Veranstaltungsprogramm der VHB Jahrestagung

WK ORG - Shaping the Future
Mittwoch, 06.03.2024:
16:00 - 17:15

Chair der Sitzung: Jochen Koch, Europa-Universität Viadrina
Ort: C 40.146 Seminarraum



Participatory Strategy Making as Dual Sensemaking Process

Theresa Langenmayr1, David Seidl2, Paula Jarzabkowski3

1Universität Zürich, Schweiz; 2Universität Zürich, Schweiz; 3University of Queensland, Australien

As organizations increasingly adopt “Open Strategy” by involving a more diverse group of actors in their strategy-making processes, the implications for strategic sensemaking are likely to be profound. In this paper, we examine how increased participation affects strategic sensemaking. We draw on a longitudinal single case study of an international finance firm where the CEO invited 20 frontline employees to participate in strategy making together with traditional strategy actors. We find that strategic sensemaking is a dual sensemaking process –sensemaking about the strategy itself and sensemaking about the participation process – and show how these two processes are entangled. Sensemaking of the strategy can trigger breakdowns in sensemaking of the participation process, which can stall sensemaking of the strategy, in turn. We also explain how these disruptions between the sensemaking processes can be resolved. Based on these findings, we develop a conceptual framework of dual sensemaking processes that contributes both to the literatures on strategic sensemaking and Open Strategy.

Preparedness without prediction: Towards a morphogenetic understanding of innovation management

Jochen Koch1, Lorenzo Skade1, Sarah Stanske2, Matthias Wenzel2, Paul Vetter1

1Europa-Universität Viadrina, Deutschland; 2Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Deutschland


The perception of increasing environmental complexity, uncertainty, and dynamism calls for a more comprehensive understanding of the possibilities of organizational adaptation. The core problem with organizational adaptation lies in a tendency toward a too one-sided focus on increasing the speed of adaptation to environmental changes without simultaneously discovering and activating new forms of organizational preparedness. To achieve this, it is necessary to include both classic planned, predictive forms of innovation management, as well as evolutionary approaches. This allows organizations to remain fundamentally open to the contingencies of an inherently unknowable future, which they can proactively enact. We present the parallel handling and balancing of both types of processes in a conceptual model regarding their interaction and the possible occurrence of imbalances. In doing so, we expand the overall concept of organizational adaptation in terms of providing organizational adaptability. Our paper thus contributes to an understanding of forms of adaptation that are not only event-based but also process-based, emphasizing the particular importance of morphogenetic processes in the latter.