Conference Agenda

Track T2-5: Microstructure
Tuesday, 21/May/2024:
1:45pm - 2:30pm

Session Chair: Briana Chang, UW Madison
Discussant: Ji Hee Yoon, University College London
Location: Room 619


Automated Exchange Economies

Bryan Routledge1, Yikang Shen2, Ariel Zetlin-Jones3

1Carnegie Mellon University; 2Carnegie Mellon University; 3Carnegie Mellon University

The canonical mechanism for financial asset exchange is the limit-order book. In decentralized blockchain ledgers (DeFi), costs and delays in appending new blocks to the ledger render a limit-order book impractical. Instead, a “pricing curve” is specified (e.g., the "constant product pricing function") and implemented using smart contracts deployed to the ledger. We develop a framework to study the equilibrium properties of such markets. Our framework provides new insights into how informational frictions distort liquidity provision in DeFi markets.

Routledge-Automated Exchange Economies-323.pdf