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MCI-Demo Session
Montag, 04.09.2023:
18:00 - 22:00

Chair der Sitzung: Pascal Knierim
Chair der Sitzung: Katrin Lohan
Ort: Gebäude 1

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An Immersive and Collaborative Virtual Theater Experiences

Frank Dittrich1, Alexej Fedelheimer2, Ihno Oetjen2, Joachim Keinert3, Tobias Jaschke3, Andree Josef2

1TU Chemnitz, Deutschland; 2Die Etagem GmbH, Deutschland; 3Fraunhofer Institut for Integrated Circuits IIS, Deutschland

Immersive Computertechnologien, wie Virtual Reality, erzeugen ein räumliches und soziales Präsenzerleben. Das bietet für den „Remote"-Konsum von kulturellen Bühnenveranstaltungen, wie Theateraufführungen, ganz neue Möglichkeiten, indem Erlebenskomponenten kultureller und sozialer Teilhabe, die bisher nur in Verbindung mit realen Veranstaltungen erzeugt werden konnten, nun auch mit Medientechnologien möglich sind. So können real stattfindende Bühnenveranstaltungen in den virtuellen Raum erweitert werden. Derzeit kommen vor allem 360°-Videoaufnahmen zum Einsatz. Diese erzeugen aber nur ein geringes räumliches Präsenzempfinden und ermöglichen auch keine kollaborativen Funktionen. Rein virtuelle Formate setzen wiederum die Virtualisierung von Bühneninhalten, bspw. mittels Motion Capturing, voraus. Dies ist wiederum technologisch Komplex und kann auch das Erleben vor Ort einschränken. Die Demonstration stellt einen technischen Ansatz zur Fusion eines virtuellen Theaters mit realen Bühneninhalten einer Theateraufführung am Beispiel des Theaters Chemnitz vor. Dazu werden zwei Ansätze verfolgt: eine stereoskopische Videoaufzeichnung sowie ein "dünnes" Lichtfeld. Im virtuellen Theaterraum ermöglicht die Integration eines Multi-Player-Frameworks das gemeinsame Erleben örtlich entfernter Personen, die miteinander per Avatare auf natürliche Weise interagieren können. Die Simulation eines virtuellen Publikums schafft die Illusion, das Event zusammen mit vielen anderen Menschen zu erleben.

Interactive soundscape tabletop to promote immersive sound experiences for people living with dementia and their caregivers

Patrizia Held1, Florian Röhrl2, Norbert Schnell2

1Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, The Care and Technology Lab (IMTT); 2Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences

Music interventions have been proven effective in activating people living with dementia, even in the advanced stages of the disease. Alongside music, sound-based activities are vital for the care of those affected. However, the use of sound-based activities in the daily care of people living with dementia is challenging and lacks research. To address this gap, sound-related interactive media can play a significant role. Currently, existing systems rarely allow individuals with dementia to create personalized sound experiences. In the DIDEM project, we are exploring digital solutions in a participatory development process to improve everyday sound experiences for people with dementia. In this demonstration, we introduce a prototype of an interactive soundscape tabletop designed specifically for collaborative activities with people living with dementia within institutional settings.

HoloBoard: A gamified balance board experience

Robin Frölke1, Butz Benjamin1, Gregor Lux1, Jens Gerken2

1Westphalian Uninversity, Germany; 2TU Dortmund University, Germany

In this demo, we present HoloBoard, a HoloLens2-based Augmented Reality application, which gamifies traditional balance board training to make it more engaging and enjoyable. Ankle injuries are among the most common injuries in many ball sports. Balance training, such as training programs which use a balance board, can help stabilize foot joints and prevent injuries. Traditional balance training is often inadequate because there is no feedback, and the "monotonous" movements are perceived as "boring." Our application is based on the Unreal game engine and utilizes the HoloLens2 to engage the player in various ball sports related game types such as catching, heading and dodging, thereby requiring various body movements similar to traditional balance board training programs.

ARchi VR: Real-time Collaboration in Augmented Spaces

Santiago Moreno, Phillip Ackermann

ZHAW School of Engineering, Schweiz

This paper showcases the integration of real-time collaboration features within the ARchi VR room-scanning iOS app. The implemented functionality enables users to edit and create objects for a room in 2D and 3D. Additionally, we demonstrate our ongoing efforts in exploring remote video-based interaction with an AR scene. A first prototype was developed, allowing for object creation through a remote screen share using the local AR user’s perspective.

