Conference Agenda

Track M1-4: FinTech
Monday, 20/May/2024:
11:30am - 12:15pm

Session Chair: Jillian Grennan, UC-Berkeley
Discussant: Neroli Austin, University of Michigan
Location: Room 610


Deciphering the Impact of BigTech Consumer Credit

Lei Chen1, Wenlan Qian2, Albert Di Wang3, Qi Wu4

1Southwestern University of Finance and Economics; 2National University of Singapore; 3The University of Texas at Austin; 4City University of Hong Kong

This study evaluates the impact of BigTech credit on consumer spending, utilizing a unique dataset from a prominent BigTech ecosystem. In a nearly randomized context, we observe a 19% monthly increase in online spending among credit recipients. This increase is more pronounced for individuals with limited access to traditional financial credit, highlighting the role of BigTech credit in supporting financial inclusion. Moreover, the impact of credit is more notable in areas with more advanced logistics, illustrating the synergy between the financial and non-financial sectors of BigTech firms. Our analysis indicates that the uptick in consumption can be attributed to an increased frequency of purchases rather than to higher order values. Examining order-item level data, we find that credit recipients diversify their buying to include a wider variety of products and brands. Importantly, the provision of credit does not lead to a corresponding increase in discretionary spending or item pricing, and the heightened spending is not associated with increased delinquency, suggesting no overspending associated with BigTech credit.

Chen-Deciphering the Impact of BigTech Consumer Credit-1739.pdf