Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 9th Sept 2024, 07:06:24am IST

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Session Overview
Date: Monday, 08/Jan/2024
Board: ICSEI Board Meeting
Location: Room 5
MC-A: The Age of Identity: Who Do Our Kids Think They Are…and How Can We Help Them Belong?
Location: Arbutus Room
Chair: Andy Hargreaves
Chair: Dennis Lynn Shirley
MC-B: Data-informed Decision Making in Professional Learning Networks: Data teams and students
Location: Maple Room
Chair: Cindy Louise Poortman
Chair: Kim Schildkamp
ECF: Early Career Forum: Nurturing Early Career Talent Through Connections
Location: Room 3
Chair: Andrew Wambua
The pre-conference event is organized by the ICSEI Early Career Coordinators as a networking and mentoring forum for early career researchers, practitioners and policymakers. The event allows participants to connect, share experiences and build relationships that can be valuable throughout their career. It is a holistic initiative that recognizes the importance of supporting and connecting early career professionals in the field of education and school improvement. The event brings together practicing educators/school leaders, Masters students, PhD students and early career scholars to connect, share their work, common challenges and opportunities, and meet experienced scholars. Listening to experienced professionals in panel discussions can provide practical insights, knowledge and lessons that can be extremely valuable for both professional and personal growth – and so, if you are an early career professional, you are most welcome to join us and learn more about the opportunities...
MC-C: Designing and Leading Professional Learning Networks
Location: Arbutus Room
Chair: Andy Hargreaves
Chair: Danette Parsley
MC-D: Creating the Conditions for School Belonging
Location: Room 10
Chair: Kathryn Riley
Chair: Julia Dobson
MC-E: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Positive Leadership and School Improvement
Location: Maple Room
Chair: Karen Seashore
Chair: Mohammed Elmeski
Date: Tuesday, 09/Jan/2024
IN01.P1.EL: Innovate Session
Location: Emmet Theatre

Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Innovation for Educational Change: Exploring the Relationship between Innovation, Leadership, and Capacity Building

Paul Campbell1, Joan Conway2, Dorothy Andrews2, Stephen MacGregor3, Rania Sawalhi4

1: Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R., China; 2: University of Southern Queensland, Australia; 3: University of Calgary, Canada; 4: Eduenterprise, Qatar

Changing People and Practices: Contradictions And Tensions In The Built Spaces Of Innovative Learning Environments

Jennifer Louise Charteris1, Dianne Smardon2

1: Univeristy of New England, Australia; 2: Independent Contractor

Knowledge Building: a Transformative and Innovative Approach to Learning

Silvana Reda, Cassandra Reda Gavin

Caravan Learning Consultants, Canada

IN02.P1.3P: Innovate Session
Location: Ui Chadain Theatre

Creating Cultures Of Belonging: A Critical Inquiry Approach To Deepening Staff Understanding Of Equity, Inclusion And Diversity

Usha James1, Jenelee Jones2, Cayley Ermter2, Sarrah Johnstone2

1: The Critical Thinking Consortium, Canada; 2: Calgary Girls Charter School, Canada

Auxiliary School Leaders: A Missing Component in Distributed Leadership Practice, Research, and Theory

Henry Zink, Craig Hochbein

Lehigh University, United States of America

EdEco Connect - A Working Experiment in Supporting Learning Ecosystem Emergence in South Africa

Robyn Mary Whittaker1, James Donald2, Julie Williamson2, Nadeen Moolla3, Helen Vosloo2

1: DBE E3; 2: Kaleidoscope Lights; 3: Marang Education Trust

P01.P1.EL: Paper Session
Location: Swift Theatre

From Implementing “What Works” To Fostering Agency For Continuous Improvement: Identifying Problem Solving Competencies For School Leaders

Miguel Órdenes González1, Elizabeth Zumpe2, Rick Mintrop3

1: Universidad Diego Portales, Chile; 2: University of Oklahoma; 3: University of California, Berkeley

When Leaders Take The Lead In Improvement Work

Charlotte Ringsmose, Line Skov Hansen

Aalborg Universitet, Denmark

The Best Of Times, The Worst Of Time(s): A Rhythmanalysis Of Leading Schools During And Beyond Lockdown

Toby Greany, Pat Thomson

University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

P02.P1.3P: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3105

Building Consensus On School Leadership For Quality Education In Africa

Cyiza Jocelyne Kirezi, Jef Peeraer, Chantal Dusabe Kabanda

VVOB - Education for Development

School Principals' Responsibility for Inclusive School Settings – a Cross-country Comparison

Carolina Dahle

University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway

From Digital Exclusion to Digital Inclusion: Enhancing Parental Self-Efficacy for Home-Based Digital Learning – A Narrative Review

Declan Qualter

University College Dublin, Ireland

P03.P1.PLN: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3131 (Tues/Wed)

Area-based School Partnerships and Equity: Why Context Matters

Paul Wilfred Armstrong, Mel Ainscow

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Designing Cross-District Site Visits as a Tool for Leadership Training: A Professional Learning Network for District Leaders to Support Immigrant Students

Rebecca Lowenhaupt1, Edom Tesfa2, Jennifer Queenan3, Paulette Andrade1

1: Boston College, United States of America; 2: Harvard Graduate School of Education, US; 3: CUNY Graduate Center, US

Chilean Preservice Teachers’ Motivations for Joining the Teaching Profession

María Beatriz Fernández2, Carmen Montecinos1, Cristóbal Manaut2

1: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso, Chile; 2: Universidad de Chile

P04.P1.MR: Paper Session
Location: Rm 4035

Do Schools’ Inspection Reports and Value-added Estimates Agree on the Effectiveness of Schools? A Comparison of School Performance Feedback from Multiple Sources

Lore Pelgrims

KU Leuven, Belgium

The Role of Home Literacy Environment, Students’ Reading Enjoyment, Motivation and Frequency in Fourth Graders’ Reading Comprehension: A Parallel Mediation Analysis

Renée Claes1, Jana Laga1, Katrijn Denies1, Nele Bleukx1, Jonas Dockx1, Hilde Van Keer2, Koen Aeseart1

1: KU Leuven, Belgium; 2: Ghent University

To What Extent Does School Inspection Foster Capacity Building? The Chilean Case

Xavier Vanni, María Fernanda Goñi, Juan Pablo Valenzuela, Millycent Contreras

Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación, Universidad de Chile

Do You Understand Us? Establishing Trusting Collaborations Between Researchers and School Practitioners

Katrine Puge

Aarhus University, Denmark

P40.P1.CR: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3098

Relationships Between Teachers’ Instructional Leadership Practice With Students’ Thinking Styles And Attitude Towards E-Learning In Selected Secondary Schools In Kuala Lumpur

Norzetty Md Zahir1, Ahmad Najmuddin Azmi2, Chua Yan Piaw3, Loo Fung Ying4, Shahrizal Norwawi5


Preliminary Insights On The Potential Of Research-Practice Collaboration To Create Enabling Spaces For Collaborative Knowledge Creation With Young People in Schools In The Western Cape, South Africa

Magriet Cruywagen

University of Glasgow

Social Justice Imperatives for Undocumented Immigrant Students: Equitable Practices and Inclusive Leadership

Karen Ramlackhan

University of South Florida, United States of America

P48.P1.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 5086 (Tues/Wed)

Life Histories of Women Principals in Relation to Reform

Vicki Park1, Amanda Datnow2

1: San Diego State University, United States of America; 2: University of California San Diego, United States of America

The Impact of Coaching on Newly Appointed School Leaders

Mihaela Zavašnik

National Education Institute, Slovenia

The Influence of the Circuit Managers on Learner Performance in a Thriving Rural District

Pinkie Euginia Mthembu1, Sibonelo Blose2, Bongani Mkhize3

1: University of Witwatersrand, South Africa; 2: University of Pretoria; 3: University of Johannesburg

R01.P1.3PPLNa: Roundtable Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Entry to Initial Teacher Education: Effective Assessment of Suitability

Pauline Stephen1, Elaine Napier2

1: General Teaching Council for Scotland; 2: General Teaching Council for Scotland

Enhancing Collaborative Professionalism in the Dyad of Pre-Service Teacher and Co-Operating Teacher in the Mathematics Classroom

Patricia Nunan

Hibernia College, Ireland

R01.P1.ELa: Roundtable Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Nurturing Effective All-Age School Leadership: Strategies for Success

John Gilbert Luker

St Mary's University Twickenham, United Kingdom

Student Voice and Participation - Developing and Enabling Student Agency and Potential in Schools

Ingelin Burkeland1, Patricia M. McNamara2, Nina Grieg Viig3

1: KS Consultants AS, Norway; 2: Limerick University; 3: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

A Collaborative, System-Wide approach to Mental Health and Wellness Educational Research Project: A Wholistic, Multi-Stakeholder Pilot Project

Demetra Mylonas1, Gina Cherkowski2, Erica Makarenko3, Dylan Dean1

1: Calgary Academy, Canada; 2: Headwater Learning Foundation, Canada; 3: University of Calgary

S01.P1.PLN: Symposium
Location: Davis Theatre

Representation And Reach: Critical Problems Of Practice For Professional Learning And Sharing Expertise Among And Across Networks Of Educators

Chair(s): Thomas Hatch (Teachers College, Columbia University)

Discussant(s): Thomas Hatch (Teachers College, Columbia University)


Presentations of the Symposium


Who Shares What With Whom?: Layering Social And Content Networks To Improve Knowledge Mobilization

Marie Lockon1, Alan J Daly1, Martin Rehm2, Anita Caduff1; , , ,
1University of California San Diego, 2Universität Regensburg


Representing Education Innovations And Their Implementations For Multi-Stakeholder Audiences: The Case Of HundrED

Crystal Green, Heini Karppinen; ,


Scaling Capabilities for Collaborative, Continuous Improvement: Exploring New Possibilities for Open Access Online Learning

Donald Peurach;
University of Michigan

S02.P1.EL: Symposium
Location: Synge Theatre

Learning Identities: The Challenge for Educators

Chair(s): Pierre Tulowitzki (FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland)

Discussant(s): Pierre Tulowitzki (FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland)


Presentations of the Symposium


English in East and South Asia in the Post-Kachruvian Era: Evolving Identities and New Possibilities

Ee Ling Low;
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Classroom Manager or Learning Partner – How Can Teachers Support Students in Developing Their Identity, And How Can This Influence the Students’ Learning?

Marlen Faannessen1, Erlend Dehlin2;
1KS Consultant (The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities), 2Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Exploring Identities: Contrasting Evidence from Canada and South Korea

Dennis Shirley;
Boston College

S03.P1.3P: Symposium
Location: Burke Theatre

School Belonging From The ‘Outside-In’

Chair(s): (Professor) Kathryn Riley (Institute of Education, UCL)

Discussant(s): Anton Florek (Staff College UK)


Presentations of the Symposium


The Dance of Leadership: Internal Belonging and External Constraints

Karen Louis;
University of Minnesota


A place-based Approach to Enabling Young People to Create Their Sense of Social Belonging

Helene Elvstrand, Lina Lago, Sanna Hedrén; , ,
Linköpings university Sweden

Coffee Break
OP: Opening Ceremony, including official opening of the ICSEI 2024 Congress by Yvonne Keating, Chief Inspector, Department of Education, Ireland
Location: Burke Theatre
ISS07: ICSEI Dialogic Fireside Chat (in collaboration with CREN Network)
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room
Chair: Trista Ann Hollweck
The theme of this year’s fireside chat is: The role, value and use of collaborative research to promote educational equity and improvement in the context of crisis. The ICSEI Dialogic is a multi-modal conversation which brings together and amplifies a range of perspectives, contexts, voices, and modes of influence. This is with the aim of documenting, enabling, promoting, pursuing, inspiring, and challenging dialogue, and engagement in sustained collaboration, conversation, and action that could result from this. This year, the ICSEI Dialogic has partnered with the ICSEI Crisis Response in Education Network (CREN).
ISS1-A: Network Meeting: Crisis Response in Education (CREN)
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room
Chair: Romina Madrid Miranda
Chair: David Egan
ISS1-B: Network Meeting: Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
Location: Rm 4035
Chair: Persille Schwartz
Chair: Kristina Westlund
IN03.P2.EL: Innovate Session
Location: Ui Chadain Theatre

From Knowing to Being - Bridging The Gap Between Knowing And Doing In Leadership Development

Heather Lee De Blasio

Grift Education, Australia

Supporting And Nurturing School Leaders: Professional Learning That Develops An Inquiry Stance Toward Instructional Leadership

Usha James1, Shelley Warkentin2, Kellie Wrigley3, Leslie Stewart Rose4

1: The Critical Thinking Consortium, Canada; 2: Seven Oaks School Division, Canada; 3: Superior Greenstone School Division, Canada; 4: University of Toronto

Curious And Curiouser: The Lived Experience Of Women Who Have Opened The Pandora’s Box Of Network Leadership.

