Conference Agenda

Session Overview
Track M6-4: ESG: Preferences and Policies
Monday, 20/May/2024:
11:30am - 12:15pm

Session Chair: Lorenzo Garlappi, UBC
Discussant: Alessio Piccolo, Indiana University, Kelley School of Business
Location: Room 1203


Too Levered for Pigou: Carbon Pricing, Financial Constraints, and Leverage Regulation

Robin Döttling1, Magdalena Rola-Janicka2

1Erasmus University Rotterdam; 2Imperial College London

We analyze jointly optimal carbon pricing and financial policies under financial constraints and endogenous climate-related transition and physical risks. The socially optimal emissions tax may be above or below a Pigouvian benchmark, depending on the impact of physical climate risk on collateral values. We derive necessary conditions for emissions taxes alone to implement a constrained-efficient allocation, and compare the welfare consequences of introducing a cap-and-trade system, green subsidies, or leverage regulation. Our analysis also shows that efficient carbon pricing can be supported by carbon price hedging markets but may be hindered by socially responsible investors in equilibrium.

Döttling-Too Levered for Pigou-1081.pdf