Conference Agenda

Track T2-3: Microstructure
Tuesday, 21/May/2024:
10:30am - 11:15am

Session Chair: Briana Chang, UW Madison
Discussant: Dermot Paul Murphy, University of Illinois Chicago
Location: Room 619


What Does Best Execution Look Like?

Thomas Ernst1, Andrey Malenko2, Chester Spatt3, Jian Sun4

1University of Maryland; 2Boston College; 3Carnegie Mellon University; 4Singapore Management University

U.S. retail brokers route order flow to wholesalers based on their past performance. Brokers

face a strategic choice over how often to reallocate order flow, how aggressively to reward or

punish performance, and what history, across time or securities, to consider. This paper analyzes

how broker choices for allocating order flow shape competition among wholesalers. Our empirical

results are consistent with the theory that prospects for future order flow provide wholesalers

with strong incentives to offer price improvement and allow brokers to discipline the provision

of liquidity.

Ernst-What Does Best Execution Look Like-1355.pdf