Submissions Accepted for Presentation at the World Bank Land Conference 2024

The conference agenda provides an overview and details of sessions. In order to view sessions on a specific day or for a certain room, please select an appropriate date or room link. You may also select a session to explore available abstracts and download papers and presentations.

Session Overview
Date: Monday, 13/May/2024
00-01: Global survey of land institutions: initial findings and next steps
Location: MC 13-121

Global survey of land institutionsInitial results & next steps

Klaus Deininger

World Bank, United States of America

Global survey of land institutions: RCMRD's/IPRA/CINDER/ELRA's role in the initial roll out and lessons for going forward

Alfonso Candau Alfonso Candau Perez


The collaboration between IPRA-CINDER and the World Bank

Fernando Manrique


Iberoreg network of public registries

Filomena Sofia Gaspar Rosa

IBEROREG, Portugal

The role of quality registrations in securing land tenure and aquairing or preserving peaceful ownership

Mihai Taus

Romanian Land Registry Association, Romania

00-02: Land policies for resilient and equitable growth in Africa
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Indermit Gill, World Bank, United States of America

Opening Remarks

Victoria Kwakwa

World Bank, -

Key messages from "Land policies for resilient and equitable growth in Africa"

Klaus Deininger, Aparajita Goyal

World Bank, United States of America

Land as an enabler for Agenda 2063: The Africa Union’s Land Governance Strategy

Janet Edeme


Lessons from Rwanda – and RCMRD’s role in mainstreaming them

Emmanuel Nkurunziza

Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), Kenya

Strategies for increasing property tax revenue in Lagos, Nigeria

Taiwo Oyedele

Government of Nigeria, Nigeria

Decentralization, digitization, and recognition of customary tenure: How Bank support helped Malawi make critical reforms

Devie Chilonga

Mnistry of Lands, housing and urban development, Malawi

Concluding remarks

Indermit Gill

World Bank, United States of America

Date: Tuesday, 14/May/2024
01-01: Using new spatial data to assess land use & household welfare
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Olivier Dupriez, World Bank, United States of America

Big data from space for informed land management: towards a global 4D monitoring of the built environment

Thomas Esch1,2, Edward Charles Anderson3, Klaus Deininger3, Rashmin Gunasekera3, Remi Jedwab4,5, Mattia Marconcini1, Daniela Palacios-Lopez1, Hogeun Park3, Julian Zeidler1

1: German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany; 2: Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Germany; 3: World Bank, USA; 4: George Washington University, USA; 5: New York University, USA

An anatomy of urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa

Pierre-Philippe Combes2, Clement Gorin3, Shohei Nakamura1, Mark Roberts1, Benjamin Stewart1

1: The World Bank; 2: Sciences Po; 3: University of Paris 1

Where Is poverty concentrated? New evidence based on internationally consistent urban and poverty measurements

Shohei Nakamura, Pierre-Philippe Combes, Robin Moellerherm, Charlotte Robert, Mark Roberts, Benjamin Stewart, Slava Yakubenko

World Bank, United States of America

Estimating household-level economic characteristics from high-resolution satellite imagery

Satej Soman1,2, Susana Constenla-Villoslada1,2, Emily Aiken1,2, Joshua E. Blumenstock1,2,3

1: School of Information, University of California, Berkeley; 2: Global Policy Lab, University of California, Berkeley; 3: Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley

02-01: Gender-differentiated impacts of land tenure security in Africa
Location: MC 9-100
Chair: Michael O'Sullivan, World Bank, United States of America

Bargaining power and inheritance norms: evidence from polygamous households in Nigeria.

Alessia Isopi1, Jennifer Golan2

1: University of Manchester, United Kingdom; 2: University of Bath, United Kingdom

Agricultural land and the marital bond: The significance of joint land titles for women in western Uganda

Michelle Poulin1, Rachael Pierotti2

1: University of California, Berkeley, USA; 2: World Bank, United States of America

What’s hers isn’t mine: Gender-differentiated tenure security, agricultural investments and productivity in sub-Saharan Africa

Martin Mwale1, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert2

1: Government of Malawi,; 2: Purdue University

He says, she says, the GPS says: gender gaps in agricultural survey responses in Ghana

Ariel BenYishay1, Seth Goodman1, Katherine Nolan1, Rachel Sayers1, Kunwar Singh1, Madeleine Walker2, Jessica Wells1

1: AidData, William & Mary, United States of America; 2: University of California, Davis, United States of America

03-01: Lessons from evaluating titling interventions and implications for the future
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Jennifer Lisher, World Bank, United States of America

Reviewing the evidence on land: An overview of land impact evaluation literature and lessons learned

Heather Huntington1, Jennifer Lisher2

1: University of Pennsylvania, United States of America; 2: World Bank

Lessons learned from MCC land evaluations

Benjamin Linkow

Millennium Challenge Corporation, United States of America

Land regularization and agricultural productivity: an empirical study in Andean countries

Maja Schling, Magaly Saenz

Interamerican Development Bank, United States of America

Quasi-experimental evidence on the impact of land regularization: Urban and rural findings from Mozambique

Heather Huntington1, Christina Seybolt2, Kate Marple-Cantrell3

1: University of Pennsylvania, United States of America; 2: Social Impact; 3: Cloudburst Group

04-01: Land and labor markets
Location: MC 7-100
Chair: Stein Holden, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

Land markets participation for migrants and natives in western of Madagascar: inclusion or exclusion and reallocation effects

