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WK ORG - Organizational Behavior
Mittwoch, 06.03.2024:
16:00 - 17:15

Chair der Sitzung: Oliver Roßmannek, Universität Freiburg
Ort: C 40.152 Seminarraum


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Well-structured but alone? The impact of leadership behavior and virtuality on workplace loneliness trajectories during remote work

Timo Walz1, Julia Kensbock2, Florian Kunze3, Simon de Jong1

1Maastricht University, Niederlande; 2Universität Bremen; 3Universität Konstanz

Loneliness is on the rise, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated this trend. Still, little is known about the longer-term and dynamic effects of the increase in remote work and its impact on workplace loneliness. Such insights are important because the working environment has likely changed permanently with increased home-working arrangements posing significant opportunities and challenges for organizations. To investigate the dynamic of workplace loneliness over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, we used a large sample of over 500 German employees from different sectors followed over 4 measurements times in 2020 and 2021. We use latent growth modeling (LGM) to investigate: (a) Trajectories of loneliness over time, (b) how virtuality (working from home) relates to loneliness over time, and (c) how two leadership behaviors (initiating structure and consideration) affect loneliness both initially and over time. Overall, we find a decline in workplace loneliness. Virtuality positively influenced lonelines in two out of four time points. Negative significant results were obtained for the longitudinal effects of leadership consideration, but not for leadership structure. Our study shows the importance of some level of face-to-face interaction, even in the modern remote work environment. It also shows the importance of leadership behavior as a possible intervention to mitigate workplace loneliness over time in a remote setting. Employees whose leaders showed high consideration experienced a significant decline in workplace loneliness levels. Our study emphasizes the importance of continuously paying special attention to the ongoing challenges of workplace loneliness while designing changes in the new hybrid and remote work environment.


Hendrik Wilhelm1, Michael Wittland2, Thorsten Semrau3, Dirk Stippel4, Guido Michels5, Christoph Baltin4

1Universität Witten/Herdecke, Deutschland; 2Hochschule Hannover, Deutschland; 3Universität Trier, Deutschland; 4Universität zu Köln, Deutschland; 5Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder Trier, Deutschland

Previous research remains ambiguous about when and how individuals benefit from deep-level diversity in the workplace, particularly dissimilarity in conscientiousness. This shortcoming may result from an incomplete theory that overlooks the importance of both the direction of dissimilarity and task-complexity-induced dependence on coworkers. To address this shortcoming, we develop and test theory on when and how relative conscientiousness between coworkers influences individual stress as a function of task complexity. We test our theory using a unique dataset of matched physiological, survey, and archival data from surgeon dyads. Analyses of 157 surgical segments provide partial support for our theory. Post hoc analyses reveal unexpected patterns that extend our theory. Our study contributes to the literatures on deep-level diversity and stress in teamwork.

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