Alexandra Harper1, Trista Hollweck2, Miriam Mason-Sesay3, Danette Parsley4, Robyn Whittaker5

1: University of Western Sydney, Australia; 2: University of Ottawa; 3: EducAid; 4: Marzano Research; 5: Africa Voices Dialogue & EdEco Connect Lead

P05.P2.PLN: Paper Session
Location: Rm 4035

Cultivating Professional Capital and Culture Through Reflective Lesson Study and Practice Record Based on the Collaborative Inquiry School-university Partnership

Yuu Kimura1, Mai Kishino2

1: University of Fukui; 2: University of Fukui

Advancing Impact Assessment in Collaborative Educational Research

Stephen MacGregor

University of Calgary, Canada

Teacher Workplace Learning in the Context of Continuing Professional Development

Philipp Schmid

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Switzerland, Switzerland

Teachers' and school leaders perceived benefits, costs and significance on Research-Informed Educational Practice for inclusion: Insights from Catalonia, Poland, and England

Georgeta Ion1, Marta Kowalczuk-Walędziak2, Chris Brown3

1: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; 2: University of Bialystok, Poland; 3: Warwick University, UK

P06.P2.3P: Paper Session
Location: Swift Theatre

From Large-Scale International Comparison To Locally-Relevant Professional Learning: Problems, Prospects, And Reflections On A Work In Progress

Ariel Mariah Lindorff

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

To Change One's Own Mindset - to Contribute to Improvement. A Professional Learning Community at Local Authorities Level.

Anne Berit Emstad

NTNU, Norway

Online Professional Development for Enhancing School Self-evaluation and Improvement. Teachers’ and School Principals’ Perspectives

Sara Romiti1, Francesco Fabbro2, Donatella Poliandri1

1: INVALSI, Rome, Italy; 2: University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Universities and Governments Supporting School-led Improvements: Developing Complex Partnership Configurations for Translation and Impact

Dennis Kwek, Hwei-Ming Wong, Chew-Lee Teo, Monica Ong

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

P07.P2.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3098

Understanding How School And District Leaders Promote Educational Equity For Multilingual Learners: Leadership Practices From The Field

Nora Turriago, Amanda Datnow, Shana Cohen, Alison Wishard Guerra

University of California San Diego, United States of America

System-wide and Career-long Leadership Frameworks to Drive Capacity and Capability Building

Fabienne Michelle Van der Kleij, Pauline Taylor-Guy, Michelle Lasen

Australian Council for Educational Research, Australia

How school leaders make sense of large-scale reform: the case of Chile's New Public Education System

Gonzalo Munoz Stuardo

Universidad Diego Portales, Chile

Leading Education Systems that Champion for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Newcomer Families

Janet Mola Okoko

University of Saskatchewan, Canada

P08.P2.DU: Paper Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Patterns of Teacher Stress and Teacher-Student Interactions Associated with Quality of Implementation in the INTERACT Teacher-Coaching Intervention

Sigrun K. Ertesvag, Maren Stahl Lerang

University of Stavanger, Norway

Harnessing the Power of Social Networks: Knowledge Brokers and Their Relational Efforts to Disseminate Resources

Anita Caduff1, Marie Lockton1, Alan J. Daly1, Martin Rehm2

1: University of California, San Diego, United States of America; 2: University of Regensburg, Germany

Institutionalizing Care and Equity in Schools: Toward a Theory of Process Metrics in Elementary & Secondary Education

Andrew Stein

Northwestern University, United States of America

P09.P2.EC: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3105

In What Ways Can Adult-Child Pedagogical Interactions At Home And Preschool Combine To Shape The Development Of Preschoolers’ Verbal Reasoning?

James Elliot Hall, Chloe Eddy

University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Nurturing Critical Thinking Through Oral Storytelling

Catherine O Reilly

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

A Typology of Nurturing Pedagogies in Schools Serving Working-Class Communities

Seán Gleasure1, Dympna Devine1, Gabriela Martinez Sainz1, Seaneen Sloan1, Mags Crean2, Barbara Moore1, Jennifer Symonds1

1: University College Dublin; 2: Maynooth University

P41.P2.CR: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3131 (Tues/Wed)

Developing Adaptability And Agility In Leadership Amidst The COVID-19 Crisis: Experiences Of Mid-career School Principals

Venesser Fernandes

Monash University, Australia

Identifying The Long-term Impact Of COVID-19 Learning Deficits On Catholic Diocesan Schools In Pakistan

Venesser Fernandes1, Sherwin Rodrigues2, Asher Javaid3

1: Monash University, Australia; 2: Notre Dame Institute of Education, Pakistan; 3: National Catholic Education Commission, Pakistan

Confronting and Preventing School Employee Sexual Misconduct

Charol Shakeshaft, Dale Mann

Virginia Commonwealth University, United States of America

P49.P2.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 5086 (Tues/Wed)

A Self-Reflective Framework for School Improvement in a Faith Based Setting

Eddie McGee

St Marys University College Belfast, United Kingdom

Understanding the well-being of literacy coaches: A Chinese perspective

Peng Liu2, Qi Xiu1, Xuyang Li2

1: South China Normal University, China, People's Republic of; 2: University of Manitoba

Examination of Gender Disproportionalities in Principal Employment and Salary

Henry Zink, Craig Hochbein

Lehigh University, United States of America

“I’m Not Where I Want to Be”: Teaching Principals’ Instructional Leadership Practices

Paul Michael Newton1, Mickey Jutras2, Dawn Wallin1

1: University of Saskatchewan, Canada; 2: St. Francis Xavier University, Canada

S04.P2.PLN: Symposium
Location: Burke Theatre

Developing equitable education systems: A Research Practice Partnership supporting local systems change

Chair(s): Christopher Chapman (University of Glasgow)

Discussant(s): Andy Hargreaves (Boston College)


Presentations of the Symposium


Every Dundee Learner Matters: A strategy for educational change

Mel Ainscow, Ines Alves, Chris Chapman, Tom Cowhitt, Stuart Hall, Kevin Lowden; ,
University of Glasgow


Emerging findings from a University perspective

Mel Ainscow, Ines Alves, Chris Chapman, Tom Cowhitt, Stuart Hall, Kevin Lowden, Deja Lusk; , , ,
University of Glasgow


Research Practice Partnerships: Rethinking The Roles and Responsibilities of Local Authorities and schools

Mel Ainscow1, Chris Chapman1, Paul Flemming2, Kim Flynn3, Kevin Lowden1, Stuart Hall1, Audrey May2; , , ,
1University of Glasgow, 2Dundee City Council, 3Sidlaw View Primary School

S05.P2.EL: Symposium
Location: Davis Theatre

Inspecting Innovation: From Uncritical Exultation To Deeper Exploration

Chair(s): Andrew Hargreaves (University of Ottawa and Boston College), Gladys Ayson (University of Ottawa)

Discussant(s): Kristin Vanlommel (HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht)


Presentations of the Symposium


Innovation, Inclusion And Belonging: Multiple Pathways To Play-Based Improvements For Marginalized Children After COVID-19

Andrew Hargreaves1, Gladys Ayson2; ,
1University of Ottawa and Boston College, 2University of Ottawa


What’s In A Name? Exploring The Significance Of Framing Language In The Promotion Of School-Based Change

Liz Dawes Duraisingh, Andrea Sachdeva;
Harvard Graduate School of Education


What Will Change In Schools And Education After COVID?

Thomas Hatch;
Columbia University

S06.P2.3P: Symposium
Location: Synge Theatre
Chair: Kathryn Riley
Chair: Anton Florek
Discussant: Mohammed Elmeski

Symposium II: School Belonging From The ‘Inside-Out’

Chair(s): Kathryn Ann Riley (UCL, Institute of Education), Anton Florek (Staff College UK)

Discussant(s): Mohammed Elmeski (Chef du Gouvernement - Royaume du Maroc (


Presentations of the Symposium


Power, Caring and Belonging: Critical Perspectives

Karen Seashore1, Mary Bussman1, Emily Palmer1, Jeff Walls2, Mary Yeboah3; , , , ,
1University of Minnesota, 2Washington State University, 3Weaton College


Building Meaningful Student-teacher Relationships To Foster Belonging And Engagement

Matthew J. Easterbrook, Ian R. Hadden, Lewis Doyle; , ,
University of Sussex

S07.P2.DU: Symposium
Location: Emmet Theatre

Articifial Intelligence, AI, in Formative Assessment. Ethical Dilemmas, Pedagogical Opportunities and Challenges

Chair(s): Yngve Lindvig (Learnlab), Dennis Shirley (Boston College)

Discussant(s): Kim Schildkamp (University of Twente)


Presentations of the Symposium


Ethical Dilemmas when using AI in Education

Jarl Inge Waerness1, Yngve Lindvig1, Tone Mari Gurskevik1, Tony Burner2, Tore Skandsen3; ,
1Learnlab, 2University of South-Eastern Norway, 3Imtec


Formative Assessment when using AI: Opportunities and Challenges

Tony Burner1, Yngve Lindvig2, Jarl Inge Waerness2; ,
1University of South-Eastern Norway, 2Learnlab

Coffee Break
K1: Keynote: Emer Smyth
Location: Burke Theatre
Chair: Emer Smyth
School effects on broader adolescent development: evidence from Ireland
Welcome Reception
The venue for the conference welcome reception on Tuesday evening is Dublin City Hall, located only a few minute’s walk from Trinity College.
Date: Wednesday, 10/Jan/2024
K2: Keynote: Mohammed Elmeski
Location: Burke Theatre
Chair: Mohammed Elmeski
Leading for learning effectiveness and improvement: Examples of promising synergies from Africa
SV: School Visits – only for fully registered participants (Fully booked)
Location: Meet at main Trinity Gate
Meeting time: 9:30 am
IN04.P3.PLN: Innovate Session
Location: Swift Theatre

Supporting Professional Learning Networks through Science Communities of Practice

Steven McGee1, Randi McGee-Tekula1, Isabel Delgado-Quinñones2, Normandie Gonzalez-Orellana3, Noelia Baez-Rodriguez3

1: The Learning Partnership, United States of America; 2: Forward Learning, United States of America; 3: University of Puerto Rico, United States of America

Catalytic Affiliation Across Inquiry Networks

Judith Lindsay Halbert1, Linda Kaser2, Barb Hamblett3, Angela Stott4, Natalie Mansour5, Lillemor Rehnberg6, Begonya Folch Martinez7, Rebbecca Sweeney8, Brooke Moore9

1: University of British Columbia, Canada; 2: Networks of Inquiry and Innovation, British Columbia, Canada; 3: SD 73, BC; 4: SD 74, BC; 5: NOII NSW; 6: NOIIE Sweden; 7: Barcelona School; 8: Core education NZ; 9: SD 37, BC

Professional Learning for Creativity & Innovation in Education

Rosie Leonard-Kane, Alan Morgan

UCD Innovation Academy, Ireland

P10.P3.PLN: Paper Session
Location: Rm 4035

Wellbeing as a Sustainable Component of Preservice Teacher Education

Sabre Cherkowski1, Karen Ragoonaden1, Benjamin Kutsyuruba2, Keith Walker3, Lorraine Godden4, Tim Claypool3