Heriniaina Rakotomalala1, Perrine Burnod2, Emmanuelle Bouquet3

1: FAO Madagascar, Think tany Madagascar; 2: CIRAD UMR TETIS, Think tany Madagascar; 3: CIRAD UMR‐MOISA

Urban village regeneration and migrant preference for relocation: Evidence from Shenzhen, China

Caixia Liu1, Ulf Liebe2, Shuyi Feng3, Eveline van Leeuwen1, Francesco Cecchi1

1: Wageningen University & Research; 2: University of Warwick; 3: Nanjing Agricultural University

Misallocation or measurement error: evidence on Vietnam's agriculture

Tram Hoang1, Songqing Jin1, Klaus Deininger2, Hai-Anh Dang2

1: Michigan State University, United States of America; 2: The World Bank

Coffee break
Location: MC 13-121
01-02: Policies to improve housing affordability
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Somik V. Lall, World Bank, United States of America

Under control? price ceiling, queuing, and misallocation: evidence from the housing market in China

Qiyao Zhou

University of Maryland, United States of America

Estimating the economic value of zoning reform

Jonah Rexer1, Santosh Anagol2, Fernando Ferreira3

1: World Bank Group, United States of America; 2: University of Pennsylvania; 3: University of Pennsylvania

Under the (Neighbor)Hood: understanding Interactions among Zoning Regulations

Amrita Kulka1, Aradhya Sood2, Nicholas Chiumenti3

1: University of Warwick, United Kingdom; 2: University of Toronto, Canada; 3: United States Department of Agriculture

Finding home when disaster strikes: Dust Bowl migration and housing in Los Angeles

Diogo Baerlocher1, Gustavo Cortes2, Vinicios Sant'Anna3

1: University of South Florida; 2: University of Florida; 3: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

02-02: Documenting and harnessing the multiple benefits from forests
Location: MC 9-100
Chair: Robert Heilmayr, University of California, Santa Barbara, United States of America

Urban forests: environmental health values and risks

Jianwei Xing1, Zhiren Hu2, Fan Xia3, Jintao Xu1, Eric Zou4

1: Beijing University; 2: Cornell University; 3: Nanjing University; 4: University of Michigan

Beyond Ostrom: Randomized experiment of the impact of individualized tree rights on forest management in Ethiopia

Ryo Takahashi1, Keijiro Otsuka2, Mesfin Tilahun3, Emiru Birhane4, Stein Holden4

1: Waseda University, Japan; 2: Kobe University; 3: Mekelle University; 4: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Valuing the hidden benefits of forest-based climate change mitigation

Ingrid Schulte1,2, Alexander Golub3, Christine Gerbode4, Constantino Dockendorff1, Sabine Fuss1,2

1: Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Germany; 2: Humboldt University of Berlin; 3: American University; 4: Environmental Defense Fund

Spatiotemporal scenarios for deforestation in Brazil’s Legal Amazon

Philipp Kollenda1,2, Rafaella Almeida Silvestrini3, Andrea Santos Garcia3,4, Dieter Wang1, Marek Hanusch1, Alvaro Maia Batista3, Carla Christina Solis Uehara1

1: The World Bank Group, Washington, DC, US; 2: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL; 3: IPAM - Amazon Environmental Research Institute, Brasilia, BR; 4: Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, BE

03-02: Do institutional design and state capacity affect demand for property title and sustainability??
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Chris Penrose-Buckley, Foreign, Commonwealth & development Office of the United Kingdom (FCDO), United Kingdom

Who wants property rights? Conjoint evidence from Senegal

Matthew Ribar

Stanford University, United States of America

State reach and gender norms: Examining the uptake of equitable land rights in Malawi

Lauren Honig1, Adam Harris2, Ellen Lust3

1: Boston College, United States of America; 2: University College London; 3: University of Gothenburg

Why land registration systems fail.The case of Torrens in USA

Nicolás Nogueroles

University Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona Spain

Tanzania demand for documentation study: who pays for land documents, and why?

Lauren Persha1, Yuliya Panfil2, Sallie Sherman3, Mustapha Issa Mpelembe4, Mtalemwa Rutizibwa4

1: NORC at the University of Chicago, United States of America; 2: New America, United States of America; 3: DAI, United States of America; 4: LTA NGO, Tanzania

04-02: Key issues affecting rural structural transformation
Location: MC 7-100
Chair: Shuhei Kitamura, Osaka University, Japan

To cluster or not to cluster? Land as a binding constraint to cluster-based development in Ethiopia

Guyo Godana Dureti, Martin Paul Tabe-Ojong

University of Bonn, Ethiopia

Agricultural mechanization services, moral hazard and by-stage productivity of small farms: evidence from wheat production in northern China

Sheng Yu1, Hangyu Zhang1, Jiping Ding2

1: Peking University, China, People's Republic of; 2: NORTHWEST A&F UNIVERSITY, China, People's Republic of

Land property rights and resource misallocation evidence from land certification programs in Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Tanzania

Mamadou Mouminy Bah

University Felix Houphouet-Boigny (UFHB), Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Impacts of a mandatory shift to decentralized online auctions on revenue from public land leases in Ukraine

Klaus Deininger1, Daniel Ayalew Ali1, Roman Neyter2

1: World Bank, United States of America; 2: Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine

Location: MC 13-121
01-03: Can property taxation help achieve equity & efficiency objectives?
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Arturo Herrera Gutierrez, World Bank, United States of America

