Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Tuesday, 03/Sept/2024
Registration A: Poster-Presentations + General
Location: Foyer Hauptbibliothek
Registration B: General
Location: Foyer Hauptbibliothek
Opening: Vice Rector Markus Fallenböck + FUTURE EDUCATION Board
Location: Hörsaal HS 62.01
Key-00: Introductory Keynote - Andreas Schleicher
Location: Hörsaal HS 62.01
Chair: Christian Gottitsch
Educating learners for their future – not our past (online)
Poster-Presentations: Gallery Walk + Coffee Break
Location: Foyer Hauptbibliothek
T1-S1: Track 1 - Session 1
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.13
Chair: Ferenc Kemény
Symposium 'The cognitive and affective sides of interacting with computers and other digital devices'
T2-S1: Track 2 - Session 1
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.04
Chair: Mathias Benedek
Symposium 'Metacognition in arithmetic and creative ideation'
T3-S1: Track 3 - Session 1
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.05
Chair: Sabine Schmölzer-Eibinger
Invited Talks, Cluster 'Languages as a tool for social participation'
T4-S1: Track 4 - Session 1
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.14
Chair: Manuela Paechter
Symposium 'Addressing barriers in STEM capital development'
T5-S1: Track 5 - Session 1
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.06
Chair: Heike Wendt
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Pluralism and diversity in educational processes' and 'Languages as a tool for social participation'
T6-S1: Track 6 - Session 1
Location: Sitzungszimmer SZ 15.21
Chair: Sebastian Ruin
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Pluralism and diversity in educational processes' and other thematic focus
Break-D1-01: Coffee Break
T1-S2: Track 1 - Session 2
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.13
Chair: Elke Höfler
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Educational Technology: interdisciplinary, innovative, disruptive'
T2-S2: Track 2 - Session 2
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.04
Chair: Michaela A. Meier
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Pluralism and diversity in educational processes', 'STEM+ for a sustainable development of our society' and 'Educational Technology: interdisciplinary, innovative, disruptive'
T3-S2: Track 3 - Session 2
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.05
Chair: Sabine Schmölzer-Eibinger
Symposium 'Wissenschaftliches Schreiben trotz KI? – Ein entwicklungstheoretischer Blick auf wissenschaftliche Schreibkompetenzen'
T4-S2: Track 4 - Session 2
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.14
Chair: Lars Eichen
Research Lectures, Cluster 'STEM+ for a sustainable development of our society', 'Pluralism and diversity in educational processes', 'Languages as a tool for social participation' and other thematic focus
T5-S2: Track 5 - Session 2
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.06
Chair: Barbara Weissenbacher
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Pluralism and diversity in educational processes', 'Educational Technology: interdisciplinary, innovative, disruptive', 'Languages as a tool for social participation' and other thematic focus
T6-S2: Track 6 - Session 2
Location: Sitzungszimmer SZ 15.21
Chair: Barbara Hinger
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Languages as a tool for social participation', 'Pluralism and diversity in educational processes', 'Educational Technology: interdisciplinary, innovative, disruptive' and other thematic focus
Social Event 1: Evening City Walk
(Registration required) Meeting Point: Town Hall of Graz (Main Square)
Date: Wednesday, 04/Sept/2024
Key-01: Keynote Cluster 'Languages as a tool for social participation' - Ingrid Gogolin
Location: Hörsaal HS 62.01
Chair: Sabine Schmölzer-Eibinger
What kind of language proficiency empowers Learners for Tomorrow?