1: University of British Columbia, Canada; 2: Queen's University, Canada; 3: University of Saskatchewan; 4: Carleton University

Mind the Representation Gap: Minority Ethnic Teachers in the Scottish Teaching Workforce

Dr Khadija Mohammed

University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom

Variation in Teachers’ Academic Optimism: Examining the Impact of Classroom Composition and School Academic Optimism to Maximise Excellence and Equity

Ruud Lelieur, Jose Manuel Rivera Espejo, Noel Clycq, Jan Vanhoof

University of Antwerp, Belgium

P11.P3.EL: Paper Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Building Supportive and Collaborative Relationships in Times of Change: A Relational Approach to Mandated and Non-Mandated School Networks in a (new) Chilean School District

Ignacio Wyman

The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Key Learnings from Research and Practice in School Improvement: Updating the National School Improvement Tool

Fabienne Van der Kleij, Pauline Taylor-Guy, Christina Rogers, Julie Murkins

Australian Council for Educational Research, Australia

Instructional Leader Partnerships

Catherine Lynn Meyer-Looze, Richard Vandermolen

Grand Valley State University, United States of America

P12.P3.MR: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3098

Strategies Educators and Institutions can use to Support Youth Persistence in STEM

Karen Hammerness1, Jennifer Adams2, Peter Bjorklund3, Rachel Chaffee1, Daly Alan3, Gupta Preeti1, MacPherson Anna1

1: American Museum of Natural History; 2: University of Calgary, Canada; 3: University of California-San Diego, United States of America

Promoting and Enhancing the Use of Digital Formative Assessment and Feedback Amongst High-school Chemistry Teachers in International Schools in China

Xiaohui Yang, Damian Murchan

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

From Initiation To Implementation: A Case Study Of Post-Primary Teachers Engaged In The Educational Training Board of Ireland’s Instructional Leadership Programme

Sharon Coffey

Kilkenny Carlow Education and Training Board, Ireland

P13.P3.EC: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3105

Government And Non-Government Preschool Teacher's 'Inner Inclusion Capital'

Wan Roslina Wan Yusoff1, Aswati Hamzah2

1: Little Ones International Sdn Bhd, Malaysia; 2: Universiti Sains Malaysia

Responding to Crisis Lessons Learned from Covid-19 for ECEC Practice in Ireland

Maja Haals Brosnan, Natasha O'Donnell, Rhona Stallard

Marino Institute of Education, Ireland

Politics of Belonging in Early Childhood Policy and Practice

Kristina Westlund

City of Malmö, Sweden/Kristianstad University

Culture for Learning in Early Childhood Education

Sigrid Øyen Nordahl, Veronica Grøtlien

Inland, Norway, University College of Applied Sciences, Norway

P44.P3.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3131 (Tues/Wed)

Being A Principal of School Age Educare Centers; a comparison between Sweden and Switzerland about a complicated assignment

Lena Boström1, Patricia Schuler2, Helene Elvstrand3

1: Mid Sweden University, Sweden; 2: Zurich University of Teacher Education,Switzerland; 3: Linköping University, Sweden

A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Distributed Leadership in Schools: Views of School Principals with PhD Degrees in Ireland and Türkiye

Metin Özkan1, Çiğdem Çakır2, Joe O'Hara3, Shivaun O'Brien3, Martin Brown3

1: Gaziantep University, Türkiye; 2: Ministry of National Education, Gaziantep, Türkiye; 3: Dublin City University, Ireland

Internal and External Interventions for School Quality Improvement – The Central Role of School Leadership

Stephan Gerhard Huber1, Christoph Helm2, Rolf Strietholt3, Marius Schwander1, Jane Pruitt1

1: University of Teacher Education Zug (PH Zug), Switzerland; 2: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria; 3: IEA Hamburg

The Key Role Of Mentorship in Principals’ Professional Development Trajectories: Impact Of A University And District Research/Practice Learning Partnership

Alison Jane Mitchell1, Seonaidh Black2, Carolyn Davren2, Julie Harvie1

1: University of Glasgow School of Education, Scotland, United Kingdom; 2: Glasgow City Council Education Services, Scotland, United Kingdom

S08.P3.PLN: Symposium
Location: Ui Chadain Theatre

Conceptualising and Promoting Teacher and Pupil Agency in Curriculum Redevelopment and Enactment: Learnings from Recent Developments in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Chair(s): Jim Spillane (Northwestern University, Chicago)

Discussant(s): Amanda Datnow (University of California San Diego)


Presentations of the Symposium


Agency, Structure and England’s National Curriculum

Dominic Wyse;
Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy (0 to 11 Years) (HHCP). IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society


Teacher and Child Agency in the Primary School Curriculum in Ireland: Policy Aspirations, Progress and Challenges

Thomas Walsh;
Maynooth University, Ireland


Learners and Teachers: Alternative Approaches to Agency in Scotland

Ollie Bray1, Louise Hayward2; ,
1Education Scotland, 2University of Glasgow


Teacher Agency and the Curriculum for Wales

David Egan1, Kevin Palmer2; ,
1Cardiff Metropolitan University, 2Kevin Palmer, Welsh Government

S09.P3.EL: Symposium
Location: Burke Theatre

Practitioner Data on Middle Leadership in Ireland and Internationally

Chair(s): Teresa O'Doherty (Marino Institute Dublin)

Discussant(s): Rebecca Lowenhaupt (Boston College)


Presentations of the Symposium


Capturing Middle Leader Voice in a Changing Irish Policy Context; The Future of Middle Leadership

Louise Platt;


Irish Primary School Principals' Perspectives on the Role of the Middle Leader

Sinéad O'Mahony;


Collecting Rich Practice Data: A Review of Participants’ Activities and Emotions During A Programme of Study on Middle Leadership and Mentoring

Finn Ó Murchú, Des Carswell;

S11.P3.3P: Symposium
Location: Synge Theatre

"Network Nordmoere - From Startup Towards Sustainable Developement"

Chair(s): Tore Skandsen (IMTEC)

Discussant(s): Marlen Faannessen (KS Konsulent AS)


Presentations of the Symposium


What Have We Done So Far?

Astrid M Høivik1, Else Brit Gaupset2; ,
1Surnadal Commune, 2Gjemnes commune


Findings And Results

Carl Fredrik Dons1, Per Tore Granrusten2; ,
1Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2College for Preschool teachers DMMH


What Are The Next Steps?

Marlen Faannessen1, Tore Skandsen2; ,
1KS Konsulent AS, 2IMTEC

S12.P3.DU: Symposium
Location: Emmet Theatre

Navigating Ambiguity In Teacher Professional Development

Chair(s): Kristin Vanlommel (University of Applied Sciences Utrecht)

Discussant(s): Chris Brown (Warwick University)


Presentations of the Symposium


Trainee Teachers Inquiry Habit of Mind: A matter Of Prevailing Attitudes Or Learning Opportunities?

Jana Groß Ophoff1, Christina Egger2, Anne Frey1, Johannnes Dammerer3;
1Voralberg Teaching University, 2Salzburg Teaching University, 3Niederosterreich Teaching University


Fostering Quality Professional Teaching and Learning: The relationship Between Organizational Conditions And Professionals’ Responses To Paradoxes.

Lydia Schaap, Kristin Vanlommel; ,
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht


Playing The Same Game? Accounting For Pedagogical And Epistemological Difference In Cross-national Professional Learning Opportunities

Liz Dawes Duraisingh, Everardo Perez-Manjarrez;
Harvard Graduate School of Education

Location: Davis Theatre

Career Paths of Chilean School Principals: Exploring Factors and Perceptions Affecting Entry, Longevity, and Departure

Chair(s): Juan Pablo Valenzuela (Universidad de Chile)

Discussant(s): Carmen Montecinos (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso)


Presentations of the Symposium


Understanding Trajectories and Factors Associated with Primary School Principals’ Trajectories from 2015 to 2020

Claudio Allende1, Juan Pablo Valenzuela1, Carmen Montecinos2, Xavier Vanni1, Danilo Kuzmanic1;
1Universidad de Chile, 2Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso


What happens next? Unravelling Career Trajectories after Becoming a Principal in Chile's Primary Schools

Danilo Kuzmanic1, Juan Pablo Valenzuela1, Claudio Allende1, Carmen Montecinos2, Xavier Vanni1;
1Universidad de Chile, 2Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso


Unraveling the Motivations for Remaining and Leaving the Principalship

Xavier Vanni1, Carmen Montecinos2, Juan Pablo Valenzuela1, Claudio Allende1, Danilo Kuzmanic1;
1Universidad de Chile, 2Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso

ISS02.A: Network Meeting: Education Leadership (ELN)
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room
Chair: Paul Campbell
Chair: Esther Dominique Klein
ISS02.B: Network Meeting: Methods of Researching Effectiveness and Improvement (MoREI)
Location: Rm 4035
Chair: Maria Kaparou
IN05.P4.MR: Innovate Session
Location: Ui Chadain Theatre

Children And Young People In Out-Of-home Care – Education Every Day, Every Way.

Dale Murray

Life Without Barriers, Australia

Does ‘Educational Culture’ matter to create ‘Ownership of Learning’?

Henk van Woudenberg

SOL (student Ownership of Learning), Netherlands, The

Preview of Regional Event Creating Futures: Repurposing Education for All

Julia Helen Cantle Longville, Alma Harris, Michelle Jones

Cardiff Met, United Kingdom

IN06.P4.EL: Innovate Session
Location: Swift Theatre

Developing a School Improvement Framework: Key drivers and processes for effective system alignment

John Michael Finneran

Marist Schools Australia, Australia

Brisbane Catholic Education's System-Wide School Improvement Journey

Diarmuid O'Riordan, Karen Harrison

Brisbane Catholic Education, Australia

“Practical International Leadership Development” - Leaders Need Many Different Skills

Marlen Faannessen1, Tore Skandsen2, Dag Njaa Isene3, Leif Ostli4, Nicolai Aas5

1: KS Konsulent AS, Norway; 2: IMTEC; 3: DNIakademi; 4: Frederik Ii Secondary School; 5: Indre Oestfold

P14.P4.3P: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3098

A Whole School Approach to Supporting Progression – A School University Partnership

Eilis Ni Chorcora, Deirdre Fitzpatrick

Trinity Access Programmes, Trinity College Dublin, Universitty of Dublin, Ireland., Ireland

The Politics of Policy Development and How It Matters For School Improvement

Sheridan Helen Dudley

University of New South Wales, Australia

Accountability In And Of Educational Networks; A Systematic Literature Review

Melanie Ehren

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The

Partnerships for Sustainable Growth: A Case Study of Practice from Australia

John Cleary1, Pauline Taylor-Guy2, Christina Rogers2, Julie Murkins2

1: Dept of Education MT; 2: Australian Council for Educational Research, Australia

P15.P4.PLN: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3105

Evaluation Capacity Building: Teachers’ Views on Three Professional Development Courses

Letizia Giampietro, Giuseppe Pillera, Donatella Poliandri


External triggers For School Improvement Processes – Evaluation Of A Student Peer-to-peer Program To Support Media Literacy

Andreas Breiter1,2, Michael Viertel2

1: University of Bremen, Germany; 2: Institute of Information Management, Germany

A Professional Learning Approach to leading an Effective Curriculum Review.