The assessment gap: racial inequalities in property taxation

Carlos Avenancio-Leon1, Troup Howard2

1: University of California - San Diego; 2: University of Utah

To own or to rent? The Effects of transaction taxes on housing markets

Lu Han1, Liwa Rachel Ngai2, Kevin Sheedy3

1: University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States; 2: Imperial College London and London School of Economics, United Kingdom; 3: London School of Economics, United Kingdom

Becoming legible to the state : The role of identification and collection capacity in taxation

Oyebola Okunogbe

World Bank, United States of America

Decentralization, tax administration, and taxation: evidence from brazil's rural land tax

Arthur Braganca1, Diogo Britto2, Alexandre Fonseca3, Davi Moura4, Breno Sampaio5, Andre Sant'anna6, Dimitri Szerman7

1: World Bank; 2: University of Milan-Bicocca; 3: Federal Revenue of Brazil; 4: London School of Economics; 5: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; 6: BNDES; 7: Amazon

02-03: Climate shocks and agricultural households’ resilience
Location: MC 9-100
Chair: Jintao Xu, Beijing University, China, People's Republic of

Impacts of a digital credit-insurance bundle for landless farmers: Evidence from a cluster randomized trial in Odisha, India

Berber Kramer1, Subhransu Pattnaik1, Patrick Ward1,2, Yingchen Xu2

1: International Food Policy Research Institute; 2: University of Florida

Resilience strategies to agricultural shocks and their effects on family farms in rural areas in Senegal

Marie Ndeye Gnilane Diouf1, Andre Dumas Tsambou2, Nelson Sergeo TagangTene3

1: Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Senegal; 2: University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon; 3: University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon

Ricardian land values and Economic Impacts of climate change on crop agriculture: Case of Malawi

Assa Maganga1,3,5, Levison Chiwaula2, Patrick Kambewa3, Mary Ngaiwi4

1: African Center of Excellency for Agriculture Policy Analysis, LUANAR; 2: MwAPATA Institute; 3: University of Malawi; 4: Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT, Colombia; 5: Everest Intelligence Consult

Does household access to agricultural land influence nutritional outcomes in developing countries? Evidence from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Janvier Mwisha Kasiwa

University of Goma, Congo, Democratic Republic of the

03-03: Can lower-cost approaches to rural land titling increase tenure security?
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Jill Pike, Millenium Challenge Cooperation, United States of America

The effects of tenure security on women's empowerment and food security: Evidence from a land administration program in Ecuador

Maja Schling1, Nicolás Pazos2, Leonardo Corral1, Marisol Inurritegui1

1: Inter-American Development Bank, United States of America; 2: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States of America

The efficiency of customary land tenure systems in resource allocation and their impact on well-being

Timothy Mtumbuka

KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

The challenges of legal recognition of agropastoralists' land rights in Madagascar

Oginot Germier Manasoa1,2,3, Perrine Burnod1,2, Claudine Ramiarison3,4, Patrick Ranjatson5,2, Rebecca Mclain6

1: CIRAD, Madagascar; 2: Think Tany; 3: ED GRND; 4: CIDST; 5: ESSA-Forêt; 6: CIFOR

Improvement of land governance on Mailo tenant lands in Uganda

Heather Huntington2, Kate Marple-Cantrell1, Daniel Ali3, Thea Hilhorst3

1: The Cloudburst Group, United States of America; 2: University of Pennsylvania, United States of America; 3: The World Bank

04-03: Exploring the links between land and conflict
Location: MC 7-100
Chair: Julian Arteaga, University of California, Davis, United States of America

Land Market and Conflict: Impact of the FARC Peace Agreement on Land market: A Case Study of Caquetá, Colombia

Alexander Buritica, Augusto Castro, Manuel Moreno, Deborah Pierce, Carolina Gonzalez

Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, Colombia

Indigenous peoples, land and conflict in Mindanao, Philippines

Jose Cuesta1,2, Lucia Madrigal1

1: World Bank, United States of America; 2: Georgetown University

Collateral damage: The impact of forced eradication of illicit crops on human capital

Anderson Tami Patino1, Daniela Horta Saenz2

1: Florida International University, United States of America; 2: Aix Marseille Universite, France

Location: MC 13-121
01-04: Challenges of urban planning
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Stephane Straub, World Bank, United States of America

Evaluating urban planning: evidence from Dar es Salaam

Tanner Regan1, Guy Michaels2, Vernon Henderson2, Martina Manara3, Francisco Libano-Monteiro2

1: George Washington University, United States of America; 2: LSE; 3: University of Sheffield

Government–directed urban growth, firm entry, and industrial land prices in Chinese cities

Jan Brueckner1, Wenhua Liu2, Wei Xiao2, Junfu Zhang3

1: University of California-Irvine, USA; 2: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China; 3: Clark University, USA

What we do in the shadows: how urban density facilitates information diffusion

Qing Zhang1, Evan Kresch2

1: Google, Inc; 2: Oberlin College, United States of America

Anti-Corruption Campaign and the Resurgence of the SOEs in China: Evidence from the Real Estate Sector*

Hanming Fang1, Jing Wu2, Rongjie Zhang2, Li-an Zhou3

1: Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, and the NBER; 2: Department of Construction Management and Hang Lung Center for Real Estate, Tsinghua University, China, People's Republic of; 3: Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, China, People's Republic of

