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WK TIE - Entrepreneurial Behavior and Failure
Freitag, 08.03.2024:
8:30 - 9:45

Chair der Sitzung: Martina Pieperhoff, TU Dresden
Ort: C 40.601 Seminarraum


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Taking a Process Perspective on Entrepreneurial Failure: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis

Robert Hoyer, Markus Reihlen

Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Deutschland

Most entrepreneurial ventures fail. Yet, research on entrepreneurial failure is sparse. In particular, we know very little about the process of how entrepreneurial failure evolves. To fill this gap, we applied an explorative qualitative meta-analysis. Thereby, we analyzed and synthesized 30 single-case studies on entrepreneurial failure. As a result, we developed three process archetypes of entrepreneurial failure: the non-scalable, the blitzscaling, and the disrupted failure archetype. Our findings contribute to an empirical foundation for process research on entrepreneurial failure. Moreover, using a configurational approach, we offer a more differentiated understanding of the complex and multi-faceted phenomenon of entrepreneurial failure.


Nadine Albrecht1, Alexander Küsshauer2, Matthias Baum1, Rodrigo Isidor1

1Universität Bayreuth, Deutschland; 2Universität Bonn, Deutschland

We draw on attribution theory (Heider, 1958; Weiner, 1985, 2010) and employ a two-study design (conjoint study, experimental vignette study) to disentangle the decision logic with which recruiters attribute failure to former entrepreneurs and thus inform their employability perception in job interviews. Our study offers new insights into how failure narratives are processed by demonstrating that recruiters evaluate former entrepreneurs’ failure narratives more positively when congruent with gender-specific stereotypes.

Patterns of Entrepreneurial Stress and Coping Mechanisms – A Study of Solo-Self-Employed in Germany

Martina Pieperhoff1, Ana Durglishvili1, Dominika Wach2

1TU Dresden, Deutschland; 2Hochschule Macromedia

Entrepreneurs deal with complex and unforeseeable situations and tackle stressors, some of them being unique to entrepreneurial activity. The break-out of the COVID 19 pandemic threatened the existence of entrepreneurs who were particularly vulnerable during the pandemic due to business interruptions and high financial losses, which worsened their well-being and elevated their stress levels. As a result, entrepreneurs experienced significant increases in their burnout levels, and the need to reorganize their businesses led to elevated stress levels. Each stressor has a different strength and impact and, therefore, needs to be assessed correctly to generate an adequate response. Since recovery is seen as an essential factor in maintaining entrepreneurial well-being, we ask in our study to what extent patterns of stressors and patterns of coping mechanisms that entrepreneurs rely on can be identified. Thus, by applying a qualitative research design using 22 interviews with solo self-employed in Germany, the aim of this study is to identify patterns of coping strategies by examining, on the one hand, the stressors experienced by solo self-employed during the COVID 19 pandemic and, on the other hand, possible strategies for coping with stress, in particular recovery. Insights into the negative psychological consequences of the COVID 19 crisis are particularly relevant for the group of solo self-employed, as they make up more than half (54.4%) of the self-employed in Germany, but at the same time, have fewer resources and are thus particularly exposed to economic risks.

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