Emma Adams

British School of Brussels, Belgium

Cultivating Professional Learning Communities Through Cross-School Collaborative Projects: The Wild Garden

Leslie Wallace

The British School of Brussels

P16.P4.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 4035

Connections, Competence, and Collaboration: A Qualitative Exploration of the Influence of School Organization on Teacher Sense of Belonging

Peter Bjorklund Jr.1, Jennifer R. Karnopp2

1: University of California San Diego, United States of America; 2: San Diego State University, United States of America

Teachers and Teacher-Educators as Co-Researchers in a National Policy Evaluation in Ireland: Opportunities for Policy and Practice:

O'Sullivan Lisha, Ring Emer

Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, Ireland

An Exploration of Distributed Leadership in Irish Post-Primary Schools

Niamh Hickey1, Patricia Mannix McNamara1,2, Aishling Flaherty1

1: University of Limerick, Ireland; 2: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

Swedish Principals’ Adaptive Leadership During the Covid-19 Pandemic - Visible Traces in Their Leadership Practices Today

Susanne Sahlin1, Monica Sjöstrand2, Maria Styf1, Sandra Lund1

1: Mid Sweden University, Sweden; 2: Swedish Defense University, Sweden

P17.P4.ELMR: Paper Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Building Capacity for Distributed Leadership: A Comparative Analysis of Leadership Preparation in Ireland and the United States

Rebecca Lowenhaupt1, Finn O Murchu2

1: Boston College, United States of America; 2: Mary Immaculate College Thurles, Ireland

Backbone Organizations for Improvement Research and Continuous Improvement Utilization: Opportunities and Challenges from New York State

Kristen Campbell Wilcox

University at Albany, United States of America

Using an Evidence-informed Approach to Continuing Professional Learning to Guide Teaching and Leadership Practice

Sharon Friesen, Barbara Brown

University of Calgary, Canada

Sustaining Large Scale Systemic Change: A Focus On The Educational Training Board Of Ireland’s Instructional Leadership Program

Barrie Brent Bennett1, Joan Russell2

1: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto; 2: Educational Training Board of Ireland

P45.P4.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3131 (Tues/Wed)

Re-imagining School Leadership around an Agential Ethic of Care

Julia Dobson

University College London, United Kingdom

Improving School Leadership In Rwanda And Impact On Student Outcomes

Lee Crawfurd2, Jocelyne Cyiza Kirezi1, Simeon Oliver Lauterbach3, Aimable Nsabimana4, Jef Peeraer1

1: VVOB - education for development, Belgium; 2: Center for Global Development; 3: Geneva Graduate Institute; 4: United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research

Teacher Education in a Postcolonial Hong Kong: forms, drivers, influences

Paul Campbell

Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)

Converting bureaucratic principals to school leadership. Action research and Continuous Professional Development in the French context.

Romuald Normand

University of Strasbourg, France

P50.P4.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 5086 (Tues/Wed)

A Randomized Control Trial Examining the Direct Effects of School Leaders on the Academic and Non-Academic Outcomes of Students at Risk of Dropping Out

Craig Hochbein1, Bob Steckel2

1: Lehigh University, United States of America; 2: Whitehall-Coplay School District

Leading trauma-informed professional learning: Insights from Australian and Irish schools

Helen Stokes1, Gavin Murphy2, Pauline Thompson1

1: University Of Melbourne, Australia; 2: Trinity College, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

Integration or Inclusion? A Document Analysis of the Strategies Employed by 20 German-Speaking Swiss Cantons to Comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Julia Schaub, Isabella Lussi, Stephan Gerhard Huber

University of Teacher Education Zug (PH Zug), Switzerland

S13.P4.PLN: Symposium
Location: Burke Theatre

Transforming Educational Systems to Support the Generation and Use of Professional Knowledge: New Approaches to Organizational and Professional Learning in England, Singapore, and the United States

Chair(s): Joshua Glazer (George Washington University), Jennifer Russell (Vanderbilt University)

Discussant(s): Donald Peurach (University of Michigan)


Presentations of the Symposium


Strengthening Evidence-Informed Practice at Scale: Finding the Sweet Spot Between Purism and Pragmatism

Toby Greany, Georgina Hudson; ,
University of Nottingham


The Contact Zone of Assessment Reforms in Singapore Classrooms: Schooling and Learning in Transition (2004-Present)

Hwei Ming Wong, Dennis Kwek; ,
National Institute of Education Singapore


RPPs and School Improvement Networks: Leveraging Boundary Spanning for Organizational and Professional Learning

Joshua Glazer1, Jennifer Russell2, Megan Duff2; , ,
1George Washington University, 2Vanderbilt University

S15.P4.EL: Symposium
Location: Synge Theatre

Shoot High, Aim Low?! The Issue of Visions and Goals at Schools in Adverse Circumstances

Chair(s): Esther Dominique Klein (TU Dortmund University)


Presentations of the Symposium


Teacher Commitment to Students: Goals, Self-interest, and Ethic of Service in the Face of Adversity

Miguel Órdenes;
Universidad Diego Portales


Keeping It Simple: Downshifting Goal Complexity to Foster Collective Agency in a Californian School Facing Adversity

Elizabeth Zumpe;
University of Oklahoma


The Enactment of Performance-based Accountability in Disadvantaged School Contexts: A Comparative Analysis of Spain and Chile

Lluís Parcerisa1, Marcel Pagès2;
1Department of Teaching and Learning and Educational Organization, University of Barcelona, 2Department of Sociology, Autonomous University of Barcelona


Too Difficult a Task? Principals’ Commitment to Sustaining Academic Standards During Distance Learning and the Role of Disadvantaged Contexts

Esther Dominique Klein1, Livia Jesacher-Rößler2, Nina Bremm2, Kathrin Racherbäumer3;
1TU Dortmund University, 2Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 3University of Siegen

S16.P4.DU: Symposium
Location: Davis Theatre

How Can Evidence-Informed Practice Enhance Quality Professional Education

Chair(s): Kristin Vanlommel (University of Applied Sciences Utrecht)

Discussant(s): Kim Schildkamp (University of Twente)


Presentations of the Symposium


Towards Professional Decision-Making In Education: Integrating Data, Intuition And Research

Kristin Vanlommel;
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht


From Sensemaking To School Improvement? Exploring Educational Professionals' Use Of School Performance Feedback

Evelyn Goffin1, Rianne Janssen2, Jan Vanhoof3; ,
1University of Antwerp & KU Leuven, 2KU Leuven, 3University of Antwerp


Teacher Leaders’ Perception Of Their Role In Evidence-Informed School Decision Making Processes

Hannelore Zeilinger1, Jana Groß Ophoff2, Johannes Dammerer1; , ,
1University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria, 2University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg

S24.P4.3P: Symposium
Location: Emmet Theatre

Inclusion And Identity: Pathways Or Roadblocks To Educational Equity

Chair(s): Martin Scalan (Boston College)

Discussant(s): Norah Marsh (Marsh & McMahon Consulting and Executive Services)


Presentations of the Symposium


Visions of Inclusive Education: varying views from Nova Scotia, Canada

Jess Whitley;
University of Ottawa


Inclusive Education in The Age of Identity

Andy Hargreaves;
Boston College & University of Ottawa


Promoting Inclusion In Schools: Possibilities And Barriers

Mel Ainscow;
Universities of Manchester and Glasgow


Transforming Inclusive Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Secondary Academic Classrooms

Shelley Moore;
The University of British Columbia

Coffee Break
IN07.P5.DUECEC: Innovate Session
Location: Ui Chadain Theatre

Beyond “Voice”, Toward Agency: Meaningfully Centring Student Wisdom And Experiences In All Decision Making

Usha James1, Indira Quintasi Orosco2, Wes Hahn3

1: The Critical Thinking Consortium, Canada; 2: University of Toronto; 3: Trillium Lakelands District School Board, Canada

Teacher Ethics: Managing the Gap between Policy Creation and Implementation

Pauline Stephen1, Elaine Napier2

1: General Teaching Council for Scotland; 2: General Teaching Council for Scotland

P18.P5.PLN: Paper Session
Location: Swift Theatre

Collaboration and Capacity Building at Scale: How the National MA Education (Wales) is redefining and reshaping system learning

Michelle Jones1, Alma Harris2, Andrew Davies3, Matthew Hutt4, Kelly Smith5, Cecilia Hannigan-Davies2, Kevin Palmer6

1: Swansea University; 2: Cardiff Metropolitan University; 3: Aberystwyth University; 4: University of South Wales; 5: Glyndwr University; 6: Welsh Government

Catalytic Affiliation: Relational Impacts In Networks

Judith Lindsay Halbert1, Linda Louise Kaser2

1: University of British Columbia; 2: Networks of Inquiry and Indigenous Education

Building Bridges in Adversity: Collaboration in German Schools facing Challenging Circumstances

Gregor Steinbeiß1, Stephan Gerhard Huber2

1: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria; 2: University of Teacher Education Zug (PH Zug), Switzerland

Discourse and Power in Research-Practice Partnerships: A Cross-National Study

Amanda Datnow1, Enikö Zala-Mezö2, Benjamin Kennedy1, Nora Turriago1

1: University of California San Diego, United States of America; 2: Zurich University of Teacher Education

P19.P5.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3098

Stories from the River: Elucidating British Columbia’s Principals’ Experiences of Developing their Identities, Capacities, and Agency in Leading Educational Transformation

Leah Taylor

Vancouver Island University, Canada

Exploring The Potential Of The Concept Of The School As A Learning Organisation (SLO) Within Contemporary Approaches To School Leadership

Barry James Kenny1, Keith Johnston1, Melanie Ni Dhuinn2

1: Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; 2: Marino Institute of Education, Ireland

School Leader Preparation: Exploring the Relationship between Coursework and Leader Data Use

Lisa M. Abrams1, Coby V. Meyers2, Tonya R. Moon2, Michelle L. Hock2

1: Virginia Commonwealth University, United States of America; 2: University of Virginia, United States of America

School Community-Oriented Leadership Framework: Reflections From The Field

Joan Margaret Conway1, Dorothy Constance Andrews1, Cheryl Bauman1, David Turner2

1: University of Southern Queensland, Australia; 2: Queensland Association of State School Principals, Australia.

P20.P5.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3105

“Creativity May Be A Process of Change, And Positive Change, For School” Leading For Creativity - Nurturing Creative Pedagogy And Practices In Education

Deirdre McGillicuddy

University College Dublin, Ireland

School Leaders’ Pedagogical Leadership While Initiating and Conducting Local School Improvement Using Action Research – an Example of Advanced Continuing Education for School Leaders in Sweden

Ingela Portfelt

Karlstad University, Sweden

Are We Collaborating Or Just Co-Existing? First Insights From A Study Of Interactions, Structures And Perceptions Of Collaboration Between School Leaders, School Boards and Teachers

Ella Grigoleit

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

P21.P5.MR: Paper Session
Location: Rm 4035

Strategies for Engaging in Co-research: Collaborating with Youth

Rachel Chaffee1, Preeti Gupta1, Mahmoud Abouelkheir1, Lucie Lagodich1, Karen Hammerness1, Jennifer Adams2, Anna MacPherson1, Alan Daly3, Peter Bjorklund3

1: American Museum of Natural History, United States of America; 2: University of Calgary, Canda; 3: University of California, San Diego, United States of American

Using a NIC-Based Approach for Implementation of Student-Centered Practices: A Study of the Relationship Between Student Reading Outcomes and Degree of Teacher Implementation

Anna E. Premo, Christian D. Schunn

University of Pittsburgh, United States of America

“Students Have Forgotten How To…human.”: Exploring The Social Challenges Faced by Teachers Post-pandemic In Indian classrooms.

Tarang Tripathi1, Chandraditya Raj2

1: University of Calfornia, San Diego, United States of America; 2: Aawaaz Foundation, India

LGBTQ+-Inclusive Professional Development in Elementary Schools: Does It Matter to Schoolwide Discipline?

Mollie McQuillan

University of Wisconsin - Madison, United States of America

P22.P5.3P: Paper Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Teacher Professional Career in Chile: Do Extrinsic Incentives Appeal to Intrinsic Motivation?