02-04: Rural factor markets and structural transformation
Location: MC 9-100
Chair: Bruno Conte, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Towns and rural land inequality in India

Manaswini Rao1, Prashant Bharadwaj2, Juan Eberhard3

1: University of Delaware, United States of America; 2: University of California San Diego, United States of America; 3: Universidad Andres Bello, Chile

Financial development and rural transformation: evidence from counties in China

Xuerong Wang1, Xinpeng Xu2, Yu Sheng1

1: Peking University, China, People's Republic of; 2: Hong Kong Polytech University, Hong Kong SAS

Does market integration increase rural land inequality? Evidence from India

Claudia Berg1, Brian Blankespoor1, Shahe Emran2, Forhad Shilpi1

1: World Bank, United States of America; 2: Columbia University

The Green Revolution and rural inequality: India

Leah Bevis

Ohio State University, United States of America

03-04: Developing financial instruments to make climate mitigation pay
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Stephane Hallegatte, World Bank, United States of America

Global forest carbon: Policy, economics and finance

Runsheng Yin

Michigan State University, United States of America

A jurisdictional framework for monetizing future values of emissions reductions from avoided deforestation: An application to Brazil

Alexander Golub1, Marek Hanusch2, Diogo Bardal3, Bruce Keith3, Daniel Simon2, Cornelius Fleischhaker2

1: American University, United States of America; 2: The World Bank; 3: IFC

The elephant in the room: land governance challenges of climate change mitigation

David Betge, Frederike Kluemper, Jes Weigelt

TMG Research, Germany

Effective governance structures for integrated carbon farming projects: evidence from Kenya

Friederike Schilling

University of Bonn, Germany

04-04: Gendered impacts of land titling
Location: MC 7-100
Chair: Florence Kondylis, World Bank, United States of America

Impacts of land registration and cash grants on agricultural investment: evidence from women farmers in Uganda

Joao Montalvao, Michael O'Sullivan

World Bank, United States of America

A seat at the table: The role of information, conditions, and voice in redistributing intra-household property rights

Ludovica Cherchi1, James Habyarimana2, Joao Montalvao1, Michael O'Sullivan1, Chris Udry3

1: World Bank, United States of America; 2: Georgetown University; 3: Northwestern University

Tenure Insecurity and the Continuum of Documentation in a Matrilineal Customary System

Laura Meinzen-Dick1, Helder Zavale2, Hosaena Ghebru3

1: Villanova University, United States of America; 2: Eduardo Mondlane University; 3: International Food Policy Research Institute

Does gender matter in the adoption of digital land market? Evidence from rural household welfare in Nigeria

Abdulrazaq Kamal Daudu

University of Ilorin, Nigeria, Nigeria

Date: Wednesday, 15/May/2024
01-05: Local authorities, tenure security, and structural transformation
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Iain Shuker, World Bank, United States of America

Land tenure security and deforestation: experimental evidence from Uganda

Sarah Walker, Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Anne Bartlett, Alice Calder

Oregon State University, United States of America

Who gains from individual property rights? Evidence from the allotment of Mapuche reservations

Felipe Jordán Colzani2, Robert Heilmayr1

1: University of California, Santa Barbara, United States of America; 2: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Indigenous community recognition, identity, and democracy

Michael Albertus

University of Chicago, United States of America

Losing territory: The effect of administrative district splits on land use in the tropics

Lennart Reiners1, Elías Cisneros2, Krisztina Kis-Katos3

1: Asian Development Bank, Philippines; 2: The University of Texas at Dallas; 3: University of Göttingen, IZA, and RWI research networks

02-05: Evidence on policies to improve forest and nature conservation
Location: MC 9-100
Chair: Erik Katovich, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Making a difference takes time: comparing the impacts of two direct conservation interventions on forest cover in a biodiversity hotspot

Ana Reboredo Segovia1, Leidy López Toro2, Eric Bullock3, Paulo Arévalo1, Clara Matallana4, Christoph Nolte1

1: Boston University, United States of America; 2: Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia; 3: US Forest Service, United States of America; 4: Independent Consultant, Colombia

Impacts of Paraguay’s zero-deforestation law

Anna Pede1, Kendra Walker1, Robert Heilmayr1, Atahualpa Ayala2, Lauren Sharwood2

1: University of California, Santa Barbara; 2: Environmental Markets Lab, University of California, Santa Barbara

Human and nature: economies of density and conservation in the Amazon rainforest

Shunsuke Tsuda1, Yoshito Takasaki2, Mari Tanaka3

1: University of Essex; 2: The University of Tokyo; 3: Hitotsubashi University

Outsourcing wildlife conservation: A comparative analysis of private and government management of protected areas in Africa

Sean Denny2, Gabriel Englander1, Patrick Hunnicutt3

1: World Bank, United States of America; 2: UC Santa Barbara; 3: Chapman University

03-05: Using new data to inform urban policies: Bridging the gap between theory and practice
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Tanner Regan, George Washington University, United States of America

Building foundations for smarter cities: A data ecosystem approach

Gayatri Singh1, Champaka Rajagopal2

1: World Bank, Mozambique; 2: World Bank, City Planning Labs Global

Beyond the Surface: Uncovering the complex interplay of intra-urban inequality in developing countries

Hogeun Park, Nancy Lozano Gracia, Giuseppe Rossitti, Olivia D'aoust

World Bank Group

From Pixels to Policy: Decoding urban morphology and policy influences

Hogeun Park1, Thomas Esch2, Daniela Palacios Lopez2, Nancy Lozano Gracia1, Olivia D'aoust1

1: World Bank Group; 2: German Aerospace Center (DLR)

New research avenues on urban expansion and land commodification in the Global South.

