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WK ORG - Projektskizzen Digitalisierung
Freitag, 08.03.2024:
10:00 - 11:30

Chair der Sitzung: Simon Oertel, Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg
Ort: C 40.154 Seminarraum


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Joint Project „Digital Resilience in Hospitals“

Charlotte Förster1, Silke Geithner2, Nina Füreder1,3, Stephanie Schuth4

1University of Technology Chemnitz; 2University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing Dresden; 3Johannes Kepler University Austria; 4Ehs Dresden

Hospitals face a variety of challenges when it comes to offering affordable care, optimized treatment processes and innovations to ensure the quality and safety of healthcare, especially in the face of changing environmental and framework conditions. Digital tools can play a critical role with respect to quality in healthcare. For example, new technologies offer the opportunity to unlock efficiency potential while maintaining at least the same or even higher quality, but also pose new risks. Based on our understanding of organizational resilience and the high need for digitalization in hospitals (which have just become apparent during the recent COVID-19 pandemic), our project aims to examine how hospitals deal with the risk resulting from the application of digital technologies in patient care, and how this handling affects organizational resilience. Using digital solutions and tools for patient care as examples and by referring to resilience as a process, we aim to examine how hospitals deal with these digital risks by focusing on the research question: How do hospitals anticipate, cope with and adapt to/learn from digital risks? In addition, we will analyze the question of how this way of dealing with digital risks affects organizational resilience of hospital in general. A multiple case study approach seems to be appropriate to understand an unexplored phenomena like digital resilience, while each hospital represents a potential case. However, before we start with the case study, a quantitative survey shall provide us with an overview of the degree of digitization, the existence of digital technologies to support patient care and the characteristics of organizational resilience. The results of this study form the starting point for a theoretical sampling, whereby our selected cases need to differ in terms of their degrees of digitization and resilience.

Global network for responsible AI applications through context-sensitive operations at the interface of systems - Keep the users in the loop

Uta Wilkens, Valentin Langholf

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Deutschland

The submission is a draft for a project application aiming at global network building among eight universities for context-sensitive responsible AI applications in manufacturing and healthcare against the background of the UN sustainable development goals. The core emphasis is on the critical interface including three layers: the interface between the AI developer domain and the AI user domain in the operational work context, the interface between software companies and user companies and the interface between high-income countries and low-income countries in face of the equality gap. The transdisciplinary cooperation of the research partners is described as a crucial point for facing criteria such as decent work, human well-being and the reduction of inequalities in the process of technology design. Related project activities and expected outcomes are outlined.

Creativity in the modern workplace: The role of digital technologies

Lena Lenz

Universität Hamburg, Deutschland

Individual actors in modern workplaces are increasingly autonomous and use digital tools to collaborate and develop creative ideas. Despite the widespread use of modern collaboration tools (e.g., Slack, Jira, Miro) in the organizational practice, empirical evidence on the role these tools play for creativity is scarce. This study examines the relationship between modern workplace characteristics (e.g., time- and location-independent work) and individual (team) creativity, and the potential moderator role of digital collaboration tools. I use survey data to test the research model. The study contributes to creativity research by providing quantitative evidence on how digital collaboration tools enable creativity.

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