Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
27 SES 11 A: Teaching Practices in Science
Thursday, 24/Aug/2023:
1:30pm - 3:00pm

Session Chair: Florence Ligozat
Location: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6]

Capacity: 30 persons

Paper Session

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27. Didactics - Learning and Teaching

Literacy and Scientific Literacy in Primary Education: A two-way road

Elena Ramírez, Inma Martín-Sánchez, Jorge Martín-Domínguez, Inés Rodríguez

Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Presenting Author: Martín-Sánchez, Inma; Rodríguez, Inés

The work presented is part of a research that studies the classroom practices in Primary Education. The paper studies the tasks involved in these classroom practices when teaching different learning subjects. One of the curricular aspects studied involves scientific literacy; that is, an analysis is made of those teaching methods used to teach the scientific literacy to pupils from 6 to 12. The research has adopted an intensive case-study model that has provided access to a systematic analysis of the classroom practices of the teachers involved (16 teachers, from five different schools). Each case, involved the video and audio recording of complete sessions (from 9 am to 2 pm), which means a total of 159.5 hours of class. Later, for this paper, the time corresponding to the subjects Mathematics and Natural Sciences was studied.

The last two regulations on the curriculum of Primary Education in Spain established as one of the aims the development of scientific culture in pupils. This scientific culture is reflected in the objectives and competences of subjects such as Mathematics and Natural Sciences. And it refers to the two senses that Norris & Phillips (2003) distinguished as components of scientific literacy: the fundamental sense and the derived one. Examples of the first would be in Mathematics: Interpreting simple mathematical language present in everyday life in different formats, acquiring appropriate vocabulary and showing understanding of the message; and the second in Natural Sciences: providing students with a solid and well-structured scientific background will help them to understand the world and encourage them to care for, respect and value it.

Thus, scientific literacy includes the specific scientific knowledge necessary for understanding reality in general (derived sense) and for reading and writing in particular (fundamental sense). The educational challenge that this idea poses is realised in the case of primary education because fundamental sense links science subjects with the rest of the curriculum subjects that are also related to fundamental sense. Particularly with Language and Literature. Therefore, working to promote a scientific culture in primary can be interpreted as part of a broader and more relevant project that has to do with the development of literacy throughout the primary stage. Starting from the fundamental sense of scientific literacy, science would not be possible without texts, without the capacities of comprehension, interpretation, analysis and critique inherent to scientific thought and communication.

Unfortunately this challenge has not been included in the basic core of Primary Education agendas so far in Spain (García Carmona, 2021) and raises important questions for teachers about what it means in terms of classroom practice to educate their pupils in a scientific culture (Smith et al. 2012). It is vital to know what literacy processes teachers undertake when they teach science and how they do so, as we can understand what learning opportunities pupils are offered (Rodríguez et al., 2018).

Knowing how teachers address scientific literacy is essential for understanding how pupils are helped to develop a scientific culture. The following research goals have therefore been formulated:

- Describe and understand how the scientific literacy process (fundamental sense) is undertaken in different classrooms across several levels in Primary Education where Mathematics and Natural Sciences are being taught.

- Analyse the teaching strategies teachers use to address scientific literacy in the classroom and compare them to our knowledge on the issue of Literacy in general.

- Develop a procedure that may help teachers to improve their teaching processes, to contribute to the development of the scientific culture regulated in the official curriculum.

