Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 21st Sept 2024, 04:34:30am CEST

Session Overview
Poster - 48 Fragment screening: Fragment screening
Saturday, 21/Aug/2021:
5:10pm - 6:10pm

Session Chair: Alice Douangamath
Session Chair: Lisa J. Keefe


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Poster session abstracts

Radomír Kužel

Hundreds of starting points for spliceosomal PPI modulators identified by crystallographic fragment screening with the F2X-Universal Library

Tatjana Barthel1,3, Jan Wollenhaupt1, Gustavo M. A. Lima2, Markus C. Wahl3, Manfred S. Weiss1

1Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Macromolecular Crystallography, Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany; 2MAX IV Laboratory, BioMAX, Fotongatan 2, 224 84 Lund, Sweden; 3Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Laboratory of Structural Biochemistry, Takustraße 6, 14195 Berlin, Germany

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HIF-Prolyl-Hydroxylase 2 Clinical Inhibitor Complex Structure and XChem Fragment-Based Screen Obtained with Succinate Co-Product Used as a Crystallisation Tool.

William D. Figg Jr1, Michael A. McDonough1, Yu Nakashima1,3, Rasheduzzaman Chowdhury1,2, Christopher J. Schofield1

1Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; 2Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Fransciso, CA, United States; 3Institute of Natural Medicine, University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan

External Resource:
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Updates from FragMAX, a crystallographic fragment screening platform at MAX IV Laboratory

Tobias Krojer

MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, PO Box 118, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden

External Resource:
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