Conference Agenda

Track T8-1: Return Expectations of Households and Professionals
Tuesday, 21/May/2024:
8:30am - 9:15am

Session Chair: Alessandro Previtero, Indiana University
Discussant: Deniz Aydın, Washington University in St. Louis
Location: Room 610


Microfounding Household Debt Cycles with Extrapolative Expectations

Francesco D’Acunto1, Michael Weber2, Xiao Yin3

1Georgetown University; 2University of Chicago; 3UCL

Combining transaction-level data with survey-based information from a large consumer panel, we show that on average consumers form excessively high expectations about future income relative to ex-post realizations after unexpected positive income shocks. This systematic bias in expectations leads to higher current consumption and debt accumulation as well as a higher likelihood of subsequent default on consumer debt. A consumption-saving model with defaultable unsecured debt and diagnostic Kalman filtering with consumers who over-extrapolate income shocks rationalizes these findings. The model predicts excessive leverage and higher subsequent default rates compared to a rational expectations benchmark. Over-extrapolation of income expectations can contribute to explaining state-dependent household debt cycles.

D’Acunto-Microfounding Household Debt Cycles with Extrapolative Expectations-259.pdf