Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
MS-29: Texture, strain and structure in metals and ceramics
Monday, 16/Aug/2021:
2:45pm - 5:10pm

Session Chair: David Rafaja
Location: 223-4

60 2nd floor

Ivnited: Efthymios Polatidis (Switzerland), Jana Šmilauerová (Czech Republic)

Session Abstract

Physical properties of crystalline materials are generally determined by their chemical composition and crystal structure, but in many cases they can be strongly manipulated by changing the materials microstructure. This microsymposium will cover all aspects of the correlation between
the microstructure of metals and ceramics, including texture, stress, strain and microstructure defects, and materials properties, which is the typical basis for efficient design of materials with desired properties. Traditional and novel methods of microstructure analysis allowing the identification and quantification of microstructure phenomena and microstructure defects, preferentially during the materials processing, will be discussed.

For all abstracts of the session as prepared for Acta Crystallographica see PDF in Introduction, or individual abstracts below.

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2:45pm - 2:50pm

Introduction to session

David Rafaja

2:50pm - 3:20pm

Tailoring the TRIP effect of austenitic stainless steels with selective laser melting

Efthymios Polatidis1, Christos Sofras1, Capek Jan1, Ariyan Arabi-Hashemi2, Christian Leinenbach2, Markus Strobl1

1Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen PSI, Switzerland; 2Empa – Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland

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3:20pm - 3:50pm

Phase transformation pathway in Ti-15Mo studied by in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction

Pavel Zháňal, Jana Šmilauerová, Petr Harcuba, Lukáš Horák, Václav Holý

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

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3:50pm - 4:10pm

Microsecond time resolved X-ray diffraction for the fast determination of fatigue behavior beyond one billion cycles

Doriana Vinci, Vincent Jacquemain, Christophe Cheuleu, Vincent Michel, Olivier Castelnau, Veronique Favier, Nicolas Ranc

Laboratoire PIMM, Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, CNRS, HESAM Université, Paris, France

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4:10pm - 4:30pm

Mechanisms of elastic-plastic deformation in magnesium alloy studied using neutron diffraction and crystallite group method

Przemysław Kot1, Andrzej Baczmański1, Marcin Wroński1, Sebastian Wroński1, Christian Scheffzük2, Gizo Bokuchava2, Vadim Sikolenko2

1AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland; 2Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joliot-Curie 6, Dubna 141980, Russia

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4:30pm - 4:50pm

Texture and eco-piezoceramics

Luis E. Fuentes-Cobas1, Juan R. Narváez-Monroy1, Alejandro Campos-Rodríguez1, María E. Montero-Cabrera1, Rodrigo Domínguez-García1, Edgar E. Villalobos-Portillo2, Luis Fuentes-Montero3, Benjamín Batista-Fierro4, Marcela S. Luévano-Jáquez4, Lorena Pardo5

1Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados, S.C., Chihuahua, Mexico; 2European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France; 3Diamond Light Source, Didcot, UK; 4Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, Chih., México; 5Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

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4:50pm - 5:10pm

Superhardness in boron carbide through nanostructuration

Fernando Igoa1,2, Simon Delacroix1,2, Yang Song1, Yann Le Godec2, Cristina Coelho-Diogo3, Christel Gervais1, Gwenaëlle Rousse4, David Portehault1

1Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris (LCMCP), Paris, France.; 2Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Institut de Minéralogie, Physique des Matériaux et Cosmochimie (IMPMC), Paris, France.; 3Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Institut des Matériaux de Paris Centre (IMPC), Paris, France.; 4Sorbonne Université, Collège de France, CNRS, Chimie du Solide et de l'Energie (CSE), Paris, France.

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