
A collaborative inter-grades statistical inquiry: design and first steps
Dienstag, 05.03.2024:
8:40 - 9:15

Ort: R11 T04 C26


A collaborative inter-grades statistical inquiry: design and first steps

Maria-Josep Freixanet1, Montserrat Alsina2, Marianna Bosch3

1Nelson-Mandela-Schule, Deutschland; 2Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona, Spain; 3Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

We present the design and initial implementation of three complementary inquiry-based instructional proposals in statistics about air pollution. The core idea is the interweaving of these three proposals, which will be respectively developed in grades 7, 9 and 11 at the Nelson Mandela School in Berlin, and a final answer will be met with the three proposals. The theoretical framework used to design and implement these proposals is the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic.