Preliminary Conference Agenda

Workshop #627: Promoting the Ethical and Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Education
Tuesday, 23/Apr/2024:
2:00pm - 3:30pm

Location: Room 6

Events Ⅵ on 3F 3F沙龙Ⅵ


Session Abstract



Promoting the Ethical and Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Education

M. A. Holmner1, I. Fourie1, A. Rorissa2, D. Alemneh3, S. Kaddu4, S. Ponelis5, A. Meyer1

1University of Pretoria, South Africa; 2University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA; 3University of North Texas, USA; 4Makerere University, Uganda; 5University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA

The contemporary learning landscape is profoundly shaped by technology, underscoring the importance of the ethical and responsible application of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in education. AI has the potential to revolutionize learning by tailoring instruction and administrative tasks. However, ethical considerations loom large in the integration of AI into education. Issues like data privacy and security and the presence of algorithmic bias present formidable challenges. To address these complexities, educational institutions must prioritize transparency, fairness, and inclusion when adopting AI technologies. Additionally, robust data governance and cybersecurity measures are essential. Educators and students must develop digital literacy and ethical awareness. By adhering to ethical standards, education stakeholders can harness the potential of AI while safeguarding the rights and well-being of learners and educators, ensuring that AI serves as an ethically driven force for educational advancement.