Conference Agenda

Session Overview
4E: Remote Session 4E
Thursday, 26/Sept/2024:
8:00am - 9:30am

Location: Room U05-216

TalTech, Building 5, second floor

Session Chair: Margus Müür, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

Link to online session (MS Teams)


Following the GDPR to Preserve Data Privacy in an eLearning Environment

Iskra Trifonova, Malinka Ivanova

Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

Contemporary eLearning environments are characterized by rich functionality and the availability of a number of tools to support the learning process. Students are facilitated through learning tools, resource sharing, collaborative work, project doing, completion of assessment tasks and a range of communication opportunities. Whether they complete their learning tasks independently or collaboratively, the eLearning environment collects data and records the learning behaviour of students. In most cases, they are not informed about what data is collected during their studies and for what purposes it is used. In order to comply with the regulatory norms laid down in the GDPR and to increase trust between students and educational institutions, appropriate mechanisms for informing students and providing them with opportunities to control the shared data should be considered and discussed. Technological solutions for integrating these mechanisms into modern eLearning environments should also be considered. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a research focused on current practices in implementing GDPR in eLearning environments. Also, it is related to an examination of basic principles in the GDPR and how they can be implemented through technological tools. A model of a learning environment is also shown, which is based on the GDPR for the protection of students’ data that are collected in the learning process.

Resilience Training in Higher Education: AI-Assisted Collaborative Learning

Svitlana Gryshko1, Vagan Terziyan2, Mariia Golovianko1

1Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine; 2University of Jyvaskyla, Finland

This experimental study explores advanced training methods of interactive collaborative learning aiming resilient individuals capable of navigating through complex global challenges and adversarial contexts. We present some studies of “WARN: Academic Response to Hybrid Threats” – the Erasmus+ project, aimed at enhancing robustness and resilience of work processes and personal spaces within difficult, unpredictable, and adversarial situations.

The objective of the experiments with university students is to assess the approach and methodology of the adversarial training towards “robust and resilient minds” against potential hybrid threats and cognitive hacking attempts.

We intend to check how current artificial intelligence (AI) tools, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs) influence such training process. We propose an approach called collaborative hybrid (human plus AI) learning. It involves enhancing the group effect of collaborative learning with additional elements: collective intelligence, created by integrating AI, particularly ChatGPT and other LLMs, into the argumentation process to strengthen students in various roles; adversarial learning, where competition between students is built on the principles of Generative Adversarial Networks around complex decision objectives (dilemmas) towards developing resilience skills.

We conduct an experiment, structured as a series of intellectual sparring between competitive pairs of players. A sample of 42 students was selected to cover various levels of argumentation skills and professional domains. The scenario of sparring evolved from classical disputes to technologically augmented competitions over 8 rounds. Each adversarial iteration within each stage was assessed.

The analysis of the experimental data provided valuable information. The core hypotheses, “Positive Impact of Adversarial Training” and “Game-Changer Role of LLMs in Argumentation”, have been confirmed. One of the most important conclusions is that the added value of LLM tools strongly depends on how professionally they are used.

Achieved results are presented as a contribution to collaborative hybrid learning using AI as a personal digital assistant.

Data Collection in Traditional Learning Environments: New Opportunities for Analytics?

Armin Egetenmeier, Sven Strickroth

LMU Munich, Germany

This paper addresses the inherent limitations of current data collection practices related to Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining, which are often limited to digital sources that may not be appropriate for current face-to-face teaching scenarios. A significant portion of learning activities still takes place outside of digital systems and is often not reflected in data and analytics. However, collecting data in the classroom is challenging and additional effort is required to make data usable and machine-readable. Therefore, this paper shows how existing technology can be used to collect data to gain deeper insight into student learning. Furthermore, ideas on how a comprehensive data collection in traditional teaching settings can be established by actively involving students are discussed. A central idea is to crowd source the data collection with user-friendly, non-intrusive widely available technology to keep the effort low, while respecting privacy and ethical aspects.

Math Lesson on Counting 3D Printed Geometric Shapes in an Inclusive Class

Maya Dimitrova1, Neda Chehlarova1, Galina Bogdanova2, Aleksandar Krastev1, Negoslav Sabev2, Nikolay Noev2

1Institute of Robotics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS); 2Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)

The paper presents a pilot study of a mathematics lesson with 3D printed geometric shapes for shape counting tasks, intended to be used in in-clusive classes with students with visual impairment. The study consists of three parts – counting squares, counting triangles and a play with a robot as the reward for participation in the session. The developed study tasks are useful and enjoyable to both the visually intact and impaired participants. The interaction with the NAO robot was one of the first scenarios developed to introduce robots to people with impaired vision in educational settings like math lessons. The overall study emphasizes the importance of developing the tactile intelligence of the students. The visually impaired participants en-joyed the acquaintance with the robot and the study design, which makes it appropriate for inclusive education.

