
MCI-WS14: Your Health, Your Data: Combining Interdisciplinary Views, Concepts, and Practices to Empower Patients in Their Engagement With Personal Health Data
Sonntag, 03.09.2023:
13:00 - 17:00

Ort: Gebäude 1, Raum 1.269

Zusammenfassung der Sitzung

The collection and use of personal data is increasing and new developments in Big Data Analytics allow for innovative applications. Recent developments in healthcare such as the proposal of the European Health Data Space point towards a more data-driven future of diagnostics and therapy. These developments lead to new challenges, especially in how to design interaction between individuals and their personal health data. With this proposed workshop we want to stimulate discussion about these challenges from the interaction perspective and critically ask, where our health data should lie in the future and who will be owning it.


Your Health, Your Data: Combining Interdisciplinary Views, Concepts, and Practices to Empower Patients in Their Engagement With Personal Health Data

Madeleine Flaucher1, Anastasiya Zakreuskaya1, Katharina Jaeger1, Robert Richer1, Jan David Smeddinck2, Devender Kumar2, Sophie Grimme3, Julia Klein4, Robert Hrynyschyn5, Bjoern Eskofier1, Heike Leutheuser1,6

1Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany; 2Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention, Salzburg, Österreich; 3OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology; 4Research Group on Information Security and Compliance, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; 5Institute of Health and Nursing Science, Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany; 6Medical Data Science group, Institute for Machine Learning, ETH Zürich