Conference Time: 16th Jan 2025, 12:41:54pm CET
Conference Agenda
Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 16th Jan 2025, 12:41:54pm CET
8:00am - 6:00pm
Registration Desk Location: Radisson & Reduta
9:00am - 10:30am
AP 01: Asset price reactions to FOMC announcements Location: Reduta | Columned Hall (floor 1) Chair: Pierre Collin-Dufresne
AP 02: Bond habitats and term premia Location: Reduta | Large Concert Hall (floor 2) Chair: Walker Ray
AP 03: Global networks and currency returns Location: Reduta | Small Hall (floor 2) Chair: Riccardo Colacito
FI 01: Digital banking Location: Reduta | Chamber Studio (via courtyard, floor 2) Chair: Leonardo Gambacorta
FI 02: Frictions in the Treasury market Location: Reduta | Choir Room (via courtyard, floor 2) Chair: Wenhao Li
CF 01: Diversity, equity, and inclusion Location: Radisson | Symphony Chair: Maria-Teresa Marchica
CF 02: Corporate investment Location: Radisson | Melody Chair: Ramin P Baghai
CL 01: Corporate responses to climate risk Location: Radisson | Rhapsody Chair: Marcin Kacperczyk
MM 01: Big data, humans and algorithms Location: Radisson | Carlton Hall Chair: Sophie Moinas
10:30am - 11:00am
Coffee Break
11:00am - 12:30pm
ECB: Challenges for monetary policy transmission through banks and non-banks Location: Reduta | Columned Hall (floor 1) Chair: Angela Maddaloni
AP 04: Limits to arbitrage and market efficiency Location: Reduta | Large Concert Hall (floor 2) Chair: Lorenzo Bretscher
AP 05: Equity and bond returns in the cross section Location: Reduta | Small Hall (floor 2) Chair: Jennie Bai
FI 03: Monetary policy, credit cycles and financial intermediaries Location: Reduta | Chamber Studio (via courtyard, floor 2) Chair: Mariassunta Giannetti
FI 04: Banks and fintech Location: Reduta | Choir Room (via courtyard, floor 2) Chair: Florian Heider
CF 03: Corporate voting Location: Radisson | Symphony Chair: Vyacheslav Fos
CF 04: Small business finance Location: Radisson | Melody Chair: Diana Bonfim
CL 02: Financial intermediaries and climate change Location: Radisson | Rhapsody Chair: Glenn Schepens
HF 01: Educating households Location: Radisson | Carlton Hall Chair: Samuli Knüpfer
12:30pm - 2:00pm
2:00pm - 3:30pm
BIS: Shifts in interest rates and financial system risks Location: Reduta | Columned Hall (floor 1) Chair: Sebastian Doerr
AP 06: Wealth heterogeneity and asset prices Location: Reduta | Large Concert Hall (floor 2) Chair: Michael Gallmeyer
AP 07: Stock return predictability Location: Reduta | Small Hall (floor 2) Chair: Seth Pruitt
FI 05: Mutual fund manager incentives and beliefs Location: Reduta | Chamber Studio (via courtyard, floor 2) Chair: Simona Abis
FI 06: Bank deposits Location: Reduta | Choir Room (via courtyard, floor 2) Chair: Richard Stanton
CF 05: Talent flows and firm heterogeneity Location: Radisson | Symphony Chair: Rui Silva
CF 06: Debt and dilution Location: Radisson | Melody Chair: Christian Opp
CL 03: Impact investing Location: Radisson | Rhapsody Chair: Zacharias Sautner
HF 02: Household debt Location: Radisson | Carlton Hall Chair: Adam Jørring
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Coffee Break
4:00pm - 5:30pm
AP 08: Option pricing Location: Reduta | Columned Hall (floor 1) Chair: Piotr Orłowski Chair: Xintong Zhan
AP 09: Fiscal policy and financial markets Location: Reduta | Large Concert Hall (floor 2) Chair: Jian Li
AP 10: Exchange rates and asset allocation Location: Reduta | Small Hall (floor 2) Chair: Shaojun Zhang
FI 07: Bank deposit fragility and credit Location: Reduta | Chamber Studio (via courtyard, floor 2) Chair: Kaspar Zimmermann
FI 08: Payments and liquidity provision Location: Reduta | Choir Room (via courtyard, floor 2) Chair: Iñaki Aldasoro
CF 07: Market structure and market power Location: Radisson | Symphony Chair: Laurent Fresard
CF 08: Polarization and firms Location: Radisson | Melody Chair: Marco Grotteria
CL 04: The impact of sustainable finance Location: Radisson | Rhapsody Chair: Olivier David Zerbib
MM 02: Financial intermediation and informational frictions Location: Radisson | Carlton Hall Chair: Laurence Daures
6:30pm - 9:30pm
Get Together: Get Together offered by CRSP Location: Slovak National Theatre (modern building)