Methodology, Methods, Research Instruments or Sources Used
This research has adopted an intensive study model of classroom practices that has permitted a systematic analysis to be made of the teaching activities of our cohort of teachers (sixteen teachers in total from five different schools). This method enables us to discover with some considerable depth and intensity the teachers’ practices in teaching scientific literacy, at the same time as it furnishes us with an understanding of the practices within their own specific context, whereby we can understand how the decision-making processes involved in the management of teaching are tackled. This study considers several teachers’ classroom practices over a number of years in Primary Education in five schools, which among other things will enable us to understand how this teaching evolves and whether the school itself is a variable that informs this process. The following procedure was applied: a video and audio recording were made of three full sessions of classroom work (complete session, 159.5 hours of class) for each one of the cases. The recordings of the sessions were then transcribed with a view to analysing the practices by identifying specific teaching tasks in order to subsequently classify each one of the tasks into a system of categories. The first step for obtaining a general snapshot of what happens in the classroom, detecting the groupings and the time spent teaching literacy, involves breaking the classroom session down into Typical Classroom Activities (TCA); each one of these TCA in the teaching of literacy is, in turn, broken down into tasks that are finally analysed through our system of categories. Our system of analysis is structured around seven main categories: 1) functions of the language; 2) representational aspects of the written language; 3) oral language; 4) reading (teaching the code and phonological awareness); 5) reading comprehension; 6) writing; and 7) literary knowledge. These dimensions are, in turn, subdivided into a detailed set of categories and subcategories for analysing the complexity of practices that teachers may undertake in this educational process.
Conclusions, Expected Outcomes or Findings
Although this is still a work in progress, certain conclusions may be reached on the trends in the data:
- During the moments when teachers work on scientific or Mathematical content, the work is mainly concerned with the written language, specifically with work on the comprehension of the texts that the pupils read, and to a lesser extent on oral comprehension and the consolidation of the writing system.
- In the subject of Natural Sciences, teachers' work on oral language is greater than in Mathematics. There is a greater preference for oral language tasks because, for example, the explanation of some abstract and complex phenomena, such as a volcanic eruption, are oral texts which, mediated by the teacher, help the children to access meanings.
- Throughout all years of Primary Education, content related to written language is dealt with in a generalised way, and there do not seem to be any differences linked to the different teachers studied. Written text composition tasks hardly appear in all grades of the stage, although in the sixth grade they obtain higher values than in the rest. In general, the teaching of scientific literacy is more receptive than expressive. Tasks focus on children accessing meanings, but there is little opportunity for children to express ideas, record learning graphically or do tasks that involve recording data.
- Teachers try to ensure that children understand the meanings of scientific texts: that they access the main ideas and connect them together. Caution needs to be exercised with these strategies, because when opportunities are not provided to check pupils' prior ideas, knowledge of other subjects or other texts with what they read, children may access the meanings, but these do not become part of their knowledge. Access to scientific texts is promoted, but not to scientific knowledge.

García Carmona, A. (2021). The nature of science in the Spanish literature on science education: a systematic review covering the last decade. Revista de Educación, 394, 241-270.
Norris, S. P. & Phillips, L. M. (2003). How literacy in its fundamental sense is central to scientific literacy. Science Education, 87, 224-240.
Rodríguez, I., Clemente, M., Ramírez, E. & Martín-Domínguez, J. (2018). How and for how long is literacy taught in early childhood education? A multiple-case study of the classroom practices of seven teachers. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 26(5), 738-759.
Smith, K.V., Loughran, J., Berry, A. & Dimtrakopoulos, C. (2012). Developing scientific literacy in a Primary School. International Journal of Science Education, 34(1), 127-152.

27. Didactics - Learning and Teaching

Teaching and Learning the Chemical Reaction and the Global Warming Through the Carbon Cycle by a Co-Disciplinary Approach