Berenice Bon1, Claire Simonneau2, Eric Denis3, Philippe Lavigne Delville4

1: IRD - French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, France; 2: University Gustave Eiffel, Paris, France; 3: CNRS - French National Centre for Scientific Research; 4: IRD - French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, France

04-05: Technical issues in African land administration
Location: MC 7-100
Chair: Abbas Rajabifard, University of Melbourne, Australia

Understanding how local community participation and FPIC norms function in the context of land acquisition for agricultural investment in Ethiopia: Insights for responsible land tenure governance

Achamyeleh Gashu Adam1, Alelegn Wendem Agegnehu2, Amare Sewunet Minale3

1: Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia; 2: Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia; 3: Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

Monitoring forest cover dynamics for better climate conditions using Google Earth Engine: A case study of Megenaga Forest, Ethiopia

Wubetu Belay

Wuhan university ,People's Republic of China

Application of an integrated survey approach for urban cadastral system

Tirsit Lisanework Alemu, Solomon Dargie Chekole

Bahir Dar University, Institute of Land Administration, Ethiopia

Development of 3d urban cadastre and property registration system: case study in bahir dar city

Amezene Reda Adinew

Bahir Dar UNiversity, Ethiopia, Ethiopia

Coffee break
Location: MC 13-121
01-06: Exploring ways to improve land market functioning & rural land use efficiency
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Franziska Ohnsorge, World Bank, United States of America

Land rental markets: experimental evidence from Kenya

Michelle Acampora1, Lorenzo Casaburi2, Jack Willis3

1: Harvard University; 2: University of Zurich, Switzerland; 3: Columbia University

Misallocation in Indian agriculture

Marijn A. Bolhuis

IMF, United States of America

Land-market restrictions and agricultural productivity under market power

Julian Arteaga

University of California, Davis

The effects of female land inheritance on economic productivity in Ghana

Nathan Barker

University of Chicago, United States of America

02-06: Factors affecting the performance of land markets
Location: MC 9-100
Chair: Songqing Jin, Michigan State University, United States of America

Influence of Financial Markets on Land Markets in Türkiye

Harun Tanrivermis, Monsurat Ayojimi Salami, Yesim Tanrivermis

Ankara University, Turkiye

Updating land information: Processes, opportunities, and challenges in North Wollo Zone, Ethiopia

Yidenkchew Jember, Getie Gebrie


Analysis of the contribution of land registration to sustainable land management in East Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia

Abebaw Andarge Gedefaw

Debre Markos University, Ethiopia

Do farmland sales markets price in weak property rights enforcement?

Vasyl Kvartiuk, Thomas Herzfeld

Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Germany

03-06: Improving effectiveness of documenting land rights in Africa
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Joan Kagwanja, UNECA - African Union, Ethiopia

Land taxation of peri-urban agricultural concessions in Kinshasa: towards an incentive model for agricultural production

Mabu Masiala Bode1, Gérard Sankiana Malankanga2, Jacob Mbanji Kankela3, Nono Mbumba Bode4

1: University of Kinshasa (R.D.Congo.); 2: Institute of Agronomic Studies of Mvuazi at Kongo Central (ISEA / Mvuazi); 3: Multina-DMK Studies office; 4: Ministry of Land Affairs, Democratic Republic of Congo

Bringing Rural Land Administration Services to the farmers Doorsteps

Woldu Reda, Tigistu Abza

Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia

Comparative analysis of land policy instruments to tackle land fragmentation in the face of mounting climate risks

Abebaw Abebe Belay

Ministry of Agriculture, Bahir Dar University

Land reform in Madagascar: Rationales, achievement and institutional Changes

Perrine Burnod1, Heriniaina Rakotomalala2, Emmanuelle Bouquet3

1: CIRAD & Think Tany, Madagascar; 2: FAO, Madagascar; 3: CIRAD

04-06: Land use and conflict
Location: MC 7-100
Chair: Jeffrey Bloem, IFPRI, United States of America

Food Security and Forest Access in the Colombian and Peruvian Amazon

Alexander Buritica1, Martha Vanegas2, Deborah Pierce3, Andres Espada4, Marcela Quintero5

1: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT; 2: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT; 3: University of British Columbia, Canada, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT; 4: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT; 5: Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

Analysis of armed conflict and its impact on agriculture using spatial regression techniques

Tim Oelkers, Ella Kirchner, Oliver Mußhoff

University of Göttingen, Germany

Labor displacement in agriculture: Evidence from oil palm expansion in Indonesia

Christoph Kubitza1, Vijesh Krishna2, Stephan Klasen3, Thomas Kopp4, Nunung Nuryartono5, Matin Qaim6,7

1: German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, Germany; 2: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Hyderabad; 3: Department of Economics, University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany; 4: School of Economic Disciplines, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany; 5: Department of Economics, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University), Bogor, Indonesia; 6: Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; 7: Institute for Food and Resource Economics, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Can ‘western’ initiatives for sustainable supply chains save tropical peatlands? Evidence from the Indonesian palm oil sector

Christoph Kubitza1, Sandra Eckert2, Jann Lay1

1: German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Germany; 2: Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland

Location: MC 13-121
01-07: Demand for and potential impact of land titling in Africa
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Arianna Legovini, World Bank, United States of America

