Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 19th Sept 2024, 01:45:33am CEST

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Session Overview
Location: Club A
170 1st floor
Date: Sunday, 15/Aug/2021
9:00am - 9:50amKN-3: High Pressure Crystallography Unlimited
Location: Club A

 Leonid Dubrovinsky

10:20am - 12:45pmMS-2: Validation of cryoEM structures and maps
Location: Club A

Invited: Florence Tama (Japan), Pavel Afonine (USA), G. Kleywegt (Germany)

2:45pm - 5:10pmMS-09: Structure guided drug design and antibiotic resistance targets
Location: Club A

Invited: Vibha Gupta (India), Jade Forwood (Australia)

6:10pm - 7:00pmKN-6: The Coronavirus Structural Task Force
Location: Club A

Andrea Thorn

Date: Monday, 16/Aug/2021
9:00am - 9:50amKN-9: Crystalline sponge, metal-organic assembles
Location: Club A

Makoto Fujita

10:20am - 12:45pmMS-17: Automation in bio-crystallography: tools, perspectives and applications
Location: Club A

Invited: Katherine McAuley (UK)Jose Marquez (France)

2:45pm - 5:10pmMS-25: Structural biology against coronavirus/covid-1
Location: Club A

Invited: Xuhui Huang (China)

6:10pm - 7:00pmKN-12: Structural hybrid methods to probe membrane transport nanomachines in pathogenic bacteria
Location: Club A

Natalie Strynadka

Date: Tuesday, 17/Aug/2021
9:00am - 9:50amKN-15: Time resolved macromolecular crystallography
Location: Club A

Arwen R Pearson

10:20am - 12:45pmMS-33: CryoEM for macromolecules - from single particles to microcrystals
Location: Club A

Invited:  Nenad Ban (Switzerland), Dimple Karia (Netherlands)

1:00pm - 2:00pmMeeting 3 - Journals: Commission on Journals open meeting
Location: Club A
Date: Wednesday, 18/Aug/2021
9:00am - 9:50amKN-18: Electron density, and its interplay with the energy and properties of molecules and solids
Location: Club A

Julia Contreras-Garcia

10:20am - 12:45pmMS-42: Novel techniques and insights into in vitro and in situ crystallisation for X-ray and electron diffraction.
Location: Club A

Invited: Haruki Hasegawa (USA), Alexandra Ros (USA)

1:00pm - 2:00pmWorkshop - Journals: Journal Author Workshop. From data to publication
Location: Club A

Panelists: Elspeth Garman (Acta D); Chiara Massera (Acta E); Andrew Allen (Editor-in-Chief)

Managing editors and IUCr staff: Louise Jones (Acta D); Michele Zema (Executive Outreach Officer)

2:45pm - 5:10pmMS-49: Protein design and engineering
Location: Club A

Invited: Elizabeth M.J. Gillam (Australia), Mauri Kostiainen (Finland)

6:10pm - 7:00pmKN-21: How limitless antibodies are generated by V(D)J recombination
Location: Club A

Wei Yang

Date: Thursday, 19/Aug/2021
9:00am - 9:50amKN-24: Regulation of gene expression by transcription factors and RNA-binding proteins
Location: Club A

 Udo Heinemann

10:20am - 12:45pmMS-58: Ultra-high resolution macromolecular crystallography and quantum biocrystallography
Location: Club A

Invited: Paulina Dominiak (Poland), Maciej Kubicki (Poland)

1:00pm - 2:30pmECA - GIG-1: ECA - GIG-1 Young Crystallographers
Location: Club A
2:45pm - 5:10pmMS-69a: Complex crystal structures - chemical crystallography
Location: Club A
6:10pm - 7:00pmKN-25: A Crystallographic Snapshot of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Maturation Process and the Discovery of Inhibitors
Location: Club A

Glaucius Oliva

Date: Friday, 20/Aug/2021
9:00am - 9:50amKN-30: Structure guided inhibitor discovery targeting a membrane receptor involved in atherosclerosis
Location: Club A

Arockiasamy Arulandu

10:20am - 12:45pmMS-74: Structural biology of receptors, signaling and membrane proteins
Location: Club A

Invited:  Robert Keenan (USA), Isabel Moraes (UK)

1:00pm - 2:30pmECA - SIG-11: ECA - SIG-11 Crystallography under Extreme Conditions
Location: Club A
2:45pm - 5:10pmMS-81: Nucleic acids and binding proteins structure and function
Location: Club A

Invited: Millie Georgiadis (USA), Liliya Yatsunyk (USA)

6:10pm - 7:00pmKN-33: Overview of Global Neutron Sources, Instruments and Initiatives
Location: Club A

Ken Andersen

Date: Saturday, 21/Aug/2021
9:00am - 9:50amKN-34: Fabrication and Characterization of Inhomogeneity-free Polymer Gels
Location: Club A

Mitsushiro Shibayama

10:20am - 12:45pmMS-92 (34b): Structural biology of enzymes, mechanism and regulation II
Location: Club A
2:45pm - 5:10pmMS-101 (18b): Phase transitions in complex materials (structure and magnetism) II
Location: Club A