Veranstaltungsprogramm der VHB Jahrestagung

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WK NAMA - Impact Assessment
Freitag, 08.03.2024:
8:30 - 9:45

Chair der Sitzung: Ilka Weissbrod, TU Dresden
Ort: C 14.027 Seminarraum




Sarah Jastram1, Johanna Försterling1, Anna Zeller1, Rupini Rajagopalan2

1Hamburg School of Business Administration, Deutschland; 2Berenberg Bank

In this paper, we contribute a differentiation of micro-institutional reasoning types to further develop discursive institutionalism within the larger field of institutional theory. Discursive institutionalism outlines the relevance of discourse in building institutions, their maintenance and change. However, the theory provides incomplete knowledge on micro-institutional foundations, especially with regard to individual discursive reasoning in economic contexts. Building on Habermasian discourse ethics, we identify pragmatic, ethical and strategic types of reasoning in an institutional discourse. Our contribution is based on an empirical, qualitative, and longitudinal case study of a bank’s discursive development of a bundle of new institutions in the field of sustainable impact assessment. Our results inform theoretical debates about institution building, such as discursive institutionalism or institutional entrepreneurship, as well as related literature concerned with organizational legitimacy. Moreover, our case study provides relevant insights for practitioners as it illustrates core challenges and opportunities for practical impact measurement and impact investment.

ESG-Radar: Helping Companies to Develop and Steer a Balanced ESG Strategy

Joachim Hasebrook, Dominik Englisch, Michael Lister, Dirk Holländer

zeb business school Steinbeis Hochschule, Deutschland

This paper presents the ESG Radar, a scientifically sound and user-friendly tool designed to assist companies in integrating environmental, social, and governance considerations into their decision-making processes. The ESG Radar addresses the limitations of existing ESG rating-focused approaches by adopting a managerial perspective and balancing the E, S, and G components. By selecting their key areas of action and deriving key performance indicators, companies can effectively enhance their Corporate Social Performance.

The Role of Overconfidence in Climate Change Communication: An Eye Tracking Experiment

Petra Dickel, Leonie Meyer, Marie Berner

Fachhochschule Kiel, Deutschland

This research investigates how overconfidence, that is, the tendency to overestimate one’s knowledge of climate change, affects the effectiveness of climate change communication. An eye tracking experiment with 66 students examines the effects of strong versus weak climate change stimuli on the visual attention and evaluation of a company website. Results show that strong climate change stimuli significantly increase the attitude toward the website, perceived effectiveness of the message and positive word-of-mouth. However, strong climate change communication can backfire for overconfident individuals who display significantly higher levels of reactance. The results underscore the relevance of adapting climate change communication to groups who might overestimate their knowledge.