Miguel Órdenes González1, Deborah Ulloa Rodríguez2

1: Universidad Diego Portales, Chile; 2: Universidad Diego Portales, Chile

Teacher Professionalism in Kuwait: Learning from Leading Countries

Ibrahim Alhouti

Kuwait University, Kuwait

Teacher Shortage in Sweden - Different Perceptions from Different Professional Groups

Lena Boström1, Göran Bostedt2

1: Mid Sweden University, Sweden; 2: Mid Sweden University, Sweden

Digital Transformation in Secondary School: How Teaching Online can Facilitate Student Learning

Inger Dagrun Langseth, Dan Yngve Jacobsen

Norwegian university of science and technology, Norway

P43.P5.CR: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3131 (Tues/Wed)

The Impact of Principal Resilience on Psychological Contract with Their School and Work-Family Conflict

Junjun Chen

The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)

Responding to Crisis through Cross-sector Collaboration: Institutional Logics and School Improvement in the Chelsea Children’s Cabinet

Rebecca Lowenhaupt1, Babatunde Alford1, Whitney Hegseth1, Piaoran Huo1, Gabrielle Oliveira2, Betty Lai1

1: Boston College, United States of America; 2: Harvard University, United States of America

Reconceptualizing Principal Well-being: State, measurement, and consequences

Junjun Chen1, Allan Walker2, Philip Riley3

1: Education University of Hong Kong; 2: Education University of Hong Kong; 3: Deakin University

What Does it Take to Sustain Covid-related Innovations to Strengthen Student-teacher Relationships?

Bianca Licata, Thomas Hatch

Teachers College, Columbia University, United States of America

POS1.P5.Mult: Poster Session
Location: Upper Concourse

The Reading Achievement Gap: Challenges and Opportunities for DEIS Primary Schools in Ireland

Aoife Joy Keogh

University College Dublin, Ireland

The formation of a Professional Learning Network to Create Inclusive Learning Environments

Jens Ideland1, Kristina Westlund2, Karin Ollinen1

1: Malmö municipality and affiliated to Malmo University (Sweden); 2: Malmö municipality and Krisitanstad University

Wāhkōhtowin: Decolonizing Canadian Teacher Education from a Nehiyaw (Cree) Perspective

Dawn Wallin, Yvette Arcand, Lori-Ann Daniels, Shirley Cardinal, Blessing Manu

University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Knowledge Development and Epistemic Relations as Boundary Work in Local Educational Authorities

Kristin Norum Skoglund1, Julie Lysberg2

1: Trondheim municipality, Norway; 2: Bodø municipality, Norway

Literature and Additional Language Learning: An Exploratory Practice Approach.

Stefania Gargioni Gummel

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Communicating Your School’s Progress and Improvement - Borrowing From Business.

Dale Bailey, Dianne Smardon

Springboard Trust, New Zealand

Managing to Lead Effective or Improving Schools: Using Evidence to Reconsider the Training and Development of School Leaders

Craig Hochbein

Lehigh University, United States of America

‘No One Asked Me What I Want To Be When I Grow Up’: Narratives From Irish Traveller Student Teachers On The TOBAR Programme At Marino Institute Of Education.

Miriam Colum, Tara Niland

Marino Institute of Education, Ireland

Parent-Child Play Interactions & Their Significance For Educators’ Engagement With Parents

Rogelio Becerra Songolo, Alison Wishard Guerra, Shana Cohen, Monica Molgaard, Yan Jiang

University of California, San Diego, United States of America

S17.P5.PLN: Symposium
Location: Burke Theatre

Multi-professional Collaboration for Educational Change

Chair(s): Niamh Hickey (University of Limerick), Beat Rechsteiner (University of Zurich)

Discussant(s): Ruud Lelieur (University of Antwerp)


Presentations of the Symposium


Family Of Schools As An Approach To Horizontal Collaboration In A Hierarchical System

Livia Jesacher-Roessler, Katharina Nesseler, Nina Bremm;
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg


Multi-professional Collaboration In All-day Schools: Developing Personal And Professional Relationships Between Care Staff And Teachers

Michelle Jutzi, Barbara Stampfli, Thomas Wickli, Regula Windlinger;
University of Teacher Education, Berne


Collab Or Collapse? – An Exploratory Analysis Using Experience-Sampling Data On Teachers' Experiences Of Stress And Competence In Relation To Their Collaborative Practice

Beat Rechsteiner1, Miriam Compagnoni1, Flurin Gotsch1, Andrea Wullschleger2, Katharina Maag Merki1;
1University of Zurich, 2University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

S18.P5.EL: Symposium
Location: Davis Theatre

Middle Leadership and School Improvement - Studies from a Norwegian Context

Chair(s): Lars Myhr (Centre for Studies of Educational Practice (SEPU))

Discussant(s): Anne Berit Emstad (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)


Presentations of the Symposium


The Role of School Middle Leaders Described in Norwegian White Papers

Knut Olav Nordseth;
Centre for Studies of Educational Practice (SEPU)


Principals' and Middle Leaders' Assessment of their Role in School Improvement

Ann Margareth Gustavsen;
Centre for Studies of Educational Practice (SEPU)


Teachers' Experiences of Middle Leaders' Role in School Improvement

Hilde Forfang;
Centre for Studies of Educational Practice (SEPU)

S19.P5.EL: Symposium
Location: Synge Theatre

What do Secondary School Principals Need to Know About Developing Effective Middle Leaders? The Current Evidence from Australia, Chile and New Zealand

Chair(s): Helen Stokes (University of Melbourne)


Presentations of the Symposium


Studies in Middle Leadership that Promote Equity Within New Zealand Secondary Schools

Camilla Highfield;
University of Auckalnd


Understanding the Leadership Practices of Middle Leaders in Australian Secondary Schools

Pauline Thompson;
University of Melbourne


The Contributions of Subject Departments Heads to Secondary School Improvement in Chile

Carmen Lucia Montecinos Sanhueza;
Pontificia Universidad Catolica da Valparaiso

S20.P5.3P: Symposium
Location: Emmet Theatre

The Age of Engagement, Well-being, and Identity

Chair(s): Dennis Shirley (Boston College)

Discussant(s): Patrick Sullivan (National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, Ireland)


Presentations of the Symposium


Enhancing Teacher Well-being by Developing Professional Identity, Competence and Commitment

Ee Ling Low;
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Data-Informed Leadership and Social Networks to Improve Well-being in Germany

Dagmar Wolf, Andreas Dammertz;
Bosch Foundation


Promoting Identity in Ontario, Canada, and Beyond

Dennis Shirley;
Boston College

Date: Thursday, 11/Jan/2024
IN08.P6.3P: Innovate Session
Location: Ui Chadain Theatre

Innovation, Commitment and Capability: A Partnership Approach to Creating New Pathways for Post Primary Students in Ireland

Ita Kennelly, Leo Casey

National College of Ireland, Ireland

“Why Had I Never Talked About Race?”: Decentering White Narratives In Primary Literacy Classrooms

Usha James1, Clarissa de Leon2, Rachael McDonald3

1: The Critical Thinking Consortium, Canada; 2: Queens University, Canada; 3: Limestone District School Board, Canada

Redesigning Teaching And Learning Resources To Enhance Indigenous Students’ Outcomes: A Collaborative Approach To Decolonizing and Integrating Indigenous Education

Usha James1, Warren Woytuck1, Joseph Willis2, Brad Battiston2, Sharon Nate2

1: The Critical Thinking Consortium, Canada; 2: Matawa Education and Care Center, Canada

IN09.P6.EL: Innovate Session
Location: Rm 3131 (Tues/Wed)

Towards Zero-Waste of Learning Time : A Creative and Innovative Alternative to Combat Learning Loss in Secondary Schools - A Case Study from Malta

Bernardine Mizzi, Grace Grima, Esmeralda Zerafa

Chiswick House School & St Martin's College, Malta

Student Voice and Student Democracy – how to do it?

Ingelin Burkeland1, Renate Macpherson2

1: KS Consultants AS, Norway; 2: Osterøy Municipality, Norway

ISS05.P6.3P: Invited Symposium: Schools as system shapers: implications for policy and practice
Location: Swift Theatre
Chair: Anton Florek
Chair: Sara Romiti
“No school can meet the challenges it faces alone. This means that to improve outcomes for all the young people they serve, schools must work with other schools and with community partners to address issues lying beyond the school gate.” (Ainscow et al, 2023). A growing feature of the annual ICSEI congress is the opportunity for ICSEI networks to organise their own “invited symposia” which provide a dedicated space for focussed thinking and discussion on topical themes which sit at the core of their work. This year, the 3PN symposium will focus on the potential of school partnerships, networks and alliances to not only create school-led improvement systems but also provide the energy and impetus to support the creation of wider wellbeing systems with schools collectively acting as local system shapers. In this regard, the notion of system leadership (Hopkins, 2009) is useful in defining school leaders who can develop and lead partnerships for educational improvement among local...
P23.P6.PLN: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3105

Leveraging Global Climate Education Networks to Improve Climate Literacy Outcomes

Michael R.L. Odell, Teresa J. Kennedy

University of Texas at Tyler, United States of America

Examining The Role Of Leaders’ Personal Networks In Supporting The Community Engagement Of A Local PLN In England

Sotiria Kanavidou, Maria Kaparou

School of Education, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Collaborative Learning: Mobilizing Professional Identities In A Professional Learning Network

Heather McPherson, Stephen Peters, Shanmugavalli Narayanan, Yeon Hee Kang

McGill University, Canada

Knowledge Brokers’ Role in Social Media: What Type of Information do they Mobilize across Communities?

Martin Rehm1, Marie Lockton2, Anita Caduff2, Alan J Daly2

1: University of Regensburg, Germany; 2: University of California, San Diego, USA

P24.P6.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3098

Efforts at Systemic Implementation of a Public Education Program: Lessons from Ireland and Australia 2005-2023

Rebecca Saunders, Finn Ó Murchú, Joan Russell, Barrie Bennett

MIC, Ireland

Leading For Sustainable Development; Research Informed Humanistic Leadership To Shape Sustainable Practice; An Effective Model Of Transformational School Development.

Melanie Warnes, Melanie Chambers

British School of Brussels, Belgium

Principalship Development In Scotland: Fostering Agency, Criticality And Confidence In School Leaders

Julie Harvie

University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

P25.P6.DU: Paper Session
Location: Rm 4035

To Grade or Not to Grade? Mapping Students’ Progress Outside the Formal Curriculum.

Torbjörn Ott1, Giulia Messina Dahlberg1, Julia Eskilsson2, Pernilla Schagerlind2, Amanda Terlevic2

1: University of Gothenburg, Sweden; 2: Bräckegymnasiet, Sweden

Defining ‘Comparable Schools’. A Delphi-Study On Meaningful And Valid Comparisons Of School Performance Feedback

Glen Molenberghs, Roos Van Gasse, Sven De Maeyer, Jan Vanhoof

Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium

"Is This my Clasroom?... ": Revealing Social Network Information for Better Student Outcomes

Tarang Tripathi1, Chandraditya Raj2, Palaash Bhargava3, Christoforos Mamas1, Smriti Sharma2

1: University of Calfornia, San Diego, United States of America; 2: Aawaaz Foundation, India; 3: Columbia University

Promoting Data Use In Schools: How Local And Regional School Administrators Can Support Schools - A German Perspective

Ruth Anna Hejtmanek, Esther Dominique Klein

Technical University Dortmund, Germany

P26.P6.3P: Paper Session
Location: Rm 5086

Closing Gaps in Higher Education Trajectories: The Effect of Targeted Information and Mentorship

Andrés Barrios1, Josefina Eluchans2, Fernanda Ramírez-Espinoza3

1: Universidad de los Andes, Chile; 2: Fundacion Luksic, Chile; 3: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Reflecting on The Important Space Community Occupies in Applied Research

Amie Presley, Aakriti Kapoor, Janet O'reilly

Toronto District School Board, Canada

Teacher research. Transition from Education to Working Life. Is the School Ready to Utilize the Resource and Contribute to a Good Start for a Future Teacher Researcher?

