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UP-WS05: What did you say? Exploring the potential and challenges of Voice interfaces
Sonntag, 03.09.2023:
11:00 - 12:30

Chair der Sitzung: Michael Shorter
Chair der Sitzung: Melanie Rickenmann
Ort: Gebäude 8, Raum 8.U04

Zeige Hilfe zu 'Vergrößern oder verkleinern Sie den Text der Zusammenfassung' an
ID: 477 / UP-WS05: 1
UP: Workshop (90 Min. | Konferenzsonntag & UPA AK-Workshops)
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion: User Experience Design, Prototyping und Interaktionsmodellierung, Interaktion mit eingebetteten und ambienten Systemen, Reflexion und Perspektiven: Individuum und Gesellschaft
Stichworte: Conversational AI, Automatic Discourse Analysis, ChatGPT, Design

What did you say? Exploring the potential and challenges of Voice interfaces

Michael Shorter1, Melanie Rickenmann2

1Northumbria University; 2OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Schweiz

Conversational artificial intelligence (AI) refers to digital systems that use natural language to communicate with users. Thanks to the advances in deep learning and powerful language models, most recently ChatGPT, a new generation of conversational AI systems have emerged that enable conversations with human-like qualities.

But how capable are these technologies? How well can they hear our voices? And how much information can companies decode from hours and hours of voice data without sitting down and listening to it all? This 90 minute workshop will use custom made devices that will put the participants in the shoes of data collectors to understand how much they can understand from our conversations.

Participants are expected to gain valuable insights into the potential as well as limitations of large language models. They will explore ChatGPTs ability to analyse our conversations as well as experience our visualisations of this data.

Impressum · Kontaktadresse:
Datenschutzerklärung · Veranstaltung: MuC 2023
Conference Software: ConfTool Pro 2.8.102+TC
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