Preliminary Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
CP 1: Chinese Research Papers 1
Monday, 22/Apr/2024:
9:00am - 10:30am

Session Chair: Lu An, Wuhan University
Location: Room 2

Events I on 3F 3F 沙⻰ I

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凤. 支1, 兆. 彭1, 梦. 赵2, 梦. 韩1, 彦. 郑3

1河北大学管理学院,中国; 2中国人民大学信息资源管理学院,中国; 3中国科学技术信息研究所,中国



春. 谭, 明. 李, 仪. 王, 雅. 邹, 心. 杨

华中师范大学, China, People's Republic of

摘 要:[目的/意义]跨学科科研合作是现今科学研究的重要方式,对跨学科科研合作影响因素进行研究对合作的开展有着积极的推动作用。通过对跨学科科研合作相关原始研究进行深入分析,丰富了跨学科科研合作影响因素的研究成果,为相关研究的深入进行提供理论参考,促进跨学科科研合作更好地开展。[方法/过程]本研究通过采用元人种志这一定性研究方法,对筛选出的17项原始研究按照严格的研究步骤进行综合集成,构建了跨学科科研合作影响因素模型。[结果/结论]跨学科科研合作受个体特质、外部环境、学科背景和内部合作因素的影响。其中个体特质因素包括:个人认知、合作意愿、学习工作经历和个体感知子维度;外部环境因素包括政策支持、科研资助、合作平台、时间投入和学科体制支持子维度;学科背景因素包括学科差异和研究范式子维度;内部合作因素包括沟通交流、关系质量、资源共享、科研产出、有力的领导和认知一致性子维度。研究结果对于后续跨学科科研合作影响因素的研究有一定的启示作用。


L. Zhu, S. Yuan, J. Yan

Nanjing University


Research on Academic Knowledge Mapping Construction Program for Evaluating Academic Achievements in China under the Perspective of Full Evaluation

Z. R. Wang1,2, S. H. Deng1,2, X. Y. Song1,2, W. X. Yang1,2, H. Wang1,2

1Nanjing University, China; 2Provincial University Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Service (Nanjing University), Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

The use of big data and other technical means to comprehensively recognize the multiple values of academic achievements has become an important goal of the evaluation of academic achievements in China in recent years, and Academic Knowledge Mapping, as an increasingly mature semantic organization technology, provides new practical ideas for the realization of this goal. In this study, firstly, under the guidance of the framework of the whole evaluation system, we sort out the information organization needs in different dimensions of the evaluation research scenarios, and theoretically analyze the feasibility of applying academic knowledge mapping to the evaluation of achievements, secondly, under the guidance of the scenario-based information needs, we put forward the framework of constructing academic knowledge mapping for the evaluation scenarios of academic achievements respectively from the content and technical levels, and finally, we put forward the targeted mapping construction framework for the evaluation scenarios of academic achievements combined with the reform background of the academic evaluation in China at present. Finally, we propose a targeted mapping construction strategy in the context of the current reform of China's academic evaluation, with a view to providing reference for the development and implementation of China's academic achievement evaluation support tools, providing more comprehensive and accurate data support for the development of academic achievement evaluation, and promoting the reform and development of China's academic achievement evaluation work from the perspective of information organization.


Y. Houqiang, L. Yian, X. Yinghua

Sun Yat-Sen University, China, People's Republic of China

[研究目标] 科研工作与审稿活动之间的关系是了解学者“科研-审稿”行为模式、洞察同行评议系统运行机制的关键。本文旨在探索学者科研工作与审稿活动之间的权衡模式,回答学者的科研工作与审稿活动到底是“精力竞争”还是“审研相长”的研究问题。[研究方法] 我们随机获得了179737名全球性、全学科学者的审稿与文献计量数据,构建了科研工作对审稿活动的固定效应模型。[结论和讨论] 学者的科研工作和审稿活动彼此强化。微观上,学者们的审稿与科研是“审研相长”而非“精力竞争”。学者积极参与审稿活动并不会挤占用于科研工作的精力。学界应积极鼓励学者“科研-审稿”积极地互动。宏观上,这种特性也表明同行评议的供需有自发地走向平衡而非失衡的态势,“审研相长”是支持同行评议系统可持续性的一个证据,也证实了同行评议危机也并非由“精力竞争”引起。不断深化学者们的科研工作与审稿活动的依赖关系,是学者生涯发展、同行评议系统繁荣的方向。