Conference Agenda

SB9 - Practice2: MSOM Practice Competition 2
Sunday, 25/June/2023:
SB 10:00-11:30

Location: Cartier I

3rd floor


Decarbonizing OCP

Dimitris Bertsimas3, Ryan Cory-Wright1,2, Vassilis Digalakis Jr.3

1IBM; 2Imperial College Business School; 3MIT

We present a collaboration with the OCP Group, one of the world's largest producers of phosphate, in support of a green initiative to reduce OCP's carbon emissions significantly. We study the problem of decarbonizing OCP’s electricity supply by installing a mixture of solar panels and batteries to minimize its investment cost plus the cost of satisfying its remaining demand via the Moroccan national grid. This forms the basis for a one billion USD investment in renewable energy generation.

Patient sensitivity to emergency department waiting time announcements

Jingqi Wang1, Eric Park2, Huiyin Ouyang2, Sergei Savin3

1Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen; 2University of Hong Kong; 3University of Pennsylvania

Problem: Evaluating an ED delay announcement system in Hong Kong's healthcare. Methodology: Studying 1.3M patient visits, we estimate patient sensitivity to announced waiting times (WT) and factors influencing it. Results show potential improvements in reducing WT and patients leaving without being seen. Implications: Increase patient awareness, reduce WT update window, focus on older population and Kowloon district for promotion.

Improving farmers’ income on online agri-platforms: evidence from the field

Retsef Levi1, Manoj Rajan2, Somya Singhvi3, Yanchong {Karen} Zheng1

1MIT; 2Rashtriya e Market Services; 3USC Marshall School of Business

Online agri-platforms, like Karnataka's United Market Platform (UMP), aim to improve smallholder farmers' welfare. This study designs a two-stage auction on the UMP, increasing farmers' revenue with over $6 million in commodity trades. Results show a 3.6% price increase (55%-94% profit gain), benefiting 10,000+ farmers. Lessons highlight innovative price discovery in resource-constrained environments, emphasizing operational and behavioral factors for success.