Conference Agenda

Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 20th Sept 2024, 03:12:38am CEST

Session Overview
AP 18: Advances in Empirical Asset Pricing
Saturday, 19/Aug/2023:
11:30am - 1:00pm

Session Chair: Irina Zviadadze, HEC Paris
Location: KC-07 (ground floor)

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ID: 1393

Missing Financial Data

Svetlana Bryzgalova1,5, Sven Lerner2, Martin Lettau2, Markus Pelger3,4,5

1London Business School, United Kingdom; 2Stanford University; 3Berkeley Haas; 4NBER; 5CEPR

Discussant: Nina Boyarchenko (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

Missing data is a prevalent, yet often ignored, feature of company fundamentals. In this paper, we document the structure of missing financial data and show how to systematically deal with it. In a comprehensive empirical study we establish four key stylized facts. First, the issue of missing financial data is profound:

it affects over 70% of firms that represent about half of the total market cap. Second, the problem becomes particularly severe when requiring multiple characteristics to be present. Third, firm fundamentals are not missing-at-random, invalidating traditional ad-hoc approaches to data imputation and sample selection. Fourth, stock returns themselves depend on missingness. We propose a novel imputation method to obtain a fully observed panel of firm fundamentals. It exploits both time-series and cross-sectional dependency of firm characteristics to impute their missing values, while allowing for general systematic patterns of missing data. Our approach provides a substantial improvement over the standard leading empirical procedures such as using cross-sectional averages or past observations. Our results have crucial implications for many areas of asset pricing.

EFA2023_1393_AP 18_1_Missing Financial Data.pdf

ID: 1103

When do cross-sectional asset pricing factors span the stochastic discount factor?

Serhiy Kozak1, Stefan Nagel2

1University of Maryland, United States of America; 2University of Chicago, United States of America

Discussant: Fabio Trojani (University of Geneva, Swiss Finance Institute)

When expected returns are linear in asset characteristics, the stochastic discount factor (SDF) that prices individual stocks can be represented as a factor model with GLS cross-sectional regression slope factors. Factors constructed heuristically by aggregating individual stocks into characteristics-based factor portfolios using sorting, characteristics-weighting, or OLS cross-sectional regression slopes do not span this SDF unless the covariance matrix of stock returns has a specific structure. These conditions are more likely satisfied when researchers use large numbers of characteristics simultaneously. Methods to hedge unpriced components of heuristic factor returns allow partial relaxation of these conditions. We also show the conditions that must hold for dimension reduction to a number of factors smaller than the number of characteristics to be possible without having to invert a large covariance matrix. Under these conditions, instrumented and projected principal components analysis methods can be implemented as simple PCA on certain portfolio sorts.

EFA2023_1103_AP 18_2_When do cross-sectional asset pricing factors span the stochastic discount factor.pdf

ID: 221

Non-Standard Errors in Portfolio Sorts

Dominik Walter1, RĂ¼diger Weber1,2, Patrick Weiss2,3

1Vienna Graduate School of Finance, Austria; 2Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria; 3Reykjavik University, Iceland

Discussant: Simon Rottke (University of Amsterdam)

We study the size and drivers of non-standard errors (Menkveld et al., 2021) in portfolio sorts across 14 common methodological decision nodes and 40 sorting variables. These non-standard errors range between 0.05 and 0.26 percent and are, on average, larger than standard errors. Supposedly innocuous decisions cause large variation in estimated premiums, standard errors, non-standard errors, and t-statistics. The impact of decision nodes varies widely across sorting variables. Irrespective of choices in portfolio sorts, we find pervasively positive premiums and alphas for almost all sorting variables. This suggests that while the size of these premiums is uncertain, their sign is remarkably stable. Our code is publicly available.

EFA2023_221_AP 18_3_Non-Standard Errors in Portfolio Sorts.pdf

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