Conference Agenda

Track W4-3: The Financing of Innovation
Wednesday, 22/May/2024:
10:30am - 11:15am

Session Chair: Emmanuel Yimfor, Columbia University
Discussant: Daniel Greenwald, NYU Stern
Location: Room 601


Innovation Booms, Easy Financing, and Human Capital Accumulation

Johan Hombert1, Adrien Matray2

1HEC Paris; 2Stanford University

Innovation booms are often fueled by easy financing that allows new technology firms to pay high wages that attracts skilled labor. Using the late 1990s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) boom as a laboratory, we show that skilled labor joining this new sector experienced sizeable long-term earnings losses. We show these earnings patterns are explained by faster skill obsolescence rather than either worker selection or the overall bust in the ICT sector. During the boom, financing flowed more to firms whose workers would experience the largest productivity declines, amplifying the negative effect of labor reallocation on aggregate human capital accumulation.

Hombert-Innovation Booms, Easy Financing, and Human Capital Accumulation-510.pdf