Linking traditional and Western-style education in Africa: The missing link - the "Soft skills"

Ibolya Tomory

Óbuda University, Hungary

African job seekers say that finding opportunities in the African labor market is difficult, expectations are too high, while employers find that job seekers are underprepared and lack the necessary skills. There is often a tension between traditional education, values, knowledge and skills and Western-style education. At the same time, among the elements of traditional education are the soft skills expected today, which are also emphasized in education.

Based on qualitative on-site data collection and source analysis, the study reviews the two different education systems and the skills required today in their traditional and modern contexts, and looks for common, compatible points. It examines the values and skill areas before Western education and their emphasis, role, and their implications in later social processes and their possible role today. As a cultural anthropologist, the author collected "soft" data personaly in East-african countries, but there is also the so-called "hard" data, the quantitative information with review different sources, studies, book chapters, news articles.

The main result is that the bridge between two educational systems with different backgrounds can be the area of soft skills, bringing local traditions, thinking and goals closer to today's world.

Formula Student: Assessing the Future of the Established Student-Led Engineering Competition

Shobhit Shakya1, Ludmila Dohnalova2, Carlos Cuevas Garcia3, Erkki Karo1, Patrik Mottl2

1Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; 2Czech technical university in Prague, Czech Republic; 3Technical University of Munich, Germany

Engineering education must address real-life challenges, including ecological sustainability. This study examines Formula Student (FS), a student-led competition where participants design and build Formula racing cars. Although FS is a popular student-led engineering design competition and engages industry and academia, its impact on sustainability is debatable. As part of the EuroTeQ consortium's research on co-creation tools in European Engineering Universities, this analysis explores FS’s role in Project-Based Learning (PBL). Using qualitative methods—interviews, field visits, participatory observation, and a focus group workshop—the study assesses FS teams from Tallinn, Prague, Munich, and Eindhoven. The findings, presented under six dimensions, highlight FS's strengths in practical learning, university involvement, student participation, alumni engagement, and internal expertise and knowledge sharing. Challenges include inconsistent student dedication, diversity issues, and ecological concerns. Despite these, the FS ecosystem remains effective in bridging academia and industry. However, the trajectory of the dominant socio-technological imaginations in the automobile sector and the willingness of the competition formats to adapt to those suggests that the FS will remain relevant in the future too.

Rethinking Engineering Materials Course: A “Studio” Case Study

Fatima El Ali, Nathalie Al Kakoun, Mohammad Harb

Engineering Learning Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, American University of Beirut


Studio-based learning is an increasingly popular approach in engineering education due to its effectiveness in promoting active experiential learning within a collaborative environment. It offers students opportunities for hands-on projects, problem-solving, and real-world application of theoretical concepts, fostering deeper understanding and engagement.


With an increasing awareness of the limitations inherent in traditional lecture-based methods, and a shift towards more student-centered and active learning approaches, our objective was to revolutionize the delivery approach for the undergraduate engineering materials course in mechanical engineering at the American University of Beirut. Taking cues from the dynamic and interactive studio format widely adopted in the architecture department, we aimed to establish an environment conducive to deep learning and genuine engagement. Through reconceptualizing the course as a studio experience, our aim was to empower students to play an active role in their educational journey, fostering interpersonal skills such as effective communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and the practical application of theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.


In the present study, a case study approach was adopted to illustrate the transformation of an engineering materials’ course to a studio format, from its original standardised lecture format. Drawing from others’ contemporary work and findings in the field, a framework of four fundamental elements relevant to such a pedagogical transformation was adopted. The four elements, physical space, pedagogy, student exercises, and assessment, were discussed and contextualised according to the present case study. The present study further develops and facilitates such a transformation and framework by additionally providing a detailed sample of the studio plan and its implementation, explaining how each of the four adopted elements of the studio course framework is integrated to promote active deep learning and student engagement. Furthermore, to gather empirical evidence on the efficacy of this teaching practice change, we conducted surveys to gain insights on students’ reactions across the aforementioned key elements of the studio course and the impact of the studio format on various aspects of their learning experiences including the development of their interpersonal skills.


We anticipate providing valuable insights into the process of transforming an engineering course into a studio format, offering practical guidance for educators seeking to adopt this innovative approach. Additionally, we aim to present the reactions of students to this shift and analyse its impact on their learning experiences.


The likely conclusion drawn from our anticipated findings is that transforming an engineering course into a studio format holds significant promise for deepening student’s learning experiences, improving their engagement, and fostering the development of their interpersonal skills. Practitioners will likely be encouraged to use a studio format to enhance student outcomes and prepare them more effectively for real-world engineering challenges.