Anne Berit Emstad1, Karen Birgitte Dille2, Bård Knutsen3

1: NTNU, Norway; 2: NTNU, Norway; 3: NTNU, Norway

R02.P6.DUb: Roundtable Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Getting on the Same Page: The Promise and Challenge of Multi-tiered Systems of Support in Reading

Caitlin Scott, Jim Wright

Marzano Research, United States of America

Effect of a Teacher Professional Development on Teachers’ Beliefs About Data on Students’ Perceptions of Teaching Quality

Lucas Silva1, Kim Schildkamp2, Adrie Visscher2, Roel Bosker1

1: University of Groningen, The Netherlands; 2: University of Twente, The Netherlands

Effect of a Data Use Teacher Professional Development Program on Teaching Quality in Chile

Lucas Silva1, Kim Schildkamp2, Adrie Visscher2, Roel Bosker1

1: University of Groningen, The Netherlands; 2: University of Twente, The Netherlands

R02.P6.MORc: Roundtable Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

‘Leading the Way’: Listening to the Voices of Students with Intellectual Disabilities to Enhance Inclusive Practice in Schools

Nicola Mannion1, Johanna Fitzgerald2, Fionnuala Tynan3

1: Mary Immaculate College, Ireland; 2: Mary Immaculate College, Ireland; 3: Mary Immaculate College, Ireland

Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mindset? A critical exploration of a set of collaborative workshops aimed at developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset at a Changemaker Primary School in Ireland using action research.

Alan Morgan

UCD Innovation Academy, Ireland

Research for Africa's Education Think Tank - For Africa, By Africa

Robyn Mary Whittaker, Abdelaziz Zohri, Andrew Wambua

Africa Voices Dialogue, South Africa

R02.P6.PLNa: Roundtable Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Fostering University-District Partnerships for Teaching and Learning Improvement: Lessons from Two Cases of Collaboration in South Africa

Pinkie Mthembu1, Christina Murdoch2, Brahm Fleisch1

1: University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa; 2: University of California Davis, United States of America

What Comes First: A Conducive Environment or a Coaching Program?

Andrea Veronica Stringer

University of New South Wales, Australia

S14.P6.PLN: Symposium
Location: Emmet Theatre

How Educational Leaders Can Maximise The Social Capital Benefits Of Inter-School Networks: Thoughts From An International Symposium.

Chair(s): Cindy Poortman (University of Twente)

Discussant(s): Cindy Poortman (University of Twente)


Presentations of the Symposium


How Educational Leaders Can Maximise The Social Capital Benefits Of Inter-School Networks: Thoughts From An International Symposium.

Chris Brown, Ruth Luzmore; ,
University of Warwick


The Benefits Of Social Capital Benefits Of Inter-School Networks To Support Policy Implementation: A Living Example, The Teacher Expert Network (TENs)

Alexandra Harper;
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)


The Sustainability And Non-Sustainability Of Inter-School Innovation Networks: A Tool To Ascertain Possibilities And Progress.

Andy Hargreaves1, Cameron Jones2; ,
1Boston College and University of Ottawa, 2Upper Canada District School Board

S21.P6.PLN: Symposium
Location: Burke Theatre

Effective Professional Learning for All? Lessons on Cultivating Collaborative Inquiry Networks in a Variety of Contexts

Chair(s): Mauricio Pino Yancovic (Institute of Education and Center for Advanced Research in Education, Universidad de Chile)

Discussant(s): Chris Chapman (University of Glasgow)


Presentations of the Symposium


When Less Can Be More: Gaining Traction with a Single “Thinking Routine” in Networked Collaborative Inquiry

Liz Dawes Duraisingh, Adriana Garcia, Mara Krechevsky, Andrea Sachdeva;
Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education


Drawing on Student Funds of Knowledge in Professional Learning Networks to Increase Success for Equity-Deserving Learners

Leyton Schnellert1, Judith King2, Jeannette King3, Janice Moase2, Shelley Moore1;
1University of British Columbia, 2School District No. 67, 3School District No. 42


Collaborative Inquiry Networks: Together Overcoming COVID-19 Challenges in Chile

Mauricio Pino Yancovic;
Institute of Education and Center for Advanced Research in Education, Universidad de Chile

S23.P6.EL: Symposium
Location: Synge Theatre

Developing Expertise Around Gender- and Sexual-Diversity by Leveraging LGBTQ+ Experiential Knowledge

Chair(s): Mollie McQuillan (University of Wisconsin), Andrew Stein (Northwestern University)


Presentations of the Symposium


Engaging with the Experiential Knowledge LGBTQ+ Students & Community Organizations

Mollie McQuillan;
University of Wisconsin


Pride in Practice: LGBTQ+ Administrators’ Affective Sensemaking and Organizational Change Work

Andrew Stein;
Northwestern University


The Lived Experiences and Expertise of LGBTQ+ School of Education Deans

Michael O'Malley1, Frank Hernandez2; ,
1Texas State University, 2Texas Christian University

S31.P6.EL: Symposium
Location: Davis Theatre

Problematizing Professional Learning for School Leaders: Lessons from The Volatility and Complexity of Crisis

Chair(s): Michelle Jones (Cardiff Metropolitan University)

Discussant(s): Julia Longville (Cardiff Met University)


Presentations of the Symposium


Leading Teaching and Learning During Crisis, a Caribbean Perspective: Realities and Lessons Learned

Freddy James;
The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine


“We May Need More Cowboys”: Australian School Leadership in the Face of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity

Nicola Sum;
Monash University (Australia)


Leading During the Pandemic: What Does the Evidence Tell Us

Alma Harris, Michelle Jones;
Cardiff Metropolitan University

Coffee Break
ISS01: Grid Spotlight Session:Engagement with Culture, Race, and Intersectionality for Professional Learning
Location: Burke Theatre
Chair: Mauricio Pino-Yancovic
Chair: Trista Ann Hollweck
Discussant: Venesser Fernandes
Second Discussant: Joanne Banks
GRID's primary focus, aligned with ICSEI's commitment to inclusion and diversity, is the development of the new CRI network. Addressing the issues of culture, race, and intersectionality is especially relevant in the field of education effectiveness and improvement. This spotlight session challenges conventional thinking and inspires action through dialogues on the trajectory of professional learning, specifically emphasizing culture, race, and intersectionality. It aims to engage participants in constructive dialogues to tackle the complex aspects of this work in policy, research, teaching, and practice. We provide a space for equity-minded individuals seeking to engage in this work, offering models, strategies, and mentorship to sustain their efforts as they move forward. This session reflects GRID's commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in education.
ISS03.A: Network Meeting: Professional Learning Networks (PLN)
Location: Rm 4035
Chair: Cindy Louise Poortman
Chair: Chris Brown
ISS03.B: Network Meeting: Data Use (DU)
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room
Chair: Kristin Vanlommel
K3: Keynote: Carol Campbell
Location: Burke Theatre
The Quest for Humanity in Educational Improvement: Professional Learning for Student Learning
Coffee Break
IN13.P7.PLNEL: Innovate Session
Location: Swift Theatre

Professional Relationship Development a Whole School Approach: Effective Strategies to Support Special Educators and General Educators

Dr Ciara Uí Chonduibh

Scoil Uí Ghramhnaigh, Ireland

Combining Data From Practice With international research Evidence For Effective Teaching And Learning, Professional Development And School Improvement – Insights From The Steev-Approach

Wolfgang Beywl, Kathrin Pirani

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland

Professional Identity of Pedagogical Professionals in Complex Urban Surroundings

Naomi Mertens

Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, The

P27.P7.PLN3P: Paper Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Understanding Teacher’s Humor And Its Attributes In Classroom Management: A Conceptual Study

Jerome St-Amand1, Eric Morissette2, Jonathan Smith3

1: Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada; 2: Université de Montréal, Canada; 3: Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

Co-operative Research On Teacher’s Co-operation

Lina Lago, Helene Elvstrand

Linköping University, Sweden

Relational Aspects of Practice-Based Research and Development

Jens Ideland1, Kristina Westlund2

1: Malmö municipality, affiliated to Malmo University; 2: Malmö municipality and Kristianstad University

Exploring The Integration Of Global Framework Into Local Competence-Based Education: A Constitutional Logic Perspective On NPDL Implementation In Taiwan

Peiying Chen

National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

P28.P7.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3105

Breaking Down Silos, Rolling Up Sleeves: Teachers’ Perspectives on the Leadership of Effective Professional Learning Communities

Julie Hamilton, Dominic Fryers

St Mary's University College, United Kingdom

Middle Leaders Pedagogy And Wellbeing: A Professional Leaning Intervention

Christine Grice1, Fiona Davies2

1: The University of Sydney, Australia; 2: The University of Sydney, Australia

Education Policy: In Whose Interests? A Research/Policy/Practice University And School District Professional Learning Partnership To Strengthen Leadership Of And For Critically Conscious School Communities

Alison Jane Mitchell1, Jane Arthur2, Madelaine Baker2, Olivia Drennan2, Margery McMahon1, Andrea Reid2

1: University of Glasgow School of Education, United Kingdom; 2: Glasgow City Council Education Services, Scotland, United Kingdom

Collaboration for Educational Change: Examining the Leadership of Professional Collaboration in the Pursuit of Educational Change

Paul Campbell

Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)

P30.P7.3P: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3098

Knowledge Building in a Globalized Educational Context: Practitioner Perspectives from Ontario and Scotland

Niall Mackinnon1, Silvana Reda2

1: Avernish Prospect, Lochalsh, Scotland, United Kingdom; 2: Caravan Learning, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

How Education Researchers Support School Sustainable Development Through Organization Empowerment: Multiple Case Study in China

Shi ye

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, People's Republic of

The Education Triple Cocktail: Build the evidence to address improving early grade learning systemwide in South Africa

Brahm Fleisch

University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Diversity in the Teaching Profession: From Rhetoric to Reality

Pauline Stephen1, Asif Chisti2

1: General Teaching Council for Scotland; 2: General Teaching Council for Scotland

P46.P7.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 5086

Understanding Roles and Perceived Effects of Literacy Coaches in Chinese Schools: Multiple Case Studies

Qi Xiu1, Peng Liu2, Xuyang Li2

1: South China Normal University, China, People's Republic of; 2: University of Manitoba

Leading School Improvement in Vocational Education and Training Schools

Katrine Puge, Line Lindhardt, Bjarne Wahlgren

Aarhus University, Denmark

Systemic Supports for Antiracist Practice in International Baccalaureate Classrooms

Whitney Michelle Hegseth

Boston College, United States of America

S10.P7.EL: Symposium
Location: Rm 4035

Transformational Pathways: Embracing Change, Fostering Innovation, and Empowering Leaders

Chair(s): Andrea Wullschleger (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Education)


Presentations of the Symposium


Dynamic Pathways: Investigating the Relationship Between the Changing Landscape of Educational Leaders’ Interaction Routines and Innovative Climate

Andrea Wullschleger1, Yi-Hwa Liou2, András Vörös3, Alan J. Daly4, Katharina Maag Merki5; ,
1University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Education, 2Department of Educational Management, National Taipei University of Education, 3School of Social Policy, University of Birmingham, 4Department of Education Studies, University of California, San Diego, 5Institute of Education, University of Zurich


Building a Networked Learning System: Drawing Out the Lessons from a Programme of Local Systems Change

Christopher Chapman, Irene Bell, Graham Donaldson, Stuart Hall, Kevin Lowden;
School of Education, University of Glasgow


How School Principals Wield Social Influence in Directing and Implementing Student-Centered Instructional Initiatives: A Case Study

Nicolette van Halem1, Marie Lockton2, David Trautman2, Yi-Hwa Liou3, Alan J. Daly4;
1Research Institute of Child Development and Education, University of Amsterdam, 2Department of Education Studies, University of California, San Diego, 3Department of Educational Management, National Taipei University of Education, 4Department

S25.P7.PLN: Symposium
Location: Burke Theatre

From Enabling Collaborative Encounters To Leading Sustainable Improvement - A New Conceptualisation Of Educational Change

Chair(s): Rachel Lofthouse (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom)


Presentations of the Symposium


Creating And Sustaining A Whole School Culture Of Leading And Learning

Melanie Chambers, Emma Adams, Leslie Wallace; , ,
British School of Brussels


Sparking A Movement?: An Exploration Of The Impact Of Deliberately Designed Professional Learning Encounters In A National Network.

