Preliminary Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Workshop 391: Building Data Storytelling Toolkits: Theory to Practice
Tuesday, 28/Mar/2023:
1:30pm - 3:00pm

Location: Plenary Room

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Building Data Storytelling Toolkits: Theory to Practice

K. McDowell1, M. Turk2, X. Hu3

1University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, School of Information Sciences; 2University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, School of Information Sciences; 3University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, School of Information Sciences

Data storytelling is an emerging area for information organizations that can powerfully build on the rich 130+ year history of storytelling in library and information science. Researchers engaging qualitative and communications theories are invited to learn about the process of building a functional data storytelling toolkit for libraries. The presentation portion will introduce the IMLS-funded Data Storytelling Toolkit for Librarians (DSTL). We will detail the concepts behind our work, including 1) theories of storytelling and data storytelling, 2) practices of qualitative research to identify key applications of data storytelling as advocacy or justification, 3) software tools to build plug-and-play data visualizations for typical data types, and 4) mixed qualitative methods to refine toolkit designs. Breakouts and discussions will explore future contexts for building data storytelling toolkits for information organizations.