Conference Agenda

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Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 27th July 2024, 11:16:58am IST

Session Overview
K2: Keynote: Mohammed Elmeski
Wednesday, 10/Jan/2024:
9:00am - 10:30am

Session Chair: Mohammed Elmeski
Location: Burke Theatre

Trinity College Dublin Arts Building Capacity 400

Leading for learning effectiveness and improvement: Examples of promising synergies from Africa

Session Abstract

Africa has its share of challenges. It also has the youngest population in the world. The UNESCO International Commission on the Futures of Education (2021) recognizes that Africa is disproportionately represented in the global share of out-of-school children, inequitable access to education, the declining share of qualified schoolteachers, low enrolment in TVET programs, and a widening digital divide. In the same vein, the State of Learning Poverty 2022 post pandemic update reported that the percentage of children at the end of primary school who are unable to understand a simple written text stood at a whopping 89%. Percentages of this magnitude should set aside any complacency about the urgency of learning improvement reform in the continent.

It is also an important time not to panic and lose sight of the promising practices showing effect and resilience all over Africa. In the midst of the unrelentingly discouraging reports on Africa’s educational performance, it is wise take stock of what works and build on it. In this regard, Dr. Elmeski’s keynote address uses appreciative inquiry to share promising pathways to learning effectiveness and improvement spearheaded by African leaders who represent the formal education sector as well as community members, civil society, and the entrepreneurial world.

No contributions were assigned to this session.

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