Conference Agenda

Session S4: Mining & Artificial Intelligence
Wednesday, 17/Apr/2024:
9:00 - 10:20

Session Chair: Ignacio Del Rey, TYPSA - Técnica y Proyectos S.A., Spain
Location: Hall Styria

9:00 - 9:20

AI in Roadtunnel – Supporting the Man-In-The-Loop in Roadtunnel (SMaRT)

Philipp Böhnke1, Tom Schumann2, Dirk Kemper2, Alvaro García-Hernandez2

1ave Verkehrs- und Informationstechnik GmbH, DE; 2RWTH Aachen University, Lehrstuhl und Institut für Straßenwesen (ISAC), DE

9:20 - 9:40

Application of AI to the 1D Ventilation Analysis of a 43KM Complex Road Tunnel Network: Madrid Calle30

Juan Manuel Sanz Sacristán1, Fabián de Kluijver2, Alberto López de Arriba2, Javier Berges3, Mar Martínez Yebra3, Guillem Peris1

1Sener, ES; 2JVVA, ES; 3Madrid Calle 30, ES

9:40 - 10:00

Estimating the Seasonal Performance of a Surface Refrigeration Cooling Plant for an Underground Mine

Jolyon Thompson1, Mark Gilbey1, Hugo Dello Sbarba2

1WSP UK Ltd, GB; 2Dello Ventilation, CA

10:00 - 10:20

Design of a Ventilation System in a Tunnel Bored With a TBM machine in the Case of Methane Emission From a Rock Mass

Marek Borowski, Klaudia Zwolińska-Glądys, Andrzej Szmuk, Kamil Piech, Zbigniew Kuczera

AGH University of Krakow, PL