Marie Sudriès1,2, Florence Ligozat1, David Cross2

1University of Geneva, Switzerland; 2University of Montpellier, France

Presenting Author: Sudriès, Marie

Theorical framework and research questions

This contribution explores the potential of the carbon cycle for teaching an environmental issue through chemistry lessons at the lower secondary school.
Environmental issues are complex by essence. Morin (1990) uses the Latin etymology of the word “complex”: complexus, “weaving together”, as a metaphor to illustrate the very close relationship between academic subjects in a complex approach: as each coloured thread is important to build the pattern of a fabric, we need to cross different subjects’ approaches to understand environmental issues challenges and to be able to solve them (Morin, 1990, p. 21). As an example, the carbon dioxide produced by human activities – modelized as a chemical reaction in chemistry - must be connected to the greenhouse effect model to deal with the complexity of the Anthropocene. According to Mohan et al. (2009) and Zangori et al. (2017), the carbon cycle seems to be a good entry into the Anthropocene’s complexity. Mohan et al. (2009) shows how the principle of conservation of matter is important for analyzing the carbon cycle, especially to understand natural and human carbon dioxide productions. In their study, Zangori et al. (2017) try to connect the carbon cycle, the chemical reaction, and an environmental issue: the global warming. Results from their experiment show an improvement of the learning of the principle of conservation.
In French-speaking countries, the curriculum is organised into school disciplines, taught during distinctive time slots by specialised teachers at secondary level. Such an organisation questions the teachability of topics such as environmental issues and sustainable development. Martinand (2016) suggests that it requires many adjustments between school disciplines with specifics traditions, epistemologies, methodologies, and sometimes different purposes. However, the implementation of these adjustments in teaching and learning practices brings out new questions for didactic research.
In France and Western Switzerland, curricula texts at lower secondary level show some tensions between two purposes of sciences curricula: educate citizens on the one hand and teach specific scientific concepts on the other hand (Auteure1 et al., accepted). Moreover, these tensions are also reflected in the different purposes assigned to the school disciplines at lower secondary school. Whereas chemistry education seems oriented towards the teaching of specifics concepts and models (e.g., atoms, molecules, chemical equations), environmental issues tend to be taught in biology and geology only. However, chemistry is involved in environmental issues. Firstly, because it is historically connected with the industry (Bensaude-Vincent and Stengers, 2001), chemical products can potentially impact the environment. Secondly, because chemistry develops a range of models useful to analyse and understand environmental issues. Hence, chemistry as a school discipline has a role to play in understanding environmental issues (Martinand, 2016), but this role remains to be defined.
According to Chevallard (2004), the “co-disciplinary approach to a problem” (p. 8, our translation) consists in the balanced collaboration of the academic disciplines involved, oriented towards a shared goal: finding an answer. The carbon cycle is a common model in biology and geology: its structure in circle allows to connect human activities and their environmental consequences. From a chemical point of view, each arrow on the cycle could be modelized as a chemical reaction (photosynthesis, respiration, combustion, etc.) From our perspective, integration of the carbon cycle in a chemistry teaching could create the conditions for a co-disciplinarity approach. Thus, the following research questions are pursued: is the implementation of a co-disciplinarity approach possible in order to connect the chemical transformation and the global warming by using the carbon cycle? Which indications of this co-disciplinarity could be found in the teaching practices?

Methodology, Methods, Research Instruments or Sources Used

Four chemistry teachers participated to the study (two in each French-speaking context: Montpellier area in France, Geneva district in Western-Switzerland). The data were collected for two consecutive years. The first year, we video-recorded the “ordinary” teaching practices (Author2, 2023). The second year we suggested to the teachers to integrate the carbon cycle into their teaching of the chemical reaction. The resulting teaching was also video-recorded. Semi-directive interviews with the teachers and a few numbers of their students were conducted before (teachers) and after (teachers and students) each recording period. All these video data were transcribed.
In order to construct indications of co-disciplinarity in classroom interactions we draw on an epistemological analysis of knowledge involved: the chemical reaction (Kermen, 2018), the carbon cycle model (Orange et Orange, 1995; Labbe Espéret, 2002) and the global warming (Mohan et al., 2009; Zangori et al., 2017).

Conclusions, Expected Outcomes or Findings
Expected Outcomes

From our perspective, a co-disciplinary approach seems to be the condition to study a complex question in science classroom such as the Anthropocene. Therefore, we aim to create this condition by implementing an environmental issue – the global warming, based on the carbon cycle - in chemistry lessons.
We expect to observe how chemistry’s specifics concepts – chemical reaction and the principle of conservation of the matter – deepen the understanding of global warming. This connection should involve an explicit relation between the models from different school subjects.
Furthermore, some specificities of the educational systems of the different countries could facilitate or imped the take-off of a co-disciplinarity approach in chemistry teaching. For example, Western-Swiss teachers use the same official textbooks in their daily practices, which makes it a very strong guiding tool for teachers’ practice. In France, teachers are free to choose any teaching aid. Therefore, they might feel freer to implement new ways of teaching chemistry.


