Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
FMI User Meeting
Tuesday, 10/Oct/2023:
1:45pm - 3:00pm

Session Chair: Christian Bertsch
Location: Room Carbon

Session Abstract

Welcome (5 Min., Christian Bertsch)

Status and outlook FMI Standard (10 Min, Christian Bertsch)

Status and outlook SSP Standard (5 Min, Pierre Mai)

Industrial user talks:

Building Blocks for Simulation based Cooperation between Partners (15min, Hans-Martin Heinkel)

Linking Design Requirements to FMUs to create LOTAR compliant mBSE models (15min, Clément Coïc et. al)

Status and Outlook eFMI Standard (10 Min., Christoff Bürger)

General Q&A, Feedback and Ideas (15 Min.)

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Building Blocks for Simulation based Cooperation between Partners

Hans-Martin Heinkel1, Pierre Mai2

1Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany; 2PMSF

This presentation first shows the challenges of Simulation based Cooperation between Partners like, traceability, cooperation in a network of partners with heterogeneous environments. Then some solution building blocks are presented. First the Credible Simulation Process Framework as a basis for traceability. Then the MIC Core Specification for Model Metadata and its application is presented. The usage of Modelica standards like FMI, SSP, SSP-traceability in a cooperation is shown by an example

Heinkel-Building Blocks for Simulation based Cooperation between Partners-207_a.pdf

Linking Design Requirements to FMUs to create LOTAR compliant mBSE models

Clément Coïc1, Mark Williams2, Juan Carlos Mendo3, Jose Maria Alvarez-Rodriguez4, Marcus Karel Richardson3

1Modelon, Germany; 2PDES, Inc and INCOSE, USA; 3The Boeing Company, USA; 4Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain

LOng Time Archiving and Retrieval (LOTAR) of models is key to using the full capabilities of model-Based System Engineering (mBSE) in a system design lifecycle. LOTAR supports model exchange, reuse and the long-term preservation of data representing our valuable product designs and knowledge. The PDES-LOTAR MBSE workgroup is writing the EN/NAS 9300-Part 5xx specifications to standardize the associated process, across the aerospace industry. These technologies are developed and adapted to each specific MBSE modeling domain, including: product, part, and functional architectures; developing and verifying design requirements; analytical and behavior modeling; and linking data across multiple models. For the purpose of creating simulation models, the group recommends using the Modelica, FMI (Functional Mockup Interface) and SSP (System Structure and Parameterization) standards. The LOTAR process requires the integration of industrial data, vendor software tool implementations, and data standards. For the purpose of this example, the archive process was greatly enhanced by developing a tool-agnostic model using the Modelon Impact software. The initiative to create the international standard relies on developing prototypes that couple the engineering process with industrial data in a repeatable workflow of procedures. The recommendations proposed in this report were developed as one of those prototypes with the intent of significantly improving future LOTAR implementations and promoting the adoption of these standards across multiple industries.

Coïc-Linking Design Requirements to FMUs to create LOTAR compliant mBSE models-168_a.pdf

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