Submissions Accepted for Presentation at the World Bank Land Conference 2024

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Session Overview
Location: MC 8-100
Date: Tuesday, 14/May/2024
03-01: Lessons from evaluating titling interventions and implications for the future
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Jennifer Lisher, World Bank, United States of America

Reviewing the evidence on land: An overview of land impact evaluation literature and lessons learned

Heather Huntington1, Jennifer Lisher2

1: University of Pennsylvania, United States of America; 2: World Bank

Lessons learned from MCC land evaluations

Benjamin Linkow

Millennium Challenge Corporation, United States of America

Land regularization and agricultural productivity: an empirical study in Andean countries

Maja Schling, Magaly Saenz

Interamerican Development Bank, United States of America

Quasi-experimental evidence on the impact of land regularization: Urban and rural findings from Mozambique

Heather Huntington1, Christina Seybolt2, Kate Marple-Cantrell3

1: University of Pennsylvania, United States of America; 2: Social Impact; 3: Cloudburst Group

03-02: Do institutional design and state capacity affect demand for property title and sustainability??
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Chris Penrose-Buckley, Foreign, Commonwealth & development Office of the United Kingdom (FCDO), United Kingdom

Who wants property rights? Conjoint evidence from Senegal

Matthew Ribar

Stanford University, United States of America

State reach and gender norms: Examining the uptake of equitable land rights in Malawi

Lauren Honig1, Adam Harris2, Ellen Lust3

1: Boston College, United States of America; 2: University College London; 3: University of Gothenburg

Why land registration systems fail.The case of Torrens in USA

Nicolás Nogueroles

University Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona Spain

Tanzania demand for documentation study: who pays for land documents, and why?

Lauren Persha1, Yuliya Panfil2, Sallie Sherman3, Mustapha Issa Mpelembe4, Mtalemwa Rutizibwa4

1: NORC at the University of Chicago, United States of America; 2: New America, United States of America; 3: DAI, United States of America; 4: LTA NGO, Tanzania

03-03: Can lower-cost approaches to rural land titling increase tenure security?
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Jill Pike, Millenium Challenge Cooperation, United States of America

The effects of tenure security on women's empowerment and food security: Evidence from a land administration program in Ecuador

Maja Schling1, Nicolás Pazos2, Leonardo Corral1, Marisol Inurritegui1

1: Inter-American Development Bank, United States of America; 2: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States of America

The efficiency of customary land tenure systems in resource allocation and their impact on well-being

Timothy Mtumbuka

KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

The challenges of legal recognition of agropastoralists' land rights in Madagascar

Oginot Germier Manasoa1,2,3, Perrine Burnod1,2, Claudine Ramiarison3,4, Patrick Ranjatson5,2, Rebecca Mclain6

1: CIRAD, Madagascar; 2: Think Tany; 3: ED GRND; 4: CIDST; 5: ESSA-Forêt; 6: CIFOR

Improvement of land governance on Mailo tenant lands in Uganda

Heather Huntington2, Kate Marple-Cantrell1, Daniel Ali3, Thea Hilhorst3

1: The Cloudburst Group, United States of America; 2: University of Pennsylvania, United States of America; 3: The World Bank

03-04: Developing financial instruments to make climate mitigation pay
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Stephane Hallegatte, World Bank, United States of America

Global forest carbon: Policy, economics and finance

Runsheng Yin

Michigan State University, United States of America

A jurisdictional framework for monetizing future values of emissions reductions from avoided deforestation: An application to Brazil

Alexander Golub1, Marek Hanusch2, Diogo Bardal3, Bruce Keith3, Daniel Simon2, Cornelius Fleischhaker2

1: American University, United States of America; 2: The World Bank; 3: IFC

The elephant in the room: land governance challenges of climate change mitigation

David Betge, Frederike Kluemper, Jes Weigelt

TMG Research, Germany

Effective governance structures for integrated carbon farming projects: evidence from Kenya

Friederike Schilling

University of Bonn, Germany

Date: Wednesday, 15/May/2024
03-05: Using new data to inform urban policies: Bridging the gap between theory and practice
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Tanner Regan, George Washington University, United States of America

Building foundations for smarter cities: A data ecosystem approach

Gayatri Singh1, Champaka Rajagopal2

1: World Bank, Mozambique; 2: World Bank, City Planning Labs Global

Beyond the Surface: Uncovering the complex interplay of intra-urban inequality in developing countries

Hogeun Park, Nancy Lozano Gracia, Giuseppe Rossitti, Olivia D'aoust

World Bank Group

From Pixels to Policy: Decoding urban morphology and policy influences

Hogeun Park1, Thomas Esch2, Daniela Palacios Lopez2, Nancy Lozano Gracia1, Olivia D'aoust1

1: World Bank Group; 2: German Aerospace Center (DLR)

New research avenues on urban expansion and land commodification in the Global South.