Auteure1, Auteure2 et Auteur3. (accepté). Les enjeux de l’enseignement-apprentissage de la transformation chimique au secondaire I : regards croisés sur les textes curriculaires en Suisse romande et en France. Revue suisse des sciences de l’éducation.
Author2. (2023). Comparative Didactics. A Reconstructive Move from Subject Didactics in French-Speaking Educational Research. In Author2, K. Klette and J. Almqvist (dirs.), Didactics in Changing World, (pp.35-54). Springer.
Bensaude-Vincent, B., et Stengers, I. (2001). Histoire de la chimie. La découverte.
Chevallard, Y. (2004). Vers une didactique de la codisciplinarité. Notes sur une nouvelle épistémologie scolaire. Communication présentée aux Journées de didactique comparée, 3-4 mai 2004, Lyon.
Kermen, I. (2018). Enseigner l’évolution des systèmes chimiques au lycée. Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Labbe Espéret, C. (2002). Modélisation et conceptualisation : l'exemple du cycle du carbone [thèse de doctorat, Université de La Réunion].
Martinand, J. L. (2016). Défis et problèmes de l’éducation populaire au développement durable. Cahiers de l’action, (1), 25-33.
Mohan, L., Chen, J. and Anderson, C. W. (2009). Developing a multi-year learning progression for carbon cycling in socio-ecological systems. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 26(6), 675 698.
Morin, E. (1990). Introduction à la pensée complexe. Paris : ESF éditeur.
Orange, C. et Orange, D. (1995). Géologie et biologie : Analyse de quelques liens épistémologiques et didactiques. Aster, (21), 2749.
Schubauer-Leoni, M.-L., et Leutenegger, F. (2002). Expliquer et comprendre dans une approche clinique/expérimentale du didactique ordinaire. In M. Saada-Robert et F. Leutenegger (dirs.), Expliquer et comprendre en sciences de l’éducation, (pp.227-251). DeBoeck Université.
Zangori, L., Peel, A., Kinslow, A., Friedrichsen, P. and Sadler, T. (2017). Student Development of Model-Based Reasoning About Carbon Cycling and Climate Change in Socio-Scientific Issues Unit. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 54(10), 1249 1273.

27. Didactics - Learning and Teaching

Teachers’ Development of School Science Practices through the Incorporation of Socioscientific Issues

Ulrika Bossér

Linnaeus University, Sweden

Presenting Author: Bossér, Ulrika

In contemporary societies citizens are increasingly confronted with pressing societal issues with connections to science, termed socioscientific issues, SSI (Ratcliffe & Grace, 2003). It is therefore argued that an important aim of science education is that all students acquire knowledge, skills and intellectual attitudes useful for dealing with SSI that they may encounter in daily life and for engaging in civic reasoning and discourse about such issues (OECD, 2018; Lee, White & Dong, 2021). This broad objective for science education is often referred to as scientific literacy (Roberts & Bybee, 2014). To foster students’ scientific literacy, it has been suggested that SSI be incorporated into science curricula, providing opportunities for students to explore both knowledge and values at stake in the context of current issues, by means of student-centred classroom practices involving discourse-based activities (Zeidler, 2014). However, the incorporation of SSI as contexts for teaching studying and learning may require a transformation of prevailing approaches to science teaching, typically characterized by transmissive pedagogy and a focus on students’ learning of content knowledge and training of practical skills (Lundqvist & Sund, 2018; Lyons, 2006), placing new demands on teachers and students. Teachers may have to expand their traditional role as conveyors of scientific knowledge, while students will have to learn to deal with the insecurity associated with value-laden issues that lack a single clear-cut answer. Despite calls for fostering students’ scientific literacy to deal with SSI, the products and methods of science is also still foregrounded in contemporary science curricula in many countries as well as in international standardized assessments (Marty et al., 2018; Roberts & Bybee, 2014). For teachers who aspire to incorporate SSI into their teaching, the process will thus be conditioned by their professional skills, traditions, national curricula, and diverse expectations.

Although there is an increasing interest in teachers’ professional development associated with incorporating SSI into science teaching, research in the field is still scarce. There is thus a need for more research that focuses on teachers’ considerations, decisions, and actions in relation to the incorporation of SSI to provide in-depth understanding of how teaching can be developed to foster students’ scientific literacy and how teachers can be supported in this process (Chen & Xiao, 2021; Friedrichsen et al., 2020).

This study explores the process by which two science teachers incorporate SSI into their teaching for the promotion of students’ scientific literacy, to identify how the teachers negotiate, reconsider, and develop teaching practices within the prevailing conditions. Through the framework of didactics, that enables reflection on educational questions concerning purpose, objective, content, and methods (Hudson, 2002), the study aims at providing knowledge about how teaching can be developed to incorporate SSI and the conditions for this development. Didactics understands teaching as framed by societal goals, the curriculum, teaching traditions, and teachers’ and students’ knowledge and intentions. In this respect, it contains a critical element which implies “reflection on relations between school and instruction on the one hand (their goals, contents, forms of organization and methods) and social conditions and processes on the other” (Klafki, 1995, p. 14).