Trista Hollweck;
University of Ottawa


A Collective Of Educational ‘others’; Questioning The Role Of A Rhizomatic Network In Leading Improvement

Rachel Lofthouse;
Leeds Beckett University

S26.P7.EL: Symposium
Location: Davis Theatre

Soft Governance – experiences from three municipalities

Chair(s): Tore Skandsen (The IMTEC Foundation)


Presentations of the Symposium


Municipality A

Jane Iren Johansen, Ann Margareth Gustavsen; ,
Innland Norway University of applied sicences


Muncipality B

Tore Skandsen1, Jane Iren Johansen2; ,
1The IMTEC foundation, 2Innland Norway University of applied sicences


Muncipality C

Tore Skandsen1, Jane Iren Johansen2; ,
1The IMTEC foundation, 2Innland Norway University of applied sicences

S27.P7.EL: Symposium
Location: Synge Theatre

Fostering Educational Quality by Professionalisation, Governance and Distributed Leadership in Secondary Education

Chair(s): Roel Bosker (University of Groningen)


Presentations of the Symposium


Effectiveness Of Governmental Professionalisation Incentives For Secondary Education In A Decentralized Context

Lyset Rekers - Mombarg;
Universiteit Twente


School Board Capacities

Lieneke Ritzema;
GION education/research


Distributed Leadership In Educational Organisations

Marij Veldman;
GION education/research

S28.P7.3P: Symposium
Location: Emmet Theatre

Co-creation for Equity-oriented Transformation in Teacher Education

Chair(s): Leyton Schnellert (University of British Columbia)


Presentations of the Symposium


Equity and Inclusion through Decolonizing Rural Teacher Education

Terry Taylor, Leyton Schnellert;
University of British Columbia


Haa huu paa - Teaching with Kindness: Teacher education in Remote First Nations Communities

Paige Fisher1, Lawrence Lawrence2, Rachel Moll1; , ,
1Vancouver Island University, 2Vancouver Island West School District

S29.P7.DU: Symposium
Location: Ui Chadain Theatre

Enhancing Quality Professional Education: Putting Students At The Centre

Chair(s): Kristin Vanlommel (University of Applied Sciences Utrecht)

Discussant(s): Dennis Shirley (Boston College)


Presentations of the Symposium


How Can We Motivate Students? Using Student Voice To Redesign Education

Emma Strating1, Kristin Vanlommel1, Marjan Vermeulen2; ,
1University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, 2Open University


Defining Data Literacy For Students: From Data Literacy For Student Learning To Data Literate Citizens

Kim Schildkamp1, Edmond Sebestyén2; ,
1University Twente, 2University of Szeged


Enacting Data Discussions With Students: A Communicative Activity Analysis

Henning Fjørtoft, Marit Olave Riis-Johansen, Stine Aarønes Angvik, Iveta Kohanová;
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Congress Dinner
The Conference Gala Dinner will take place at the Dining Hall in the Front Square of Trinity College on Thursday, 11th January 2024 at 7pm. This will include a welcome drink, 3-course meal and drinks allowance as well as Irish entertainment.
Date: Friday, 12/Jan/2024
IN11.P8.PLN: Innovate Session
Location: Ui Chadain Theatre

Frame Shifting: A Professional Development Approach for Addressing Teaching Dilemmas

Brianna L. Kennedy1, Amy S. Murphy2

1: University of Glasgow; 2: University of Georgia

The Hidden Curriculum Of The Staffroom: Sustaining or Draining Professional Lives?

Rachel Lofthouse

Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom

Positioning Teachers as Designers: Inquiry-Based Professional Development for Authentic Project-Based Teaching & Learning

Bianca Licata, Karen Page, Anusheh Byrne, Jacqueline Pilati, Kim Van-Wyck, Yvonne Thevenot, Ellen Meier

Center for Technology & School Change at Teachers College, Columbia University, United States of America

IN12.P8.EL: Innovate Session
Location: Swift Theatre

Partnering FOR Education: Cross-Sector Collaboration - An Untapped Resource.

Dianne Smardon, Dale Bailey

Springboard Trust, New Zealand

Transformation for Equity: Redesigning a Master of Education in Educational Leadership Around Leadership Competencies.

Paige Fisher, Rachel Moll, Marian Riedel, Leah Taylor, Lawrence Tarasoff, Deborah Koehn

Vancouver Island University, Canada

Building and Rebuilding Education Systems for Equitable Teaching and Learning: What We Can Learn from Comparing Across the Globe

Amanda Datnow1, Thomas Hatch2, Dennis Kwek3, Amelia Peterson4, Donald Peurach5, Tine Prøitz.6, James Spillane7, Thomas Walsh8, Vicki Park9

1: University of California, San Diego, USA; 2: Teachers College Columbia University, USA; 3: National Institute of Education, Singapore; 4: The London Interdisciplinary School, UK; 5: University of Michigan, USA; 6: University of South-Eastern Norway; 7: Northwestern University, USA; 8: Maynooth University, Ireland; 9: San Diego State University, USA

P31.P8.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3098

Implementation of a Coaching Model in an Urban US School District

Elizabeth MacArthur Uzzell, Coby Vincent Meyers

University of Virginia, United States of America

Findings On Successful School Leadership From Australian Case Studies Over 20 Years

Lawrence Drysdale, Helen Goode, David Gurr

The University of Melbourne, Australia

The Domino Effect: The Impact of School Leadership on Teachers' Wellbeing.

Annemarie Doran1, Jolanta Burke2

1: Hibernia College, Ireland; 2: RCSI, Dublin

Leveraging Existing Structures and Resources: Creating and Sustaining System Change Through an Inquiry Approach

Christel Brautigam, Brooke Douglas

SD38 Richmond, Canada

P32.P8.PLN: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3105

Reflections on the Development of an Evaluation Framework for Teachers’ Professional Learning in Ireland

Lorraine Gilleece

Educational Research Centre, Ireland

Professional Development For Teachers Leading School Self-evaluation

Shivaun O'Brien, Gerry McNamara, Joe O'Hara

Dublin City University, Ireland

Local Learning Landscapes: Conceptualising Place-Based Professional Learning For Teachers In Contemporary Schooling Systems

Toby Greany1, Andy Noyes1, Cath Gripton1, Tom Cowhitt2, Georgina Hudson1

1: University of Nottingham, United Kingdom; 2: University of Glasgow, UK

P34.P8.3P: Paper Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Exploring the Relationship between Teachers' Mentors' School Experiences and University Teaching: A Duoethnographic Narrative to Re-conceptualise Teacher Education

Paulina Moya-Santiagos1, Tatiana Cárcamo-Rojas2

1: UCL Institute of Education, United Kingdom; Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile; 2: Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Chile

In Pursuit of Critical Literacy: Understanding the Experiences of Teachers in Northern Ireland

Donna Hazzard1, Geraldine Magennis-Clarke2, Eithne Kennedy3

1: St Mary's University College, United Kingdom; 2: St Mary's University College, United Kingdom; 3: Dublin City University

P36.P9.EC: Paper Session
Location: Rm 4035

Equity through Play: Cultural Diversity Materials as Invitations for Dialogue about Equity in Early Childhood

Alison Wishard Guerra, Monica Molgaard, Thandeka Chapman, Shana Cohen

University of California, San Diego, United States of America

Early Childhood Educators Engagement with Families on Cultural Diversity

Monica Molgaard, Alison Wishard Guerra, Thandeka K Chapman

University of California, San Diego, United States of America

Evidence of Effectiveness: Anti-Bias Curricular Outcomes from a Three-Year Research Practice Partnership

Thandeka K Chapman1, Alison Wishard-Guerra2, Monica Molgaard3

1: University of California San Diego, United States of America; 2: University of California San Diego, United States of America; 3: University of California San Diego, United States of America

P42.P8.CRPLN: Paper Session
Location: Rm 5086

Addressing Burnout Among Newly Qualified Teachers: What Impact can Induction Programmes Have?

Mette Hvalby

University of Stavanger, Norway

The Significance of Teacher Effectiveness in the Provision of Quality Basic Education for Internally Displaced Children in Nigeria.

Vivienne Kachollom Rwang

University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Taking Financial Inclusion Support To Families Through Schools: Learning From The FISO Programme In Glasgow

Magriet Cruywagen, Des McNulty

University of Glasgow | ICSEI, United Kingdom

Irish-medium Teacher Competences: The Spectrum of Change

Gabrielle Nig Uidhir1, TJ O Ceallaigh2

1: St Mary's University College Belfast, United Kingdom; 2: University of Cork

POS2.P8.Multi: Poster Session
Location: Upper Concourse

Breaking Barriers in STEM: The Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Collaborative Work

Francisca Beroíza-Valenzuela

Universidad de Chile, Chile

Co-Creating Community in our Schools - A Discussion

Julia Dobson

University College London, United Kingdom

Culturally Responsive School Leadership in Indigenous Schools in Malaysia

Nalini Murugaiyah

University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Convergence or Fragmentation? ——A Study Based on the Curriculum of Government-funded Normal Students in Six Normal Universities in China

Hairou Ren1, Jiayi Wang2

1: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, United States of America; 2: Central China Normal University, China

The Cooperating Teacher as Mentor and Assessor: a Democratic Pedagogical Relationship Between School, Student, and University.

Karen Maye

UCD, Ireland

Networked Learning Advancing Whole Person Formation

Martin Scanlan, Aashna Khuranaa

Boston College, United States of America

Definitions and Understandings of ‘Life Skills’ in Primary Education: a Scoping Review

Lone Hvalby, Astrid Guldbrandsen, Geir Skeie, Hildegunn Fandrem

University of Stavanger, Norway

Taxonomy of ownership: The Students are the Owner of their Learning Process

Freek Wevers, Henk van Woudenberg, Bob Clerx, Rikkert Heydendael, Peter de Waal, Erik Denessen, Tessa van Stek

Student Ownership of Learning, Netherlands, The

A Model for the Recruitment and Retention of Vocational Teachers - Based on Collaboration in School-University-Business Partnerships

Anne Berit Emstad, Elin Bø Morud, Britt Karin Støen Utvær, Ingrid Stenøien

NTNU, Norway

S22.P8.EL: Symposium
Location: Davis Theatre

Making Sense of School Change? The Perspectives and Learning Opportunities of School Leaders and Teachers in the Light of Adaptive Capacity Building

Chair(s): Wouter Schenke (Penta Nova)

Discussant(s): Kim Schildkamp (University of Twente)


Presentations of the Symposium


Through the Looking Glass: A Systems Lens on Collective Sensemaking of School Change

Monika Louws1, Annemie Struyf1, Nicolien van Haeften1, Bregje de Vries2, Amber Walraven3;
1Utrecht University, 2Vrije University Amsterdam, 3Radboud University


Adaptive Capacity of School Leaders and Team Members When Confronted With School Changeo

Wouter Schenke1, Leonie Middelbeek2, Ebbo Bulder2, Amber Walraven3, Patricia Brouwer4, Ditte Lockhorst2;
1Penta Nova, 2Oberon, 3Radboud University, 4Utrecht University of Applied Sciences


Adaptive Expertise of Teachers and School Leaders: A Vignette Study on Coping with Change

Annemie Struyf1, Monika Louws1, Patricia Brouwer1, Suzanne Gerritsen2;
1Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, 2Oberon

S30.P8.PLN: Symposium
Location: Burke Theatre

Collaborative Professionalism: Indicators and Issues of Sustainability and Renewal

Chair(s): Carol Campbell (Associate Chair, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education, and Professor of Leadership and Educational Change at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) of the University of Toronto)

Discussant(s): Carol Campbell (Associate Chair, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education, and Professor of Leadership and Educational Change at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) of the University of Toronto)


Presentations of the Symposium


Developing a Reflective Framework for Sustainable Collaborative Professionalism

Cameron Thomas Jones1, Andrew Hargreaves2; ,
1System-Principal of Student Succes and Real-World Learning; Upper Canada District School Board, Ontario, Canada, 2Research Professor, Boston College & Visiting professor, University of Ottawa


Networks as a Nexus Between Policy and Practice: The Relationship Between Collaborative Professionalism and Student Achievement

Andrew Wambua;
Educator and Researcher, Africa Voices Dialogue – Kenya


Teachers Seconded to Continuing Teacher Education: A Transferable Theoretical Framework for Exploring Career Transitions, Tensions and Transformations

Ciara O’Donnell;
Maynooth University and Independent Teacher Education Consultant

