Conference Agenda

Tutorial: Introduction to Modeling, Simulation, Debugging, and Interoperability with Modelica and OpenModelica Part 2
Monday, 09/Oct/2023:
3:00pm - 4:30pm

Session Chair: John Kristofer Tinnerholm
Session Chair: Peter Ambjörn Fritzson
Location: Room Copper

Session Abstract

This tutorial gives an introduction to the Modelica language, the OpenModelica environment, and an overview of modeling and simulation in a number of application areas. Moreover, an introduction to debugging Modelica models will be given, and an introduction to interoperability with Julia/Python used for simple control system design. Some advanced features of OpenModelica will be presented, including clocked synchronous support, real-time embedded code generation, FMI export and import, OMPython, OMJulia, etc.

A number of hands-on exercises will be done during the tutorial, both graphical modeling using the Modelica standard library and textual modeling. Bring your laptop for exercises.