In the analysis of teaching, the relations between teacher, student(s) and subject matter are essential to consider, as is also the context of the school and the wider society within which the situation is situated (Hudson & Meyer, 2011). Using these relations as a starting point, the study seeks to answer the following research questions:
What dimensions of teaching-studying-learning situations do the teachers strive to develop?
What conditions facilitate or impede this development?

Methodology, Methods, Research Instruments or Sources Used
The setting of this study was the subject “Science Studies” in the Swedish upper secondary school. Science Studies is compulsory for students who do not specialize in science or technology. The subject covers aspects of sustainable development, human sexuality and relationships, individual health and lifestyle, and biotechnology and its implications. Some of its aims are that the students “develop an understanding of how scientific knowledge can be used in both professional life and everyday situations”, and that students are enabled “to make personal choices and form their views”. By taking part in discussions on societal issues, students should get opportunities to develop their science knowledge “to be able to meet, understand and influence their own contemporary conditions” (Skolverket, 2011, p. 1).

The study involved two science teachers that were interested in incorporating SSI into teaching for the promotion of students’ scientific literacy. They participated in an action research project in collaboration with an educational researcher, who acted as a critical friend throughout the project. The research process involved cycles of planning, acting, observing and reflecting to evaluate the effects of action (Cohen et al., 2018). The teachers made an initial overall plan for four teaching units that were to be implemented and evaluated over the course of a school year. Each unit corresponded to a cycle in the action research process. Throughout the project, the teachers regularly observed each other’s lessons. They made field-notes during observations and wrote records of lessons they taught themselves, comprising notes about actions, observations, interpretations, feelings, and evaluations, as recommended by Kemmis et al. (2014). This documentation formed the basis for collaborative inquiry and reflection during regular meetings between the teachers and the researcher. During these meetings, the teachers reconsidered decisions and teaching strategies and readjusted their planning. The teachers were invited to participate in accordance with Swedish ethical guidelines for social science research (Swedish Research Council, 2017).  

The teachers’ written records of lessons, their field-notes of observations, and transcripts of recorded meetings between the teachers and the researcher were analysed. Based on the framework of didactics, initial codes were generated by identifying segments of data that concerned relations between teacher, student(s), and subject matter, as well as conditions for teaching studying and learning that were addressed by the teachers. Subsequently, commonalities or distinguishing features between initial codes were explored inductively to construct final themes (Robson, 2016).

Conclusions, Expected Outcomes or Findings
From the teachers’ reflections, it could be concluded that subject matter relevant to the negotiation of SSI should be introduced on a need-to-know basis in relation to students’ interest and questions, rather than completely determined beforehand. Scientific products in terms of core scientific facts and principles, as well as knowledge and skills regarding scientific processes were introduced and dealt with in teaching, alongside generic skills such as critical thinking and evidence-based argumentation. They strived to facilitate and make arrangements for students’ studying and engagement with SSI by developing strategies to support students’ ability to ask questions and explore diverse perspectives on issues. At the same time, the teachers developed strategies to support students’ understanding of core scientific facts and principles and their ability to apply scientific knowledge in the exploration of SSI. Throughout this process, their collaborative inquiry and reflection facilitated transformation of practices.

As regard teacher-student relationships, the teachers struggled throughout the project to support students’ independence and confidence in their own abilities, to facilitate their adaption to new demands and expectations. Students’ previous school science experiences, that promoted students’ reproduction of knowledge, seemed to impede the development of new teaching-studying-learning practices. Another impediment was a perceived lack of consensus among the teachers of the school regarding the value of supporting students' exploration of issues and not just their products and achievements.

In the presentation, the results will be discussed in relation to teachers' professional skills, teaching traditions and national curricula.

Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2018). Research methods in education. Abingdon: Routledge.
Friedrichsen, P. J., Ke, L., Sadler, T. D., & Zangori, L. (2021). Enacting co-designed socio-scientific issues-based curriculum units: a case of secondary science teacher learning. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 32(1), 85-106.
Hudson, B. (2002). Holding complexity and searching for meaning: teaching as reflective practice. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 34(1), 43-57.
Hudson, B., & Meyer, M. A. (2011). Introduction: Finding common ground beyond fragmentation. In B. Hudson & M. A. Meyer (Eds.), Beyond Fragmentation: Didactics, Learning and Teaching in Europe, 9-28. Barbara Budrich Publishers.
Kemmis, S., McTaggart, R., & Nixon, R. (2014). The action research planner. Doing critical participatory action research. Springer.
Klafki, W. (1995). Didactic analysis as the core of preparation of instruction (Didaktische Analyse as Kern der Unterrichtsvorbereitung). Journal of Curriculum Studies, 27(1), 13-30.
Lee, C. D., White, G., & Dong, D. (Eds.). (2021). Educating for Civic Reasoning and Discourse. National Academy of Education.
Lundqvist, E., & Sund, P. (2018). Selective traditions in group discussions: teachers’ views about good science and the possible obstacles when encountering a new topic. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 13(2), 353-370.
Lyons, T. (2006). Different countries, same science classes: students' experiences of school science in their own words. International Journal of Science Education, 28(6), 591-613.
Marty, L., Venturini, P., & Almqvist, J. (2018). Teaching traditions in science education in Switzerland, Sweden and France: A comparative analysis of three curricula. European Educational Research Journal, 17(1), 51-70.
OECD. (2018). The future of education and skills: Education 2030. OECD.
Ratcliffe, M., & Grace, M. (2003). Science education for citizenship: Teaching socio-scientific issues. Open University Press.
Roberts, D. A., & Bybee, R. W. (2014). Scientific literacy, science literacy, and science education. In N. G. Lederman & S. K. Abell (Eds.), Handbook of research on science education (Vol. 2, pp. 545-558). Routledge.
Robson, C. (2016). Real world research: A resource for users of social research methods in applied settings (4th ed.). Wiley.
Skolverket. (2011). Subject syllabus for the subject Science Studies.Skolverket [Swedish National Agency for Education].
Swedish Research Council. (2017). Good research practice. Swedish Research Council.
Zeidler, D. L. (2014). Socioscientific issues as a curriculum emphasis: Theory, research, and practice. In N. G. Lederman & S. K. Abell (Eds.), Handbook of research on science education (Vol. 2, pp. 697-726). Routledge.

27. Didactics - Learning and Teaching

Developing a Taste for Science in Primary School

Per Anderhag1, Cecilia Caiman1, Anna Jeppsson2, Pia Larsson3, Magnus Nilsson2, Per-Olof Wickman1

1Stockholm university, Sweden; 2Education and Administration, City of Stockholm, Sweden; 3Education and Administration, Nacka Municipality, Sweden

Presenting Author: Anderhag, Per

In this study we report findings on how the development of taste for science among primary school students (Year 2, ages 7-8) can be supported by fine-tuned adjustments in teaching. The concept of taste for science was originally developed as a proxy for student interest, treating the aesthetic and normative aspects of science learning as intertwined and as constituted in action (author et al., 2015a). Distinctions of taste not only concern what the individual knows and feels about science, for example, what constitutes a beautiful observation chart in biology class or whether students consider themselves to be science persons or not, they are also open for others to evaluate and judge (author, 2006).

Taste in general (Bourdieu, 1984; Dewey, 1934/1980) and taste for science thus is socially constituted and learnt and strongly associated with home background (author et al., 2013). Students with an academic background have been shown to be more likely to enter school with a taste for science that will be recognized and therefore more likely to be further cultivated (ibid). It is also well established that some students feel alienated to science and claim that it is not for them, even if they perform well in science (e.g. Archer et al., 2010). Thus teaching has an important compensatory role in supporting students developing a taste for science as taught in school and ultimately making more students feel that they are included in, rather than excluded from, the practices of their science classes.

Regardless of home background, students' interest in and identification with science show a clear decline at the transition between primary and lower secondary school (Potvin & Hasni, 2014) and there is a call for studies exploring how continuity between different school stages can come about through teaching and so potentially establish a more enduring interest in science (Potvin & Hasni, 2014). This is also the aim of this study, namely, to explore the role of teaching for student learning and taste development in science. In previous studies at the lower secondary school level we have shown how teaching can support students in developing a taste, as evident by how they make and aesthetically evaluate distinctions regarding language use, procedures, and ways-to-be in the science classroom (author el al., 2015b). Here we are interested in the younger students, and we ask: How can teaching support primary school students’ taste for science?

The study is part of a larger project in which we, teachers and researchers, collaborate in developing teaching for supporting communicative processes in the science classroom. The aim of the project is to develop didactic models for classroom communication, making them useful for teaching primary science particularly for second-language learners with non-academic backgrounds. Author 3 and Author 5 are the teachers of the students participating in the project. The two schools are located in suburbs of Stockholm, Sweden, where the students mainly have non-academic backgrounds and are second-language learners.

