Conference Agenda

ME7 - TIE10: Value of prediction and information
Monday, 26/June/2023:
ME 16:30-18:00

Location: Mont Royal II

4th floor


Can predictive technology help improve acute care operations? Investigating the impact of virtual triage adoption

Jiatao Ding, Michael Freeman, Sameer Hasija


Patients self-triage for acute care but lack medical knowledge, leading to inaccurate decisions. Virtual triage tools aim to improve self-triage. We develop a queueing game model to assess virtual triage's operational efficacy. Excessive emergency primary care recommendations reduce ED GP visits. Informative virtual triage can worsen system performance. Policy actions should consider decentralized behavior, incentive alignment, and accuracy decisions based on ROC curve.

Is kindness the magical spell? The role of information and reciprocity in revenue-sharing crowdfunding

Behrooz Pourghannad1, Guangwen Kong2, Laurens Debo3

1University of Oregon; 2Fox School of Business, Temple University; 3Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College

Problem: Crowdfunding with insiders and outsiders faces reciprocity and information asymmetry. Methodology/Results: High reciprocity hampers information transmission, benefiting outsiders. Information asymmetry lets outsiders gain a larger share. Increased reciprocity reduces investor payoff. Managerial Implications: Limiting investors or investment improves information transmission. Leverage social networks for better crowdfunding.