Register New

On this page you can create a new user account for the ConfTool conference management system. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in.

Personal Information

* Title 
* Title
You may enter the e-mail address(es) of one or several person(s) to receive copies (CCs) of all personal messages sent to you by ConfTool. Several addresses have to be separated by commas.
* CCSC 2024 Code of Conduct 
* CCSC 2024 Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

CCSC 2024 is an international forum for open and honest scientific discussion in a safe and inclusive atmosphere. Unprofessional and illegal behaviour, harassment, and discrimination including but not limited to listed below will not be tolerated:

  • Offensive verbal comments and inappropriate or demeaning language, aggressive behaviour of any kind, unwanted physical contact.
  • Harassment via the use of epithets, slurs, derogatory jokes or comments; threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts; denigrating written or graphic materials.
  • Sexual harassment including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, sexual assault, and other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
  • Discrimination against an individual or a group based on race, colour, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, marital status, or political ideology.
  • Scientific research misconduct via recording or photographing and publicly distributing another individual’s presentation (e.g., lecture slides, poster, demo) without their explicit permission, disrupting another individual’s presentation, etc.

If you experience or witness unprofessional or offensive behaviour, please report it immediately to the conference organisers ( All reports will remain confidential.

Violations of this code of conduct may result in the interruption of the presentation, denial of further access to the conference venue and activities, and prohibition on the attendance of future meetings.

* Data Privacy Agreement 

Data Privacy Agreement

In order to use the ConfTool system, you will create a user account with your personal details. Your user data, your actions and the results of your actions will be stored within the system.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

Information stored in the ConfTool system will exclusively be used in relation to this event or a subsequent event. Your personal data will only be passed on to third parties if this is necessary for the organization of the event, for billing purposes or for legal reasons (e. g. in the case of an external audit), but it will not be distributed or sold to other parties for other purposes.

Right to Information

Upon request, the organisers of this event will provide you, in writing, with all personal data they have stored about you. You can inquire where the data were collected, to whom they are disclosed and the purposes for which they have been stored.

Privacy Statement

By accepting the privacy agreement you also confirm that you read the privacy statement of the operators of this ConfTool installation.

* Data Privacy Agreement

Account Information

Your user name must be at least two (2) characters long. It is case sensitive.
Passwords must have at least five (5) characters.
They must include at least one letter (a–z) and one number (0–9). Passwords are case sensitive.
Please repeat your password for verification.