Fallow Lengths and the Structure of Property Rights

Etienne LeRossignol1, Sara Lowes2, Eduardo Montero3

1: Université de Namur; 2: University of California San Diego; 3: University of Chicago

Land values and formal property rights: evidence from 21 African countries

Matthew Ribar

Stanford University, United States of America

Property rights and social institutions: how informal institutions and chiefs shape land formalization in urban Africa

Pablo Balan1, Augustin Bergeron2, Gabriel Tourek3, Jonathan Weigel4

1: Tel Aviv University, Israel; 2: University of Southern California; 3: University of Pittsburgh; 4: University of California, Berkeley

Land- and credit-market effects of urban land titling: Evidence from Lesotho

Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger

World Bank, United States of America

02-07: Increasing the scope for positive outcomes from LSLBI
Location: MC 9-100
Chair: Jolyne Sanjak, Tetratech, United States of America

Embedding Land Risk Management in Corporate Governance: Lessons for and from India

Ranjan Kumar Ghosh1, Kiran Thete1, Pranab Ranjan Choudhury2

1: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India; 2: Landstack, Bhubhaneshwar, India

Monitoring of agricultural investment areas in Ethiopia based on remote sensing time-series data

Christina Eisfelder1, Christian Mesmer2

1: German Aerospace Center (DLR), German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany; 2: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Ethiopia

Beyond the agro-export boom: the challenges of land concentration and fragmentation in Chile

Eduardo Villavicencio-Pinto

University of Kent, United Kingdom

Legal incentives for land grabbing and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon

Brenda Brito do Carmo, Jeferson Almeida

Imazon, Brazil

03-07: Institutional arrangements to facilitate access to housing
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Amrita Kulka, University of Warwick, United Kingdom

Institutional analysis of Urban Land and Housing Policy shift in a metropolitan region, Case National Capital Region, Delhi, India

Sneha Sneha

Department of Architecture, Planning and Design, IIT(BHU), Varanasi, India

Cultivated land expropriation in China ─ the roles of agglomeration and government fiscal deficits

Liang Tang1, Jack Peerlings1, Nico Heerink2, Xianlei Ma3

1: Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands; 2: Development Economics Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands.; 3: China Academy of Resources, Environment and Development, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China

Farmland regulation, structural change and agricultural development: evidence from Chongqing land coupon reform

Yameng Fan

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)

Do mandatory disclosures squeeze the lemons? The case of housing markets in India

Vaidehi Tandel1, Sahil Gandhi1,2, Anupam Nanda1, Nandini Agnihotri2

1: University of Manchester, United Kingdom; 2: CSEP India

04-07: Assessing the impacts of large-scale land acquisition
Location: MC 7-100
Chair: Elias Cisneros, The University of Texas at Dallas, United States of America

The impact of large-scale land transactions on welfare and livelihoods of local communities: a meta-analysis

Lingerh Sewnet Akalu1,2, Huashu Wang1, Solomon Zena Walelign2,3, Workineh Asmare Kassie2,4

1: Guizhou University, China; 2: University of Gondar, Ethiopia; 3: International Centre for Evaluation and Development (ICED), Ghana; 4: Research Institute of Economics and Management, South Western University of Finance and Economics, China

Converting cocoa farms into gold mines in Ghana – negotiations and compensation outcomes

Josephine Maria Goretti Montford1, Regina Birner1, Boateng Kyereh2, Christine Bosch1

1: University of Hohenheim, Germany; 2: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Updating the Brazilian land atlas

Vitor Bukvar Fernandes1, Gabriel Pansani Siqueira1, Bastiaan Philip Reydon2, Isabel Garcia Drigo3, Felipe José Cerignoni3, Thea Hilhorst4

1: Instituto Governança de Terras (IGT), Brazil; 2: Kadaster International, Netherlands; 3: Imaflora, Brazil; 4: The World Bank

Leveraging geo-intelligence to map land suitability for private sector investment in agricultural value chains in Africa: A case study of Malawi

Gladys Mosomtai, Joan Kagwanja, Guy Ranaivomanana

UNECA, Ethiopia

Tea break
Location: MC 13-121
01-08: Broader impacts of land titling
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Ming Zhang, World Bank, United States of America

How property shapes distributional preferences

Marco Fabbri, Maria Bigoni

University of Bologna, Italy

Property rights without transfer rights: a study of Indian land allotment

Dustin Frye1, Christian Dippel2,4, Bryan Leonard3

1: University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2: Ivey Business School - Western University; 3: Arizona State University; 4: National Bureau of Economic Research

Market design for Land Trade: Evidence from Uganda and Kenya

Gharad Bryan

London School of Economics, United Kingdom

Credit impacts of titling rural habitation land: Evidence from India’s SVAMITVA scheme

Klaus Deininger1, Hari K Nagarajan2, Abhiman Das2, Daniel Ali1, Parth Hirpara2

1: World Bank, United States of America; 2: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

02-08: Determinants and impacts of land reform implementation
Location: MC 9-100
Chair: Benjamin Linkow, Millennium Challenge Corporation, United States of America

The effects of pasture privatization on vegetation in southern Kazakhstan: evidence from a rich cadastral dataset

Eduard Bukin, Sarah Robinson, Martin Petrick

Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany

Revisiting the effects of the Ethiopian land tenure reform using satellite data. A focus on agricultural productivity, climate change mitigation and adaptation