FE Award: FUTURE EDUCATION Award Ceremony
Location: Hörsaal HS 62.01
Break-D2-01: Coffee Break
T1-S3: Track 1 - Session 3
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.13
Chair: Elke Höfler
Chair: Manuel Ninaus
Invited Talks, Cluster 'Educational Technology: interdisciplinary, innovative, disruptive'
T2-S3: Track 2 - Session 3
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.04
Chair: Christina Krause
Symposium 'The way it makes me feel – embodied educational designs for grounding conceptual learning and interaction'
T3-S3: Track 3 - Session 3
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.05
Chair: Susanne Seifert
Chair: Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera
Symposium 'Perspectives on inclusive reading didactics through different phases of the reading development process'
T4-S3: Track 4 - Session 3
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.14
Chair: Henning Schluß
Symposium 'Schule in Zeiten unsicherer Zukünfte. Allgemeines und der Fall 1989 in postsozialistischen Staaten'
T5-S3: Track 5 - Session 3
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.06
Chair: CLAUDIA Haagen-Schützenhöfer
Research Lectures, Cluster 'STEM+ for a sustainable development of our society' and other thematic focus
Lunch-D2: Lunch Break
T1-S4: Track 1 - Session 4
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.13
Chair: Marit Kastaun
Chair: Monique Meier
Symposium 'Digital-gestütztes Feedback als Inhalt und (hochschul-)didaktische Lehr-Lern-Methode für Lernende und (angehende) Lehrkräfte'
T2-S4: Track 2 - Session 4
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.04
Chair: Stephan Schicker
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Pluralism and diversity in educational processes' and 'Languages as a tool for social participation'
T3-S4: Track 3 - Session 4
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.05
Chair: Karin Landerl
Symposium 'Assessment of reading and reading-related linguistic skills: Current interdisciplinary developments'
T4-S4: Track 4 - Session 4
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.14
Chair: CLAUDIA Haagen-Schützenhöfer
Invited Talk + Reserach Lectures, Cluster 'STEM+ for a sustainable development of our society'
T5-S4: Track 5 - Session 4
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.06
Chair: Elke Höfler
Symposium 'Künstliche Intelligenz als Bildungstechnologie in der Praxis zwischen Individualität & Individualisierung'
Break-D2-02: Coffee Break
Key-02: Keynote Cluster 'Educational Technology: interdisciplinary, innovative, disruptive' - Michael Sailer
Location: Hörsaal HS 62.01
Chair: Manuel Ninaus
Technology-enhanced learning and teaching: The role of learning activities and learning analytics
Break-D2-03: Coffee Break
T1-S5: Track 1 - Session 5
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.13
Chair: Susanne Seifert
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Educational Technology: interdisciplinary, innovative, disruptive' and other thematic focus
T3-S5: Track 3 - Session 5
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.05
Chair: Veronika Mattes
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Languagesas a tool for social participation'
T4-S5: Track 4 - Session 5
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.14
Chair: Lars Eichen
Research Lectures, Cluster 'STEM+ for a sustainable development of our society' and 'Languages as a tool for social participation'
T5-S5: Track 5 - Session 5
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.06
Chair: Manuel Ninaus
Symposium 'Game-based learning: From the lab to the field'
Social Event 2: Town Hall Reception
(Registration required) Meeting Point: Town Hall of Graz (2nd floor)
Date: Thursday, 05/Sept/2024
T1-S6: Track 1 - Session 6
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.13
Chair: Elke Höfler
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Educational Technology: interdisciplinary, innovative, disruptive'
T2-S6: Track 2 - Session 6
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.04
Chair: Roland H. Grabner
Invited Talks, Cluster 'Pluralism and diversity in educational processes'
T3-S6: Track 3 - Session 6
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.05
Chair: Raquel Pacheco Aguilar
Symposium 'Mehrsprachigkeit in (hoch)schulischen Bildungsräumen. Linguizismuskritische Perspektiven'
T4-S6: Track 4 - Session 6
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.14
Chair: Martin Scheuch
Symposium 'Developing Holistic One Health Education for Sustainable Development: An Integrated Approach in Formal Settings'
T5-S6: Track 5 - Session 6
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.06
Chair: Heike Wendt
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Pluralism and diversity in educational processes'
T6-S6 (DiWe): Track 6 - Session 6
Location: Sitzungszimmer SZ 15.21
Didactic Workshops
Break-D3-01: Coffee Break
Key-03: Keynote Cluster 'Pluralism and diversity in educational processes' - Kati Sormunen
Location: Hörsaal HS 62.01
Chair: Roland H. Grabner
Inclusive classrooms and creative technology education
Lunch-D3: Lunch Break
T1-S7: Track 1 - Session 7
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.13
Chair: Manuel Ninaus
Invited Talk + Research Lectures, Cluster 'Educational Technology: interdisciplinary, innovative, disruptive'
T2-S7: Track 2 - Session 7
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.04
Chair: Kevin Baumschlager
Chair: Moritz Wußing
Symposium 'Teaching and Testing in a Multilingual Learning Context'
T3-S7: Track 3 - Session 7
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.05
Chair: Agnes Grond
Research Lectures, Cluster 'Languages as a tool for social participation'
T4-S7: Track 4 - Session 7
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.14
Chair: Gerhild Bachmann
Chair: Angelika Bernsteiner
Invited Talks, Cluster 'STEM+ for a sustainable development of our society'
T5-S7: Track 5 - Session 7
Location: Hörsaal HS 15.06
Chair: Michael Fischer
Chair: Christina Krause
Symposium 'Diversity and pluralism among teachers: recognizing and leveraging potentials'
T6-S7 (DiWe): Track 6 - Session 7
Location: Sitzungszimmer SZ 15.21
Didactic Workshops
Break-D3-02: Coffee Break
Key-04: Keynote Cluster 'STEM+ for a sustainable development of our society' - Knut Neumann
Location: Hörsaal HS 62.01
Chair: CLAUDIA Haagen-Schützenhöfer
STEM Education in times of grand challenges – A vision for the 21st century
Break-D3-03: Coffee Break
Pd-01: Panel Discussion Students + Farewell
Location: Hörsaal HS 62.01
Rethinking Institutional Learning: Exploring Future Directions in Education from a Student Perspective
Closing: Closing Event with Music
Location: Foyer Hauptbibliothek

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