
Teaching mathematical modelling to German secondary school students via different designs – a CoSTAMM study
Dienstag, 05.03.2024:
17:15 - 17:50

Ort: R11 T03 C38


Teaching mathematical modelling to German secondary school students via different designs – a CoSTAMM study

Rina Durandt1, Werner Blum2, Alfred Lindl3, Rita Borromeo Ferri2

1University of the Witwatersrand, Südafrika; 2University of Kassel; 3University of Regensburg

This paper reports on results from a study conducted in 2022 in Germany at the secondary school level (grade 9). Teaching unit, teaching designs and test instruments were originally developed for a study at the tertiary level in South Africa. Two classes (35 students) followed an independence-oriented teaching design, and two classes (36 students) followed a teacher-directive design. Linear mixed regression models were used to evaluate the data. The unit and both designs were effective to foster students’ modelling competency, with advantages for the independence-oriented design.