Conference Agenda

MD3 - RM9: Online resource allocation
Monday, 26/June/2023:
MD 14:45-16:15

Location: International II

3rd floor


Online reusable resource assortment planning with customer-dependent usage durations

Tianming Huo1, Wang Chi Cheung2

1National University of Singapore, Singapore; 2National University of Singapore, Singapore

We study an adversarial online assortment problem with reusable resources and customer-dependent usage durations. We propose a novel online algorithm which features rejection durations filtering out unprofitable products. We show that it achieves a competitive ratio within a constant factor from the best possible one with large capacities. This is the first work that derives a non-trivial performance guarantee for such problem. We further extend our algorithm framework to other reward functions.

Assortment optimization for online multiplayer video games

Fan You, Thomas Vossen, Rui Zhang

University of Colorado Boulder, United States of America

We consider an assortment optimization problem for a class of online video games. Our paper is the first to study assortment optimization for the gaming industry under discrete choice models; it is also the first to devise solution approaches for the constrained mixture-of-nested-logit model with performance guarantees. Numerical experiments show that our approaches perform well across a variety of settings. Our work provides guidance to online video game stores for effective revenue maximization.

Dynamic pricing for reusable resources: the power of two prices

Santiago Balseiro, Will Ma, Wenxin Zhang

Columbia University, United States of America

We study a new class of stock-dependent pricing policies for reusable resources that set prices based on the stock at hand. To find the optimal policy in this class, we introduce a reformulation that is convex. We provide a sharp characterization of the regret of this policy class via matching upper and lower bounds and show they can significantly improve upon static pricing. A simple two-price policy that changes prices when the stock is below a threshold can achieve the optimal rate of regret.