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Workshop 129: Information Infrastructures in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges
Mittwoch, 12.03.2025:
13:30 - 15:00
Ort:2. Obergeschoss, Hörsaal 14
Information Infrastructures in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges
Anna Jacyszyn1, Matthias Razum1, Harald Sack1, Felix Bach1, DiTraRe-Study Group1,2
1FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure, Germany; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Research is increasingly being shaped by digitalisation processes. This applies both to research methods and to their communication within science as well as between academia and society and has a strong impact on research results. This expanding digital transformation affects all disciplines of science. It goes hand in hand with the ‘datafication’ of research, where currently numerous research questions are data-driven. The amount of quantitative and qualitative data available for analysis is constantly growing. As a result, research practices and methodologies are changing fundamentally. Already in 2005, Hey et al. described data-driven research as a new paradigm for the acquisition of knowledge, in which data acquisition and its analysis have a clear separation and the same data can be reused to answer different scientific questions. Proper management of research data requires state-of-the-art information infrastructures which should allow i.e. comprehensive analysis and compliance to FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, reusability) principles. Modern designs of such infrastructures start to integrate different AI methods, which in numerous cases lead to significant improvements, such as automated metadata extraction and enrichment, error detection and correction, pattern recognition. However, the ways in which we can employ AI in the digital transformation need to be studied in more detail to understand scientific and cultural implications and possible effects - both positive and negative - on scientific findings and their interpretation. In the ever-changing world of scientific data and the fast-developing AI domain, multiple challenges arise and many questions remain unanswered.
The workshop organisers are members of the Leibniz ScienceCampus "Digital Transformation of Research" (DiTraRe) which provides an environment for an exchange between researchers and supports development of specific as well as general solutions. We investigate the effects and potentials of the increasing digitalisation of scientific work in four interdisciplinary research clusters with a special focus on information/data infrastructures and AI. Our workshop session will begin with a short interactive panel consisting of questions directed to the audience. Next we will present the goals and work-plan of the DiTraRe along with a detailed introduction into each of our four use cases. After these introductive presentations, we will invite experts in the presented fields as well as in AI and sociology to first share their insights into adopted and planned strategies. Later, the experts will join a panel discussion which will be moderated with mostly pre prepared questions. We will discuss the current possibilities and challenges concerning usage of AI in specific research environments as well as in academia in general. We will also focus on communication and cooperation between researchers and society in terms of the expanding process of digitalisation. After the workshop statements of invited experts will be included in the conference proceedings. During presentations and discussions we will actively motivate our audience to take part in the debate by asking questions and conducting short votings to find members of the audience who are tackling similar problems. One of the aims of the workshop is to create a networking environment and enhance collaborations.