Methodology, Methods, Research Instruments or Sources Used
Data was collected through an iterative process following the first two phases of didactic modelling (author, et al., 2018). In the first phase, extraction, we used didactic theory combined with the professional knowledge of the participating teachers to identify aspects of existing teaching that could be adjusted to increase student communication. In the next step, didactic models were used to plan teaching activities that could address the aspects identified. In the second phase, mangling, the adjustments were tested in a new lesson so providing an opportunity to evaluate the utility of the model used. In the third and final phase, exemplification, concrete examples that are conceptualized according to the model will be produced, thus providing teachers with examples on how the model can be used. The project is conducted in the context of the Swedish school development programme Naturvetenskap och Teknik för Alla (NTA)/Science and Technology for All. NTA provides teachers with a curriculum for conducting a series of inquiry lessons as parts of various science units. These NTA lessons with accompanying materials have been the context of the interventions.

The data for the present study come from one of the schools where the participating students (year 2, ages 7-8) made a practical on categorization and one on fair testing. The students worked in groups of two or three, video-and audio data were collected and transcribed verbatim. The categorization lesson was the first lesson within the project and the teacher taught according to the teacher instructions of the NTA-material. The students were supposed to plan together how the characteristics of two different materials (a brass button and a blue colored sponge) could be examined and described (e.g., what form and color it had, whether it floated or not). The whole team analyzed the transcripts to combine teachers’ professional knowledge and didactic models to see how the development of students’ taste was supported. The whole team also planned lesson two, where the students were supposed to adopt a fair test to investigate which of four liquids that flowed the fastest (had the lowest viscosity). We followed the teacher instruction of the NTA material and made changes grounded in the didactic models of taste (author et al., 2015a), dialogic conversations (Lemke, 1990), and group and whole class conversations (Gonzáles-Howard & McNeill, 2016), that we thought could support the development of student taste and communication in planning and carrying out the fair test.

Conclusions, Expected Outcomes or Findings
The analysis of the first lesson showed that the students did not talk much and showed little engagement in their investigations suggesting that they had relatively little experiences of joint discussions, which were also lifted by the teachers. A taste analysis also demonstrated that the purpose of the task actually did not encourage student talk. We therefore decided to adjust how the purpose of the next lesson on fair testing could be designed. The adjustments had the ambition of making the purpose of “Plan and conduct a fair test to investigate which of the liquids that flows fastest” potentially understandable and meaningful and so possible for the students to act upon. The adjustments were (1) using an analogy of fair competition in sports, a well-known activity rooted in the young learners experiences, when introducing fair testing, (2) making students suggestions of variables of a fair competition in sports continuous with the critical variables in the investigation, and (3) having the student groups investigate two liquids each, rather than all four, in order to create a need for sharing and discussing their results. Important aspects of developing taste were observed in lesson two: aesthetic moments of joy and humor, the use of introduced science concepts, everyday experiences addressing the purpose of the activity, and distinctions on ways to proceed for conducting a fair test. Analogies thus had the potential of helping young learners to make every-day experiences continuous with the science content and thus supporting the transformation of an everyday taste to a more science oriented one. To avoid the risk of “just” becoming a fun activity in general, the didactic model on signs of taste (author et al., 2015a) made it possible to continuously check that learning processes and taste development were directed towards the scientific purpose of the activity.
Archer, L., DeWitt, J., Osborne, J., Dillon, J., Willis, B., & Wong, B. (2010). “Doing” science versus “being” a scientist: Examining 10/11‐year‐old schoolchildren's constructions of science through the lens of identity. Science Education, 94(4), 617-639.
author, 2006
author et al., 2015a
author el al., 2015b
author, et al., 2018
Bourdieu, P. (1984). Distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste. London: Routledge.
Dewey, J. (1934/1980). Art as experience. New York: Perigee Books.
Gonzales-Howard, M. & McNeill, K. L. (2016). Learning in a community of practice: Factors impacting English-learning students’ engagement in scientific argumentation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(4), 527–553.
Lemke, J. L. (1990). Talking science: language, learning and values. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.
Potvin, P., & Hasni, A. (2014). Interest, motivation and attitude towards science and technology at K-12 levels: a systematic review of 12 years of educational research. Studies in science education, 50(1), 85-129.