often difficult and costly to acquire. Predicting thermal comfort, for example, requires a controlled environment, with participants presenting various characteristics (age, gender, ...). This paper proposes a method for hybridizing real data with simulated data for thermal comfort prediction. The simulations are performed using Modelica Language. A benchmarking study is realized to compare different machine learning methods. Obtained results look very promising with an F1 score of 0.999 obtained using the random forest model.

Barbedienne-Hybrid data driventhermal simulation model for comfort assessment-200_a.pdf

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