Stefania Lovo, Alexis Rampa

University of Reading, United Kingdom

Measuring agricultural land inequality: conceptual and methodological issues

Carlos Esteban Cabrera Cevallos1, Yeshwas Admasu1, Ana Paula De la O Campos1, Francesco Maria Pierri1, Lorenzo Moncada2

1: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy; 2: World Food Programme, Italy

Navigating contested land claims under a peace agreement: Mapping multiple ancestral lands in Maguindanao, Philippines

Maria Carmen Fernandez

University of Cambridge

03-08: Causes and consequences of informality in peri-urban land markets
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Dag Einar Sommervoll, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

Analyzing the impact of land expropriation program on farmers’ livelihood in urban fringes of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Melaku Bogale Fitawok1,2

1: University of Bologna, Italy; 2: Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

Informal land markets and ethnic kinship in sub-Saharan African cities

Lucie Letrouit2, Harris Selod1

1: The World Bank, United States of America; 2: Gustave Eiffel University,

Land management and urban sprawl in Nigeria

Fuad Malkawi, Reyna Lisa Alorro, Oluwaseun Olowoporoku, Sandra Hiari, Michael Ilesanmi

World Bank, United States of America

Climate change, urban expansion, and food production

Hina Sherwani, Felipe Dizon, Rui Su

World Bank, United States of America

Date: Thursday, 16/May/2024
01-09: Navigating trade-offs between land use change, sustainability, and conflict
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Soukeyna Kane, World Bank, United States of America

Does local politics drive tropical land-use change? Property-level evidence from the Amazon

Erik Katovich

University of Geneva, Switzerland

Land-use transformation and conflict: The effects of oil palm expansion in Indonesia

Elias Cisneros1, Tobias Hellmundt2, Krisztina Kis-Katos2

1: University of Texas at Dallas; 2: University of Goettingen

Development mismatch: evidence from agricultural projects in pastoral Africa

Eoin McGurk1, Nathan Nunn2

1: Tufts University, United States of America; 2: University of British Columbia, Canada

Landmine clearance and economic development: evidence from nighttime lights, multispectral satellite imagery, and conflict events in Afghanistan

Ariel BenYishay1, Rachel Sayers1, Kunwar Singh1, Christian Baehr2, Madeleine Walker3

1: William & Mary, United States of America; 2: Princeton University, United States of America; 3: University of California-Davis

02-09: Determinants and effects of climate-smart agricultural practices
Location: MC 9-100
Chair: Aparajita Goyal, World Bank, United States of America

The effect of integrated and substitutable soil fertility management technologies on maize yield, productivity, and food security: Evidence from Southwest region of Ethiopia

Kindineh Sisay Melaku

Haramaya University, Ethiopia

Exploring the influence of land access on climate-smart agriculture for low-emission food systems: a sustainable livelihood perspective

Mary Eyeniyeh Ngaiwi1,2, Eric Junior Bomdzele2,3, Assa Mulagha Maganga4, Majory Ongie Meliko2, Alexander Buritica1, Augusto Castro-Nunez1

1: Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT, Colombia; 2: University of Buea, Cameroon; 3: University of Reading; 4: African Center of Excellency for Agriculture Policy Analysis, LUANAR

Conservation agriculture impacts on economic profitability and environmental performance of agroecosystems

Lorenza Alexandra Lorenzetti, Andrea Fiorini

UCSC, Italy

Towards a balanced ecosystem: a comprehensive review of transformative land investment Environments in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Mozambique

Ermias Betemariam1, Endalkachew Wolde-Meskel1, Emily Gallagher1, Tamiru Amanu2, Delia Catacutan1, George Schoneveld1, Eunice Offei3, Divine Appiah3, Nana Yirrah3, Osvaldo Matessane3, Anne Larson1

1: Centre for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF); 2: Wagenigen University Research; 3: SNV

03-09: Using property taxation as basis for a social contract
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Stamatis Kotouzas, World Bank, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

Building comprehensive property tax systems in lower-income countries: ‘Cadaster-First’ versus ‘Property Tax-First’ approaches

Wilson Prichard1, Colette Nyirakamana1, Camille Barras2, Marie Reine Mukazayire1

1: University of Toronto/Local Government Revenue Initiative, Canada; 2: Local Government Revenue Initiative, Canada

Strengthening the fiscal contract by linking property tax reform and participatory budgeting in Freetown, Sierra Leone

Wilson Prichard1, Kevin Grieco3, Abou Bakar Kamara2, Julian Michel3, Niccolo Meriggi4

1: University of Toronto/Local Government Revenue Initiative, Canada; 2: International Growth Centre, Sierra Leone; 3: University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA); 4: Centre for the Study of African Economies, Oxford University

Should local and traditional authorities collaborate in raising property tax? A study of property owner preferences in Zambia

Nicolas Orgeira Pillai

Local Government Revenue Initiative, University of Sussex, World Bank

Empowering Indian cities to drive climate action: Expanding fiscal space through property tax reforms

Namita Aggarwal

Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy, India

Coffee break
Location: MC 13-121
01-10: Determinants and impacts of redistributive land reform
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Deon Filmer, World Bank, United States of America

Land Concentration and Long-Run Development in the Frontier United States

Cory Smith

University of Maryland, United States of America

Political competition and state capacity: evidence from a land allocation program in Mexico

