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MCI-SE05: Specific Applications & Context
Dienstag, 05.09.2023:
16:00 - 17:30

Chair der Sitzung: Passant Elagroudy
Ort: Gebäude 4, Aula

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ID: 130 / MCI-SE05: 1
MCI: Langbeitrag (Vorträge)
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion: Gamification und Serious Games
Stichworte: Breastfeeding, Partner, Gamification, Mobile App

3, 2, 1 Start with Breastfeeding: Supporting Partner Involvement in Breastfeeding Education Through a Gamified Mobile App

Kymeng Tang1, Kathrin Gerling2, Marnix Lijnen1, Marten Geets1, Luc Geurts1, Maria Aufheimer2, Joke Muyldermans3,4

1KU Leuven, Belgium; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; 3Care4Education, Boortmeerbeek, Belgium; 4Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FARM), Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

Interactive technology offers a unique opportunity to supplement breastfeeding education, engaging expecting parents in reflection on breastfeeding. Yet, interventions typically target mothers, and although partner support is an important predictor of breastfeeding success, it is rarely addressed in interventions. We present 3, 2, 1 Start with Breastfeeding, a gamified mobile app that allows users to take care of a virtual baby alone or with their partner while engaging with educational content. The app was designed off an existing breastfeeding intervention, and leverages Self-Determination Theory to address parents and their partners. An evaluation with twelve parents show that the app engaged parents and their partners, and successfully communicated the lived experience of early-stage breastfeeding. However, our results also suggest that involving partners needs to be done with nuance to emphasise autonomy. We discuss these findings to derive considerations for the design of interactive interventions to support breastfeeding.

ID: 139 / MCI-SE05: 2
MCI: Langbeitrag (Vorträge)
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion: User Experience Design, Gamification und Serious Games, Learning Technology
Stichworte: Usability-Test, Career Guidance Platform, User Interface Design, Digital Interactive Storytelling, Motivation

Design Features of a Career Guidance Platform to Promote Intrinsically Motivated Use

Jessica Brandenburger, Isabel Mötsch, Monique Janneck

Technische Hochschule Lübeck, Institute for Interactive Systems (ISy), Germany

Many career guidance platforms are information portals that have a strong text-based approach and are used in higher grades later in the career guidance process. As part of a research project (JOLanDA) aimed at improving the career orientation of young people, we are developing a gamified platform to support younger pupils (12 years and older) in career orientation also outside of school. In this paper, we report on a moderated usability test (n = 14) with junior experts (students) to gain initial insights on how to improve the platform, as well as results from school workshops (n = 197, grade 7-9) within three field phases. Due to the playful approach, narrative structure (interactive digital storytelling), and a novel interaction concept (scroll-activated animations), the platform seems to attract great interest and has the potential to foster intrinsic user motivation. Based on the results, we provide design recommendations for online learning environments.

ID: 161 / MCI-SE05: 3
MCI: Langbeitrag (Vorträge)
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion: Interaktionstechniken, Reflexion und Perspektiven: Individuum und Gesellschaft, Fairness, Ethik
Stichworte: reflection, transparency, informed decision-making, responsible nudge design, privacy

Investigating Responsible Nudge Design for Informed Decision-Making Enabling Transparent and Reflective Decision-Making

David Leimstädtner, Peter Sörries, Claudia Müller-Birn

Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland

Consent interfaces are habitually designed to coerce people into sharing the maximum amount of data, rather than making decisions that align with their intentions and privacy attitudes, by leveraging cognitive biases to nudge users toward certain decision outcomes through interface design. Reflection and transparency have been proposed as two design dimensions of a choice architecture constituting a responsible nudge approach capable of counteracting these mechanisms by prompting reflected choice. In a crowdsourced experiment, we evaluate these capabilities of a proposed data-disclosure consent interface design deploying the responsible nudge approach within a realistic setting by exploiting a status quo bias during the sign-up of an online survey platform as a secondary task within a crowdsourcing context. Our results provide insights into a responsible design of consent interfaces, suggesting that prompting reflection significantly decreases the discrepancy between users' privacy attitudes and decision outcomes. Meanwhile, making the presence of a nudge transparent had no significant effect on its influence. Furthermore, identifying individuals' attitudes as a significant predictor of privacy behavior provides a promising direction for future research.

ID: 198 / MCI-SE05: 4
MCI: Langbeitrag (Vorträge)
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion: User Experience Design, Mobile und ubiquitäre Interaktion, Health und Wellbeing
Stichworte: digital wellbeing, balance, smartphones, context-awareness

Implicit Smartphone Use Interventions to Promote Life-Technology Balance: An App-Market Survey, Design Space and the Case of Life-Relaunched

Nađa Terzimehić, Fiona Draxler, Mariam Ahsanpour, Albrecht Schmidt

LMU Munich, Deutschland

The increasing emphasis on digital well-being underscores the significance of balancing technology use with other aspects of life. However, it remains unclear to what extent mobile DW apps support this balance by incorporating the \textit{life} component. We conducted a systematic review of 152 mobile apps available on Google's Playstore and found that current DW apps mainly focus on digital-centric actions such as monitoring screen time and setting app limits, while overlooking everyday life activities that occur outside the smartphone. To address this limitation, we created Life-Relaunched, a smartphone launcher that adapts to users' real-life contexts and activities implicitly. We then conducted a preliminary study to examine the opportunities and challenges of incorporating implicit features into DW apps. The results of our study indicate that integrating implicit features can be advantageous in facilitating a balance between life and smartphone use. Nonetheless, it also emphasizes the challenges of user burden in establishing usage contexts initially.

ID: 505 / MCI-SE05: 5
MCI: Langbeitrag (Vorträge)
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion: Methodische Aspekte und Modellierung
Stichworte: InvitedTalk

About Engaging and Governing Strategies: A Thematic Analysis of Dark Patterns in Social Networking Services

Thomas Mildner1, Gian-Luca Savino2, Philip R Doyle3, Benjamin R. Cowan3, Rainer Malaka1

1Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen, Germany; 2University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; 3School of Information & Communication Studies, University College Dublin, Ireland

Research in HCI has shown a growing interest in unethical design practices across numerous domains, often referred to as “dark patterns”. There is, however, a gap in related literature regarding social networking services (SNSs). In this context, studies emphasise a lack of users’ self-determination regarding control over personal data and time spent on SNSs. We collected over 16 hours of screen recordings from Facebook’s, Instagram’s, TikTok’s, and Twitter’s mobile applications to understand how dark patterns manifest in these SNSs. For this task, we turned towards HCI experts to mitigate possible difficulties of non-expert participants in recognising dark patterns, as prior studies have noticed. Supported by the recordings, two authors of this paper conducted a thematic analysis based on previously described taxonomies, manually classifying the recorded material while delivering two key findings: We observed which instances occur in SNSs and identified two strategies — engaging and governing — with five dark patterns undiscovered before.

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Datenschutzerklärung · Veranstaltung: MuC 2023
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