Preliminary Conference Agenda

Workshop #675: Advocating for community health and well-being for all: Universal access to evidence-based health information on childhood and adult immunization
Tuesday, 23/Apr/2024:
4:00pm - 5:30pm

Location: Room 6

Events Ⅵ on 3F 3F沙龙Ⅵ


Session Abstract



Advocating for community health and well-being for all: Universal access to evidence-based health information on childhood and adult immunization

J. Ma1, L. Bonnici2, M. Holmner3

1Emporia State University, United States of America; 2University of Alabama, United States of America; 3University of Pretoria, South Africa

The COVID-19 pandemic has evolved into a significant global public health crisis, exacerbated by the pervasive mis-/disinformation surrounding the coronavirus and vaccines. The ongoing crisis has underscored the urgent need for universal access to evidence-based health information on both childhood and adult immunization. Notably, advocating for community health and well-being has emerged as a focal point among iConference community members. Furthermore, the historic and ongoing decline in global immunization coverage necessitates user-centered health information support and interventions on a global scale. To foster inclusive and interactive discourse among the panelists and diverse audience, this non-traditional panel will delve into a wide range of subjects from current innovative LIS research to opportunities and challenges. It is expected to yield valuable theoretical and practical implications for the iConference community. The overarching objective is to cultivate best-practice approaches for LIS research, education, and practice, with a focus on community health and well-being.