Berenice Bon1, Claire Simonneau2, Eric Denis3, Philippe Lavigne Delville4

1: IRD - French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, France; 2: University Gustave Eiffel, Paris, France; 3: CNRS - French National Centre for Scientific Research; 4: IRD - French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, France

03-06: Improving effectiveness of documenting land rights in Africa
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Joan Kagwanja, UNECA - African Union, Ethiopia

Land taxation of peri-urban agricultural concessions in Kinshasa: towards an incentive model for agricultural production

Mabu Masiala Bode1, Gérard Sankiana Malankanga2, Jacob Mbanji Kankela3, Nono Mbumba Bode4

1: University of Kinshasa (R.D.Congo.); 2: Institute of Agronomic Studies of Mvuazi at Kongo Central (ISEA / Mvuazi); 3: Multina-DMK Studies office; 4: Ministry of Land Affairs, Democratic Republic of Congo

Bringing Rural Land Administration Services to the farmers Doorsteps

Woldu Reda, Tigistu Abza

Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia

Comparative analysis of land policy instruments to tackle land fragmentation in the face of mounting climate risks

Abebaw Abebe Belay

Ministry of Agriculture, Bahir Dar University

Land reform in Madagascar: Rationales, achievement and institutional Changes

Perrine Burnod1, Heriniaina Rakotomalala2, Emmanuelle Bouquet3

1: CIRAD & Think Tany, Madagascar; 2: FAO, Madagascar; 3: CIRAD

03-07: Institutional arrangements to facilitate access to housing
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Amrita Kulka, University of Warwick, United Kingdom

Institutional analysis of Urban Land and Housing Policy shift in a metropolitan region, Case National Capital Region, Delhi, India

Sneha Sneha

Department of Architecture, Planning and Design, IIT(BHU), Varanasi, India

Cultivated land expropriation in China ─ the roles of agglomeration and government fiscal deficits

Liang Tang1, Jack Peerlings1, Nico Heerink2, Xianlei Ma3

1: Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands; 2: Development Economics Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands.; 3: China Academy of Resources, Environment and Development, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China

Farmland regulation, structural change and agricultural development: evidence from Chongqing land coupon reform

Yameng Fan

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)

Do mandatory disclosures squeeze the lemons? The case of housing markets in India

Vaidehi Tandel1, Sahil Gandhi1,2, Anupam Nanda1, Nandini Agnihotri2

1: University of Manchester, United Kingdom; 2: CSEP India

03-08: Causes and consequences of informality in peri-urban land markets
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Dag Einar Sommervoll, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

Analyzing the impact of land expropriation program on farmers’ livelihood in urban fringes of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Melaku Bogale Fitawok1,2

1: University of Bologna, Italy; 2: Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

Informal land markets and ethnic kinship in sub-Saharan African cities

Lucie Letrouit2, Harris Selod1

1: The World Bank, United States of America; 2: Gustave Eiffel University,

Land management and urban sprawl in Nigeria

Fuad Malkawi, Reyna Lisa Alorro, Oluwaseun Olowoporoku, Sandra Hiari, Michael Ilesanmi

World Bank, United States of America

Climate change, urban expansion, and food production

Hina Sherwani, Felipe Dizon, Rui Su

World Bank, United States of America

Date: Thursday, 16/May/2024
03-09: Using property taxation as basis for a social contract
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Stamatis Kotouzas, World Bank, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

Building comprehensive property tax systems in lower-income countries: ‘Cadaster-First’ versus ‘Property Tax-First’ approaches

Wilson Prichard1, Colette Nyirakamana1, Camille Barras2, Marie Reine Mukazayire1

1: University of Toronto/Local Government Revenue Initiative, Canada; 2: Local Government Revenue Initiative, Canada

Strengthening the fiscal contract by linking property tax reform and participatory budgeting in Freetown, Sierra Leone

Wilson Prichard1, Kevin Grieco3, Abou Bakar Kamara2, Julian Michel3, Niccolo Meriggi4

1: University of Toronto/Local Government Revenue Initiative, Canada; 2: International Growth Centre, Sierra Leone; 3: University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA); 4: Centre for the Study of African Economies, Oxford University

Should local and traditional authorities collaborate in raising property tax? A study of property owner preferences in Zambia

Nicolas Orgeira Pillai

Local Government Revenue Initiative, University of Sussex, World Bank

Empowering Indian cities to drive climate action: Expanding fiscal space through property tax reforms

Namita Aggarwal

Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy, India

03-10: New ways of land valuation for effective property taxation
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Rajul Awasthi, World Bank, Ethiopia

Land value capture: guidance for practitioners

Olga Kaganova, Jon Kher Kaw, Gabor Peteri

World Bank, United States of America

The Netherlands study into discrepancy between assessed values and market prices

Luc Hermans2, Jacob Zevenbergen1, Ruud Kathmann2, Marija Bockarjova1

1: University of Twente, Netherlands, The; 2: Netherlands Council for Real Estate Assessment

Land value chain for property tax administration

Wolaganathan Govender

Terra Vital, South Africa

Analyzing factors affecting land prices in urbanized areas using machine learning: A basis for future 3D property valuations

Peyman Jafary1,2, Davood Shojaei2, Abbas Rajabifard2, Tuan Ngo1,3

1: Building 4.0 CRC, Caulfield East, Victoria, Australia; 2: Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 3: Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

03-11: Addressing the challenges of putting property tax reform in practice
Location: MC 8-100
Chair: Rajul Awasthi, World Bank, Ethiopia

The key for a continuous cadastre updating is a gradual progressive tax increase. Bogota, Colombia.

Juan Ricardo Ortega Lopez


Improving property tax collection in Zambia

Rajul Awasthi

World Bank, Ethiopia

Nigeria - moving forward from establishing the foundations of property tax

Taiwo Oyedele

Government of Nigeria, Nigeria

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