Conference Agenda

00 SES 0.5 WS E: Ecosystems of Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Europe (TIME)
Tuesday, 22/Aug/2023:
10:30am - 12:30pm

Session Chair: Hannu Heikkinen
Location: Gilbert Scott, 250 [Floor 2]

Capacity: 40 persons

Workshop. Pre-registration required.

00. Central & EERA Sessions
Research Workshop

Ecosystems of Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Europe (TIME)

Hannu Heikkinen1, Eva Bjerkholt2, Michelle Helms-Lorenz3, Helle Plauborg4

1University of Jyväskylä, Finland; 2University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway; 3University of Groningen, Netherlands; 4Aarhus University, Denmark

Presenting Author: Heikkinen, Hannu; Bjerkholt, Eva; Helms-Lorenz, Michelle; Plauborg, Helle

The induction phase is an important part of teachers' professional development. Thus, in the EERA network Professional Learning and Development, numerous presentations and symposia have been held during the past couple of decades with the common theme of induction of new teachers.

One well-established way of supporting teachers is mentoring. It has recently been increasingly interpreted as peer learning and dialogue rather than as a one-way transfer of tacit knowledge or socialisation in the workplace.

This workshop is open to all European educational researchers who are interested in developing modern approaches to mentoring research. The workshop is organised by the network project “Ecosystems of Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Europe (TIME)”. This initiative has been launched in 2021 as a part of the EERA network 1 (Professional Learning and Development) in association with the project “Nordic Teacher Induction - Promoting Professional Development” (NTI-PPD).

The objectives of the workshop are to:

- provide an opportunity for an informal meeting of educational researchers in Europe who are interested in induction and mentoring

- enable networking and collaboration between researchers interested in the topic

- present the activities of the network so far

- plan further research on induction and mentoring, for example in the form of joint publications, symposia and meetings

- outline the possibilities for applying for research funding for joint projects on induction and mentoring in Europe

Methodology, Methods, Research Instruments or Sources Used
Conclusions, Expected Outcomes or Findings