Conference Agenda

Tutorial: Modeling complex thermal architectures using the DLR ThermoFluid Stream Library Part 1
Monday, 09/Oct/2023:
1:30pm - 2:30pm

Session Chair: Niels Weber
Session Chair: Dirk Zimmer
Location: Room Neon

Session Abstract

The DLR ThermoFluid Stream Library introduces a new computational concept to enable the robust solution of even complex thermodynamic architectures. In this tutorial we provide you hands-on examples to work with, discuss the theoretical underpinning and present the newest additions to the library.

For library access and tool compatibility, please visit the GitHub-page


The tutorial will include a live-demo for everyone to follow and to build up an exemplary thermal architecture step by step. To be able to join the step-by-step modeling, please download the latest version of the ThermofluidStream Library from GitHub. The demo will be held in Dymola, but any other software as OpenModelica, Modelon Impact or System Modeler can also be used.