Züri teilt: Facilitating Resource Sharing Practices in Neighborhoods

Anton Fedosov1, Lisa Ochsenbein2,3, Ivan Mele3, Robin Oster3,4, Maude Rivière3, Ronny Gisin4

1University of Zurich, Switzerland; 2Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland; 3Verein Pumpipumpe, Switzerland; 4Prine GmbH, Switzerland

In the non-profit sharing economy context, an increasing number of resource sharing collectives and organizations (e.g., libraries of things) and peer-to-peer grassroots sharing initiatives leverage underutilized household resources (e.g., tools) to optimize their shared use for the benefit of their local communities. However, a number of social-technical challenges prevent the endurance and growth of such initiatives. Prior research highlighted the specific difficulties related to poor visibility of members' activities and often high social barriers that hinder interactions among neighbors and strangers. In our prior work, stemming from our continuous engagement with one local sharing community in Switzerland over several years, through fieldwork, interviews, and co-creation studies, we elicited a set of design opportunities to address the emergent community's challenges. Based on these design considerations, we developed Züri teilt, a mobile application to facilitate resource sharing practices among neighbors aligning with the slow, temporal, and gradual nature of their relationships.

TrainOn: Ein Open Source-Plugin für die Entwicklung von Online-Trainings und Durchführung von Studien in WordPress

Tim Mallwitz, Monique Janneck, Max Sternitzke, Hamid Mergan

Technische Hochschule Lübeck, Deutschland

Webbasierte Plattformen bieten nicht immer die notwendigen Voraussetzungen zur Entwicklung und wissenschaftlichen Begleitung von Online-Interventionen. Auch ist die Nutzung dieser Plattformen häufig mit hohen Lizenzgebühren verbunden.

Dieser Beitrag stellt TrainOn vor, ein Open Source-Plugin für WordPress, mit dem komplexe interaktive Online-Trainings erstellt sowie Online-Befragungen und komplexe Studiendesigns realisiert werden können.

VRoom – Development of a Virtual Reality learning environment for the utilization of color in an architectural context

Holger Reckter, Thomas Lüttich

University of Applied Sciences Mainz, Deutschland

Usage of Virtual Reality (VR) applications in an education setting has specific needs. The high number of parallel users create atypical time and space requirements. Interaction with the system needs to be intuitive, easy to learn and quick to understand. While intuition is approachable in simple applications, with an increasing system complexity this principle is becoming harder to implement. In the development of VRoom we used a User Centered Design approach. Regarding the process we used informal tests and implemented different methods of user interaction in VR. We examined different placements and alignments of the User Interface (UI) elements. Depending on the qualitative user feedback the functionality of the VR application was adapted and resulted in a combination of different UI elements with the goal to learn the utilization of color in different interior environments.

Participative Technology Development of ICT tools for Risk Communication and Disaster Management

Jeannette Anniés1, Chrysoula Papathanasiou2, Selby Knudsen3, Pietro De Vito4, Orestis Sampson2, Panagiotis Michalis2, Lazaros Karagiannidis2, Angelos Amditis2, Marco Barbagelata4, Eva Mandri4, Gianluca Ilengo4, Daniele Ravizza4, Fatmanur Karaca1

1University of Stuttgart IAT, Stuttgart, Germany; 2Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Athens, Greece; 3Trilateral Research Ltd., London, United Kingdom; 4Stam S.r.l., Genova, Italy

In the scope of the H2020 project RiskPACC, ICT tools are co-designed to be applied to the field of Disaster Risk Management (DRM). These tools follow the project’s approach to enhance the communication between Civil Protection Authorities (CPAs) and citizens. This work accompanies two demonstration videos for the AEOLIAN AR mobile application and the Social Media platform HERMES. Both tools show novel approaches to enable end-users, such as citizens, to communicate with CPAs during all phases of DRM in a two-way communication flow. The tools have been co-designed during three rounds of targeted workshops with five organisations representing local authorities facing natural and anthropogenic hazards. Concluding the co-creation processes, the tools have improved to TRL6 (AEOLIAN) and TRL5 (HERMES). This work gives background information on the relevance, development, and main features of the solutions.

A Virtual Reality simulator for timber fabrication tasks using industrial robotic arms.

Eric Bossecker, Aimée Sousa Calepso, Benjamin Kaiser, Alexander Verl, Michael Sedlmair

Stuttgart University, Deutschland

Virtual Reality(VR) simulators are well known applications for immersive spaces. When it comes to Human-Robot Collaboration(HRC), training and safety are important aspects that can be supported by simulators. In this demo, we propose a workflow between ROS and a VR application that allows the use of real robot programming plan to control the robot’s digital twin. We also provide the results of a short evaluation that was done with 6 experts, where they provided insights for future improvement and use cases. Our demo is the first step towards a full integrated system where path planning and fabrication steps can be tested with users without any of the risk and cost that are involved when using real industrial robots.

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