Research Data Management: Challenges in a Changing World
12. bis 14. März 2025 in Heidelberg und online
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New Developments in RADAR: Safeguarding and Publishing Research Data for Long-term Usability
FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institut für Informationsinfrastruktur, Deutschland
The poster provides an up-to-date overview on the research data repository RADAR, launched in 2017 as a cloud service. Initially developed in a DFG-funded project and operated by FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure, RADAR was created to securely archive, publish, and make research data findable, accessible, reusable, and citable. The research data is stored geo-redundantly in three copies each in two different academic data centers as packed data archives on tape. The retention period for published data is at least 25 years; archived data can be stored flexibly, for example for 10 years in accordance with the DFG Code of Conduct. As a generic system, RADAR provides a flexible infrastructure that supports a wide variety of research fields, and today, it is utilized by more than 20 universities and non-university research organizations. To meet the evolving demands of research institutions, researchers, and funders, the agile RADAR team continuously develops more sophisticated features and functionalities as well as new service offerings based on RADAR - all tailored towards the needs of the research community and the constantly changing landscape of research data management.
Using a timeline, the poster illustrates the functional scope of RADAR and also shows how the system has reacted to these dynamic changes to date and will react in the near future.
The milestones achieved so far address topics such as metadata annotation (update of RADAR's own metadata schema, support for discipline-specific metadata schemas), improving the FAIRness of research data (e. g. FAIR Signposting,, RADAR knowledge graph, SPARQL endpoint and F-UJI FAIRness assessment) as well as functional enhancements such as the alternative upload option of research data via WebDAV protocol available since the beginning of 2024. The latest improvements to the RADAR software will also be presented: the recently introduced Git integration, the upcoming versioning of datasets and direct access to individual files by additionally storing datasets on disk storage in addition to the tape archives.
Beyond that, the poster will highlight our community-specific publication services (RADAR 4Culture, RADAR4Chem and RADAR4Memory) developed as part of the NFDI and present the alternative RADAR operating variants in which institutions can integrate their own IT resources into RADAR (RADAR Local and Hybrid). These operating variants are also becoming increasingly interesting for RDM state initiatives and offer starting points for different RADAR usage scenarios in regional contexts, e.g. as in the federal state of Brandenburg, where RADAR is used in a cross-university network.
Our poster offers numerous points of contact for discussions with representatives from academic institutions interested in research data management, with operators of other research data repositories and with conference participants who are potentially interested in linking their own services with RADAR.
Details zur Session:
Postersession (inkl. Kaffee)
Zeit: 14.03.2025: 10:00-11:30 · Ort: 2. Obergeschoss, Foyer
Impressum · Kontaktadresse: Datenschutzerklärung · Veranstaltung: E-Science-Tage 2025 |
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