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WK TIE - Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Freitag, 08.03.2024:
8:30 - 9:45

Chair der Sitzung: Joern Block, Universität Trier
Ort: C 40.606 Seminarraum



Green patents and trademarks: what they measure and how they are associated with ecological impact

Joern Block, Darius Lambrecht, Natalie Welchova, Tom Willeke

Universität Trier, Deutschland

The identification of ecological innovation and ecologically innovative firms is important for understanding the role of innovation and technology in the transition to a greener economy. Information from patent and trademark data offers an objective, transparent, fast, and cost-effective way to identify ecological innovation, particularly compared to information gathered from surveys. However, the validity of this measurement approach has not been fully established yet. This study combines survey, patent and trademark data and investigates whether ecological patents and trademarks can help to identify ecologically innovative firms by using two characteristically different samples from Germany and Italy. The results show that many ecologically innovative firms are overlooked when only patent and trademark-based measures are used. While ecological trademarks are a useful indicator for varying types of ecological innovation, ecological patents as a measure show mixed results. The predictive power of ecological patents and trademarks is most pronounced for ecological product innovation. Further analyses show that ecological patents as a measure produce better results for large firms while trademarks as a measure also produce good results for small firms. Also, the identification works better for established than for young firms. The predictive power of both patents and trademarks is better in manufacturing than in other industries. Comparing different ecological patent identification approaches, no apparent differences are revealed. The results of our study have implications for policymakers and investors seeking to identify ecologically innovative firms or investment targets.

Accelerator Programs as an Important Driver for Circular Economy Transformation: Applying Institutional Theory

Ann-Sophie Finner, Christin Eckerle

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Deutschland

The prevailing linear economic model is faltering as non-renewable, finite natural resources dwindle and become more expensive. Due to this fatal evolution, the concept of sustainable development has emerged. It can be described as an approach that considers the present, satisfying one's own needs without compromising the capacities of future generations. Within this paradigm, circular economy (CE) plays an important role and is seen as an operationalization model for sustainable development.

To encourage a circular transition new ventures are key players in the innovation process, especially those classified as "born circular startups" that inherently align with CE principles. It is theorized that CE-focused accelerator programs foster those new ventures. Accelerator programs serve as hybrid support organizations combining entrepreneurial-market logic and community logic. The study employs institutional theory to investigate how accelerator programs influence the development of new ventures and, subsequently, the transition to a circular economy.

Therefore, a systematic literature review on accelerator programs is examined, followed by an analysis of the CE acceleration ecosystem in Germany. Expert interviews are conducted by identifying born circular startups that have participated or not participated in CE accelerators.

Preliminary results suggest that CE-focused accelerators provide essential services and resources for startups. These programs offer a mix of entrepreneurial behavior knowledge and community value creation, impacting CE from economic and societal perspectives. Outcomes are measured on a startup and an accelerator level, ranging from funding and product development to increased participant numbers and survival rates.

In conclusion, this paper addresses the research gap regarding the influence of accelerator programs as hybrid support organizations on the transition to a CE through new ventures. The research is ongoing, but preliminary findings indicate that CE-focused accelerator programs play a vital role in advancing the CE transition.

Sustainability for SMEs: Absorbing sustainable innovation capacities within the succession phase

Mareike Heinzen

Hochschule Koblenz, Deutschland

How can family-owned small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) unlock their potential for sustainable innovation? Considering the collective impact of family-owned SMEs, they have the potential to surpass larger corporations in contributing to true sustainability in society. As the succession phase in family-owned SMEs has been identified as crucial for innovation opportunities, we investigate the absorptive capacities that are needed to implement sustainable innovations in 8 succession case studies in Germany. In the course of our exploratory multiple-case studies, we conduct over 50 interviews involving founders, various generations, successors, and long-term employees. We gain valuable insights for both researchers and practitioners, by first linking sustainable innovation research to the theory of absorptive capacities and second by identifying resources and capabilities that leverage the sustainable innovation potential for SMEs in their succession phase.

Institutional Influence on the Pursuit of Social Motives in Entrepreneurial Ventures

Leonie Gärtner, Yasmine Yahyaoui, Rodrigo Isidor

Universität Bayreuth, Deutschland

Society faces major global challenges, such as the climate crisis and poverty (Johnson & Schaltegger, 2020). Efforts are being made at the political level to address these challenges, but political systems struggle to meet society’s needs (Hoogendoorn, 2016). At this point, entrepreneurial ventures pursuing social motives become particularly relevant since they occupy a central role in filling the gap left by institutions (Chen et al., 2018).

Research shows that entrepreneurs’ interest in social issues is influenced by institutional factors (Bruton et al., 2010). Institutions create underlying conditions that establish social, political, and economic structures (North, 1991). Two distinct theories emerged that discuss institutions and their impact on prosocial venturing (Stephan et al., 2015). On the one hand, the institutional void theory states that the absence of strong formal institutions and the political failure to meet the social needs of society foster prosocial venturing (Hoogendoorn, 2016). On the other hand, the institutional support theory states that the government supports prosocial venturing and, thus, the pursuit of social motives, e.g., through subsidies (Korosec & Berman, 2006).

Although knowledge on the role of institutions in shaping entrepreneurial ventures’ motives has proliferated (Angulo-Guerrero et al., 2017), there is still little empirical evidence on which institutions promote the pursuit of social motives. To fill this void, we draw on institutional theory and focus on different institutional factors such as democracy, economic freedom, ideology, and cultural tightness to assess their impact on prosocial venturing. To determine the extent to which these institutions affect the pursuit of social goals in entrepreneurial ventures, we will conduct a multilevel model.

We aim to contribute to the discussion on the influential role of institutions in prosocial venturing. Furthermore, we would like to enrich the debate on institutional void and institutional support theory.