Juan Felipe Riano

Georgetown University, United States of America

Harvesting votes: the electoral effects of the Italian land reform

Bruno Caprettini1, Lorenzo Casaburi2, Miriam Venturini3

1: University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; 2: University of Zurich, Switzerland; 3: University of Zurich, Switzerland

Tillers of prosperity: Land ownership, reallocation, and structural transformation

Shuhei Kitamura

Osaka University, Japan

02-10: Proper measurement of land size and land quality
Location: MC 9-100
Chair: Dean Jolliffe, World Bank, United States of America

Making measurement great again: The use of sensors and scanners for rapid, high-quality data on land

Sydney Gourlay1, John Ilukor2, Adriana Paolantonio1

1: World Bank, Italy; 2: World Bank, Uganda

Addressing soil quality data gaps with imputation: evidence from Ethiopia and Uganda

Hai-Anh Dang, Calogero Carletto, Sydney Gourlay, Kseniya Abanokova

World Bank, United States of America

Measurement error and farm size: Do nationally representative surveys provide reliable estimates?

Stein Holden1, Clifton Makate1, Sarah Tione2

1: Norwegian University of Liife Sciences, Norway; 2: Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Measuring land rental market participation in smallholder household surveys: Can nudges and list experiment improve land market participation statistics?

Gashaw Abate1, Kibrom Abay2, Jordan Chamberlin3, Samuel Sebsibe4

1: IFPRI, United States of America; 2: IFPRI, United States of America; 3: CIMMYT, Kenya; 4: IFPRI, Ethiopia

03-10: New ways of land valuation for effective property taxation
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Rajul Awasthi, World Bank, Ethiopia

Land value capture: guidance for practitioners

Olga Kaganova, Jon Kher Kaw, Gabor Peteri

World Bank, United States of America

The Netherlands study into discrepancy between assessed values and market prices

Luc Hermans2, Jacob Zevenbergen1, Ruud Kathmann2, Marija Bockarjova1

1: University of Twente, Netherlands, The; 2: Netherlands Council for Real Estate Assessment

Land value chain for property tax administration

Wolaganathan Govender

Terra Vital, South Africa

Analyzing factors affecting land prices in urbanized areas using machine learning: A basis for future 3D property valuations

Peyman Jafary1,2, Davood Shojaei2, Abbas Rajabifard2, Tuan Ngo1,3

1: Building 4.0 CRC, Caulfield East, Victoria, Australia; 2: Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 3: Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

04-10: Learn how open geospatial generative ai models are being used to track deforestation, illegal mining, and other environmental crises
Location: MC 7-100

Generative AI for Earth. Learn how new open geospatial models help track deforestation, illegal mining, and other critical issues.

Mikel Maron1, Bruno Sanchez-Andrade Nuno2

1: Earth Genome, United States of America; 2: Clay Foundation, United States of America

Location: MC 13-121
01-11: Addressing risk of climate change in rural area
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Benoit Bosquet, World Bank, United States of America

The effects of transportation infrastructure on deforestation in the amazon: a general equilibrium approach

Arthur Braganca1, Rafael Araujo2, Juliano Assuncao3

1: World Bank, Brazil; 2: FGV EESP; 3: PUC-Rio

Climate change and migration: the case of Africa

Bruno Conte

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Temperature shocks and land fragmentation Evidence from transaction and property registry data

Heitor Pellegrina1, Julian Arteaga2, Margarita Gafaro3, Nicolas de Roux4, Ana Maria Ibanez5

1: University of Notre Dame, United States of America; 2: UC davis; 3: Banco de la Republica; 4: Universidad de Los Andes; 5: IDB

Interest-based negotiation over natural resources: experimental evidence from Liberia

Alessandro Toppeta1, Darin Christensen2, Alexandra Hartman3, Cyrus Samii4

1: Stockholm University, Sweden; 2: UCLA; 3: UCL; 4: NYU

02-11: Effects of land registration on functioning of rural factor markets
Location: MC 9-100
Chair: Ariel BenYishay, William & Mary, United States of America

Impacts of rural land reform on households in Burkina Faso

Heather Huntington2, Kate Marple-Cantrell1

1: The Cloudburst Group, United States of America; 2: University of Pennsylvania, United States of America

Does the Quality of Land Records Affect the Credit Access of Households in India?

Diya Uday1, Susan Thomas2

1: xKDR Forum, India; 2: xKDR Forum, India

Can land registration increase willingness to pay for agricultural inputs? Short-term experimental evidence from women farmers in Mozambique.

Claire Boxho, Andrew Brudevold-Newman, Joao Montalvao, Michael O'Sullivan

World Bank, United States of America

The effects of improved land rights on land markets, land use efficiency, employment and household welfare: Evidence from 2013 Vietnam Land Law

Tram Hoang1, Songqing Jin1, Klaus Deininger2, Hai-Anh Dang2

1: Michigan State University; 2: World Bank

03-11: Addressing the challenges of putting property tax reform in practice
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Rajul Awasthi, World Bank, Ethiopia

The key for a continuous cadastre updating is a gradual progressive tax increase. Bogota, Colombia.

Juan Ricardo Ortega Lopez


Improving property tax collection in Zambia

Rajul Awasthi

World Bank, Ethiopia

Nigeria - moving forward from establishing the foundations of property tax

Taiwo Oyedele

Government of Nigeria, Nigeria

Tea break
Location: MC 13-121
01-12: How data and analytical work can help address land-related bottlenecks to shared prosperity on a livable planet
Location: MC 13-121
Chair: Indermit Gill, World Bank, United States of America

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