Conference Agenda

Track W7-3: Return Predictability
Wednesday, 22/May/2024:
10:30am - 11:15am

Session Chair: Benjamin Golez, University of Notre Dame
Discussant: Johnathan Loudis, Notre Dame
Location: Room 610


Dogs and cats living together: A defense of cash-flow predictability

Seth Pruitt


Present-value logic says that aggregate stock prices are driven by discount-rate and cash-flow expectations. Dividends and net repurchases are both cash flows between the firm and household sectors. Aggregate dividend-price ratios do not forecast dividend growth, but do robustly forecast future buybacks and issuance. Long-run variance decompositions say that discount-rate and cash-flow expectations contribute equally to aggregate dividend-price-ratio variation.

Pruitt-Dogs and cats living together-1261.pdf