S32.P8.EL: Symposium
Location: Synge Theatre

Creating Cultures of Understanding: Exploring ‘Organisational Grace’, ‘Institutional Hurt’, and ‘Reciprocal Leadership and Followership’

Chair(s): Karen Seashore Louis (University of Minnesota)


Presentations of the Symposium


Conceptualizing Organizational Grace: Learning to Lead for Understanding over Blame, Shame, and Negativity

Sabre Cherkowski;
The University of British Columbia


Exploring Reciprocal Leadership and Followership: Moving towards Connection and Understanding

Niamh Hickey;
University of Limerick


Courageous Leadership and the Unsaids. Authentic Leadership, Institutional Hurts, and Restorative Healing: Navigating the Role of Forgiveness for Cultures of Flourishing

Patricia Mannix McNamara;
University of Limerick, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

S33.P8.3P: Symposium
Location: Emmet Theatre

Rethinking the Middle Tier: A Case Study of a Research-Practice Partnership to support inter-district collaboration and improvement

Chair(s): Chris Chapman (University of Glasgow)

Discussant(s): Alan Daly (University of California,San Diego)


Presentations of the Symposium


Building a Networked Learning System: Research-Practice Partnerships and regional improvement

Christopher Chapman1, Irene Bell1, Graham Donaldson1, Stuart Hall1, Kevin Lowden1, Mark Ratter2; ,
1University of Glasgow, 2WEST/East Renfrewshire Council


Reflections on the development and impact of the WEST Regional Improvement Collaborative

Irene Bell, Christopher Chapman, Graham Donaldson, Stuart Hall, Kevin Lowden; , , ,
University of Glasgow


Building Capacity Through Professional Learning: Moving to Scale

Kevin Lowden1, Irene Bell1, Christopher Chapman1, Graham Donaldson1, Alison Drever2, Stuart Hall1; , ,
1University of Glasgow, 2WEST

Coffee Break
IN10.P9.3P: Innovate Session
Location: Synge Theatre

Becoming, Being and Growing as a Teacher in Trusted Systems: Cross-Jurisdiction Considerations

Pauline Stephen1, Hayden Llewellyn2, Lynn Ramsey3

1: General Teaching Council for Scotland, United Kingdom; 2: Education Workforce Council Wales; 3: Teaching Council Ireland

Designing Policy Architectures to Attract, Retain, and Develop High Quality Teachers

Michelle Gabrielle Lasen1, Pauline Taylor-Guy1, Fabienne van der Kleij1, Julie Murkins1, Oliver Perrett2, Sebastian Fuchs2

1: Australian Council for Educational Research, Australia; 2: Mercer

IN14.P9.EL: Innovate Session
Location: Emmet Theatre

Agora-Education: A New Modelling Perspective On The Educational Paradigm And The Role Of The Student, The Teacher And The School Leader.

Bob Clerx, Jan Fasen

Agora Association, Netherlands, The

Professional Learning as an Agent for Change: Connecting and Deepening Learning through Project-Based Learning in an Independent School in Malta

Esmeralda Zerafa, Bernie Mizzi, Grace Grima

Chiswick House School & St Martin's College, Malta

PULSE-Model: PLNs Using data for Learning and Student Engagement

Cindy Louise Poortman1, Kim Schildkamp1, Hilde Forfang2, Mette Marit Jenssen2, Lars Arild Myhr2

1: SePU Norway, and University of Twente, Netherlands, The; 2: SePU: Center for studies of educational practice – Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

ISS06.Invited Innovate.P9: Achieving Equity through Excellence in the World’s Educational Systems
Location: Burke Theatre
Chair: Professor David Hopkins
Discussant: Pinkie Euginia Mthembu
Second Discussant: James Spillane
This proposal for an ‘Innovate Session’ is specifically designed to generate debate and discussion around the theme of ‘Achieving Equity through Excellence’ in educational systems. The colleagues contributing to the session situate themselves in the middle of that triangle whose vertices are comprised of policy, research and practice. They wish to use the opportunity of the Innovate Session format to be as interactive as possible and actively engage participants in the exploration of ‘Achieving Equity through Excellence’.
P33.P8.DU: Paper Session
Location: Rm 4035

Global Trends in Educational Inequality: A Multi-Index Analysis of Educational Outcomes from 2003 to 2018

Moosung Lee, Eunsu Kim

Yonsei University, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

Succeeding On The Academic Track Without Primary School Teachers´ Recommendation: On The Role Of Students´ Motivation And Social Background

Katharina Molitor, Justine Stang-Rabrig, Paul Fabian, Nele McElvany

TU Dortmund, Germany

Interrogating Australian Student Voice on the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy

Venesser Fernandes

Monash University, Australia

Equitable Transcripted Grades: Strategies for Converting Rubrics into Grading Systems Aligned with School's philosophy

Beatriz Sakashita

Avenues: The World School, Brazil

P35.P9.PLN: Paper Session
Location: Ui Chadain Theatre

Purposes and Collaborative Activities of Mandated School Networks: From Hierarchical Structures to Collective Learning

Mauricio Pino-Yancovic, Catalina Zuñiga

CIAE - IE, Universidad de Chile, Chile

“Professional Learning Networks in Africa: An Ethnographic Study of the Inception and Growth of Africa Voices Dialogue and Inventors’ Playground”

Fatimazohra Elboussaidi1, Robyn Mary Whittaker2, Mohammed Elmeski3, Andrew Kitavi Wambua2, Abdelaziz Zohri2

1: Faculty of Languages, Letters, and Arts, Ibn Tofail University; 2: Africa Voices Dialogue; 3: Nordic Centre for Conflict Transformation

Literacy Coaches as System Leaders in Education System Improvement: A Chinese Perspective

Qi Xiu1, Peng Liu2, Xuyang Li2

1: South China Normal University, China, People's Republic of; 2: University of Manitoba

“Lest We Forget”: Action Research Engaging Students and Teachers as Historians Bridging the Past with the Present

Cameron Thomas Jones1, Blake Seward2, Mason Black2

1: Upper Canada District School Board, Canada; 2: Big Ideas Group Consulting

P37.P9.EL: Paper Session
Location: Swift Theatre

Leadership Demands on Early-Career Teachers

Berni Moreno, Lawrie Drysdale, Ryan Dunn, Helen Goode, David Gurr, Adam Taylor, Pauline Thompson

The University of Melbourne, Australia

More Successful Thanks To Qualification And Mentorship? Analyses Of Determinants Of The Professional Success Of School Principals

Pierre Tulowitzki1, Marcus Pietsch2, Ella Grigoleit1, Sara Köferli1

1: FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland; 2: Leuphana University Lüneburg

Leaning into Letting Go: Collective Involvement for Instructional Transformation and Innovation

Marie Lockton1, Nicolette Van Halem2, David Trautman3, Alan J. Daly4, Yi-Hwa Liou5

1: University of California, San Diego, United States of America; 2: University of Amsterdam; 3: University of California, San Diego, United States of America; 4: University of California, San Diego, United States of America; 5: National Taipei University of Education

Providing Quality Staff Development in a Centralized Education System: Teachers' Perspectives Regarding School Principals' Role

Amal Abdulwahab Alsaleh1, Munirah Alajmi2

1: Kuwait University, Kuwait; 2: Kuwait University, Kuwait

P38.P9.MR: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3098

Learning to Teach in a Science Museum: The Outcomes and Impact of Learning to Teach in a Museum-Based Science Teacher Education Program

Karen Hammerness1, Marisa Olivo2, Jamie Wallace1, Linda Curtis-Bey1, Rosamond Kinzler1

1: American Museum of Natural History, United States of America; 2: Boston College, Lynch Graduate School of Education

The Influence of Ability Estimators of Prior Achievement on Value-added Estimates of School Effects

Elodie Pools, Wouter Talloen, Koen Aesaert

KULeuven, Belgium

Building Professional Identity for Khmer Teachers (PIKT)

Leo Casey1, Pov Pheung2, Chanphirun Sam3, Chankoulika Bo4

1: National College of Ireland; 2: SeeBeyondBorders; 3: Phnom Penh Teacher Education College; 4: The Department of Policy (DoPo) of the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS)

P39.P9.3P: Paper Session
Location: Rm 3105

Children's Rights in Chile's Elite Schools: Lack of Protection and Regulation

Paula Ascorra1, Claudio Allende2, Tomas Ilabaca3, Francisca Alvarez-Figueroa4

1: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, Chile; 2: CIAE, Universidad de Chile; 3: Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile; 4: Work and Equalities Institute, University of Manchester

No “Bad Friends” – Immigrant-Origin Youth’s Peer Social Capital Mobilization in the U.S. and Switzerland

Anita Caduff

University of California, San Diego, United States of America

P47.P9.EL: Paper Session
Location: Rm 5086

A Research Practice Partnership Advancing Organizational Transformation for Inclusive Education

Martin Scanlan, Aashna Khurana

Boston College, United States of America

Development of a Mental Health Framework for Schools and School Authorities in the Province of Alberta, Canada

Jennifer Turner, Sharon Friesen, Stephen MacGregor

University of Calgary, Canada

School: Only Different.

Amanda Samson1, Sally Lasslett2

1: The University of Melbourne, Australia; 2: Hester Hornbrook Academy

R03.P9.ELNb: Roundtable Session
Location: Rm 6002 (Thurs/Fri)

Influencing Policy Through Professional Learning: Empowering Education Leaders To Influence Change

Fearghal Kelly, Lise Mccaffery, David Burgess

Education Scotland, United Kingdom

Comparative International Research in Education Policy to Address Educational Inequities

Christina Murdoch

UC Davis School of Education, United States of America

District-University Partnerships to Support School Improvement: The Use of Two Network Improvement Communities as Levers for Change

Christine M Neumerski1, Max Yurkofsky2

1: University of Maryland, United States of America; 2: Radford University, United States of America

R03.P9.ELNc: Roundtable Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Exploring the Potential of a Design-Based School Improvement Approach in Disadvantaged Communities: Preliminary Findings from a Qualitative Interview Study

Susanne J. Czaja1, E. Dominique Klein1, Isabell van Ackeren-Mindl2, Franziska S. Proskawetz2

1: Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany; 2: Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Influences of Engaging in the Into Headship Programme Post-Programme: Some Perceptions of Newly- Appointed Headteachers in Scotland in 2023.

Rosemary Grady

University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

R03.P9.PLNECEa: Roundtable Session
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room

Growing Community

Kerri Steel, Jacquie Poulin, Lindsey Watford, Diane McGonigle

Nanaimo-Ladysmith Public Schools, Canada

Collegial Partnership Coaching (CPC) – Energising true collaboration and shared thinking in Irish education.

Joseph Anthony Moynihan, Coran Swayne

University College Cork, Ireland

LGBTQ+ Children and Families in Early Childhood Settings: A Global Perspective

Benjamin Carmichael Kennedy

University of California San Diego, United States of America

S34.P9.PLN: Symposium
Location: Davis Theatre

Teacher and Child Agency as Central to the Review and Redevelopment of the Primary School Curriculum in Ireland

Chair(s): Louise Hayward (University of Glasgow), Tracy Curran (National Council for Curriculum and Assessment)

Discussant(s): Dominic Wyse (University College London)


Presentations of the Symposium


The Role of Research-informed Deliberation in Supporting Teacher and Child Agency in a Redeveloped Primary School Curriculum

Patrick Sullivan;
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment


The Role of Consultation and Work with School Networks in Supporting Teacher and Child Agency in a Redeveloped Primary School Curriculum

Jacinta Regan;
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment

ISS04.A: Network Meeting: Policymakers, Politicians, and Practitioners (3P)
Location: TRiSS Seminar Room
Chair: Anton Florek
Chair: Sara Romiti
ISS04.B: Network Meeting: Culture, Race and Intersectionality (CRI)
Location: Rm 4035
Chair: Jacob Easley II
Chair: Karen Ramlackhan
K4: Keynote: Claire Shewbridge
Location: Burke Theatre
What if…. We create the space to think collectively about the future of teaching?
CS: Closing Session
Location: Burke Theatre

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