Conference Agenda

Track T5-1: Labor and the Finance of Human Capital
Tuesday, 21/May/2024:
8:30am - 9:15am

Session Chair: Elena Simintzi, UNC
Discussant: Max Miller, Harvard Business School
Location: Room 1212


Firms with Benefits? Nonwage Compensation and Implications for Firms and Labor Markets

Paige Ouimet1, Geoff Tate2

1UNC; 2University of Maryland

Nondiscrimination regulations, administrative costs, and fairness considerations can constrain the within-firm distribution of benefits. Using novel job-level data on nonwage benefits, we find a larger firm component of the variation in benefits than wages. We show that the presence of high-wage colleagues (or high-wage peers in other local firms) positively predicts workers’ benefits, controlling for job characteristics including own wages. Firms with more generous benefits attract and retain more high-wage workers, but also reduce their reliance on low-wage workers more than low-benefit peers. Our results suggest that benefits disproportionately matter for worker-firm matching and, hence, compensation


Ouimet-Firms with Benefits Nonwage Compensation and Implications-336.pdf